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Posts posted by pud333

  1. About 15 years I think. M7 debuted in '94 (did Bandai have the licence right from the start?) and Yamato only released their first M7 valkyrie (VF-22S Gamlin) in 2009.

    Frontier debuted in 2008, so if Bandai wanted to, it would be a long time before we see any Yamato Messiahs...

  2. Also had an issue paying Amiami via credit card and I sent the payment by PayPal. Hope there's no problem with it, since I already pre-ordered the armor parts through Tokyo-Hunter B))

    So did I. For some reason Amiami doesn't like my CC, the same one I use everywhere. Whatever. paid with paypal. Your order should be fine.

    Yes. December of 2012. :)

    I hate how we see the fiinished photos, but still have to wait six months. :(

  3. I'll say it again, we all have transformable wallets:

    With every macross release they have the ability to transform into empty ones.

    For sure. I just paid for my 171 plus some other stuff at Amiami, and I've still got to pay for some Transformers and potential SDCC purchases in July... just not enough money to go around. I need a raise. haha.

  4. Paid for my order at Amiami.

    I also ordered the parts at Nippon-Yasan this time. Normally I go with Tokyo-Hunter, but I decided to give NY a try, since I don't have to pay up front. Nothing personal, since TH is great, but I just didn't have the money to pay up front this time. Too much stuff I have to pay for in the next couple of months.

  5. I saw lots of Gundam.

    I also saw pics of Kabukicho in that album. Oh my! :rolleyes:

    I just pretended the Gundam was replaced with Macross.

  6. lol. I totally didn't read that you already bought the assembled version before I posted.

    Congrats man. Welcome to the club!

    As for people touching your SDF-1... I don't let anyone touch mine. My GF has joked about messing with my Macross toys, but a few months ago she broke my Alternity Starscream, and ever since then she's learned not to touch the high end toys.

  7. Eh. Don't really care. Yeah, would prefer it to be at least like the Yamato 17D, but whatever. Still keeping my order. On the bright side, for those who think this is a deal breaker, it makes me giggle when reading the complaints. Silver lining, amiright?!?

  8. I like the one guy complaining that the 5040 yen was too expensive for the armored parts and missiles. I almost wanna ask if this is his first time around the block?

    Yeah, I thought it was nothing out of the ordinary.

    I can't believe these are still available at Nippon Yasan for $199 this late in the game. Maybe the demand isn't there for this one.

    The original preorders sold out in a blink of an eye almost everywhere. Chances are websites were being careful and put up very small numbers. Now that it's only a week or so from release, chances are they have actual stock confirmation. I wouldn't be surprised if Amiami and other major sites start opening up orders again closer to, or upon, release date. It happened with the YF-29 reissue. If NY has more preorders open, I figure they are confident they can fill more orders by now. They did lower the price by five or six bucks though. Used to be like $207 or something.

  9. hmmm, have 2 171's on order and was going to sell one... now I think I'll have to keep both.

    Me too. but I always intended on keeping both. Mwahahaha! The 171 is one of the last must-have valks for me. That, and the Elint. Still need one of those badboys.

  10. I think if it comes into stock, and you don't notice it, and don't realise to 'send instock items', it sometimes disappears. I have had that happen. But also occasionly it will show 'discontinued' on the item page, but 'low stock' on your status page, as if it has one on hold for you.

    But yeh, its kinda confusing to say the least. I'm happy they have finally got a "Pile of Private Warehouse Loot''


    Other people have complained about that at HLJ. A preorder there doesn't seem to be absolutely guaranteed once it comes in stock. People have complained the order would disappear out of their accounts, or go "discontinued." With Amiami, if you have a preorder, and the stock comes in as planned, you are guaranteed the order. It can sit in your POL for the entire month while your other preorders come in and you never have to worry about it, because it is considered yours unless you don't pay. HLJ, on the other hand, when it comes to rare items, like some of Bandai's other lines, people have complained the order disappears. So you pretty much have to watch on release day for the item to be in your account, then tell them to ship it immediately, or else risk losing it in their bizzare system. It hasn't happened to everyone, but I have heard complaints. Usually happens more for rare items, or items that sell out quickly. It's almost as if the system took one too many preorders. eg: They put up 200 for preorder, all the preorders sell out, but really, it was more like 190, so the first 190 to press "ship now" get it, the other 10, even though they had preorders, are out of luck. I just don't think it was ever as accurate as other web site systems.

    If this new system fixes those problems, I wouldn't mind moving more business back to HLJ since they do have that great EMS discount.

    EDIT: I'm not trying to make people more paranoid than they already are. I'm just relaying what I've heard from other people. This has never actually happened to me, but then, I have never really ordered a rare or small stock item from HLJ.

  11. I love how the whole package looks. I really do like the cannon and the missle pack. I love how it's not symetrical and sort of like a patchwork of other bots. Definitely something that looks like some guys thought, "Well, we'll take this valk, throw whatever we got on it and see how it works."

  12. From their website:

    - If you want to pay later:

    Choose the method of payment PRE-ORDERS ONLY

    Did you choose the right option?

    I don't know why that site offers both the pay now or pay later options. It seems to confuse people, despite their best intentions to warn people. It would be better if they just chose one option and stick with it.

  13. Great story pud. :)


    Awesome... my dad would act like a hard ass at the store, but he'd usually be the one to throw down on my new robots too. I think dads in general can just relate to collecting hobbies more than moms can.

    Yeah for sure. My dad was definitely the one that bought me all my favorite stuff as a kid. Off the top of my head, I can remember he got me Metroplex, Ultra Magnus, and the GI Joe Rolling Thunder. My dad also understood that I wasn't one of these kids that always asked for stuff. I rarely asked for anything, but when I did, it usually meant I had given it a lot of thought, and kept my grades up.

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