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Posts posted by pud333

  1. Geezus... can you imagine kids trying to convince their parents to buy them these toys for Christmas? lol.... It's crazy to think that a lot of the valks in my collection are each worth an Xbox Elite Kinect bundle. Man... wtf did I get myself into by starting to collect these things. haha

    Yeah, my parents would have said no for sure. Well, my mom. My dad would have bought me one. He bought me my first valkyrie back in the day. It was the Jetfire repaint of the old VF-1S. Still one of my favorite shopping moments ever with my dad. I asked him for it, and after he bought it, he asked, "Are you SURE you want this one?" I said yes, and he then promptly threw the store receipt in the garbage and said, "Don't tell your mom how much it was." B))

  2. Huh that's odd. I didn't get any email from Nippon Yasan. I guess I'll wait and see and after a week or so of people saying there's has been shipped and I still see nothing I'll tell them I want a refund.

    I'd email them. They clearly expect more stock since they have the valk up for order again. Also check your junk mail.

  3. Kinda excited about this. You can now pay for items and hold them for 2 months while you search for more toys!

    I think this is great. I haven't bought there before as I didn't feel like paying $40 for shipping just to buy something else a couple weeks later at another 40 bucks a pop shipping.

    Edit: I buy from there all the time but sometimes I just don't feel ike paying $40 for a single valk.

    I haven't bought there, but I buy there all the time! lol.

    Seriously though, this is a great idea. Also with their 20% off EMS... awesome. This could really help on the multiple valk orders.

  4. I hate UPS. Always pay mega fees as a Canadian for UPS or any other private delivery service. EMS or SAL all the way. I rarely get hit with extra duty or fees with those options.

    Also, UPS rarely ever leaves a delivery notice (I live in a condo), so the only way I know there's something for me is by the tracking number. Then I have to drive 40 minutes to pick up my package, vs a 5 minute drive to my nearest post office.

  5. It's debatable just how accurate the scales are. The go-to scale for valks these days is 1/60. I think for most collectors, if the toys are close to the scale they say they are, then it's good enough. I'm sure you'll get some people really harping on the accuracy of the scales, especially the pilots and the cockpits. Me? If it looks good, and seems close enough, I don't care.

  6. Use compressed air & a feather duster for my anti-dusting campaigns.

    Love how your Mac7 valks are displayed. Gotta get me a Mac7 valk!

    I'd love to have an open display shelf, but dust is a b!tch here where we live...

    Dust isn't too much of an issue in my den, but I do have to dust once in a while. Usually use one of those swiffer dusters. And for those that don't have the Mac7 valks, you guys really need to get on that bandwagon. The 19 Fire and 17S are just the best ever. I can't wait for the 17D to be released with FAST packs!

  7. The problem w/ these stocks after release it that they charge full MSRP.

    Full MSRP is better than eBay still.

    Amiami and Hobbysearch both listed the day after the Tamashi site officially announced the VF-25G. Same as with the VF-171EX, so it was anticipated.

    I'm not aware of anyone getting a pre-order in at Amiami. I think only one person here succeeded at Hobbysearch, I got as far as checkout before it was sold out there. Both Amiami and Hobbysearch have Japanese store fronts, they may have listed before their English ones, causing the instant sellout on Amiami. It isn't certain, just suspected..

    This. HLJ seems to be the only one that puts stuff up days later. Part of all this is a lot of luck and timing. I've luckily ordered whatever I wanted from Amiami. The only one I've not gotten was the 25G, which I got from Anime-Export, mostly because I was on vacation in Ireland and had spotty wifi connections at the places I was staying at. But I still managed to snag a AE order, thanks to the window staying open due to people balking at paying up front. Even though I don't like to pay up front, AE has a good rep, and I really didn't want to spend the rest of my vacation hunting. So it was an easy call.

    I personally feel the same as you do regarding Amiami and Hobbysearch potentially updating their Japanese sites first, and that delay before the English site gets updated is what is shafting us. Plus Bandai's small stock orders, of course.

  8. I ordered my re release 29 from amiami. The preorder window lasted literally a few minutes. Same thing when I ordered the 171. Gone in minutes. If the way they did things was the same for the 25G, it is highly possible it was yet another blink and miss thing. Amiami has the best price and doesn't charge up front. Everyone is looking to hit them up first.

    That said, it doesn't mean they wont have some stock upon release. They've had extra 29s for sale after release.

  9. My patience is wearing paper thin at this point. I've not had a decent freaking nights sleep since pre-orders went up. Waking up every couple of hours to check HLJ, update scanner going off or not, is really pissing me off.

    If I wasn't such a huge kid in love with toys I'd have said F this after day one.


    Have you seriously been up every few hours every night for the past week or two? That's messed up. I wonder how many more people are doing this? I understand doing things on principle, and not overpaying on a preorder, but don't you guys like sleep? Is there a max you are willing to pay for one of these if you don't get it through HLJ? I'd have gone nuts by now if I couldn't sleep. I got back from the UK last week and my sleep pattern has been off every day and it drives me nuts.

  10. Why did I let Ozma go? Ok, I remember. I was waiting for positive reviews.

    Now I don't care if its broken or loose, I WANT OZMA REISSUED.

    Why were you waiting for positive reviews? weren't the Alto reviews enough? It's pretty much the exact same toy besides a new head and paint...

    One thing is certain, if Yamato had the license instead, we would have no trouble getting these, and Yamato would be making mad cash. I find myself resenting Bandai more and more each day.


    Yes. But how long does Bandai have the license? Didn't they have the Mac7 license for a long time? Might be a long time before we see Yamato versions.

    maybe... but if yamato had the license they would cost 300 dollars anyways and we'd only get 2 a year.

    Most people are already forced to pay $250 + for these renewals on the secondary market now anyway, but at least you know with Yamato they take their Macross crap seriously all the time.

  11. The YF-19 from 2006 was a severely flawed toy with multiple known issues, the least of which was a crooked gun. The VF-19's from 2011 are works of art in plastic and diecast.

    Yeah, I was definitely talking about the new VF-19s. I wish they'd redo the YF-19. I would buy that in a heartbeat. Also redo the YF-21!

  12. At any rate, the 29 is certainly an improvement over the previous offerings by Bandai. It's interesting to see the progress from the v1 25, to the 27, 29, and now the renewals. Bandai has improved in a very short amount of time. Hopefully the 171 is great.

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