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Posts posted by Sandman

  1. 23 minutes ago, LRS said:

    Certainly I have other hobbies. If I made it seem like receiving my valks with a long delay is overly important in the grand scheme of things then I apologize, because it’s not. I only mention it here because, well, this is MW. No one else I know cares or has even heard of this hobby. But I am excited to have rediscovered this hobby. 
    As for things returning to back to normal, it won’t. This pandemic will have lasting ramifications on how we will conduct our lives, at least in the US. What shape those ramifications take only time will tell. Covid isn’t going anywhere. It is far to contagious to isolate. I’ve lost two patients to covid already. I’ll be lucky if I don’t lose more. 

    Are you a doctor? If so.... I have this pain in my wrist.

  2. Just now, treatment said:

    Very strange, indeed.

    Unless you're talking about just the Hikky-1J standalone or Fast-Pack edition.  Those did not come with gray-goggles.

    Then again, those are old Yammies, too. 

    Afaik, Arcadia has not released a standalone or even Fast-Pack Hikky-1J. 

    They've only released the Armored Hikky-1J GPB set.



    Yeah that's the one i have (Arcadia first release). The box itself has the white googles on it. 
    Thinking about it i remember being dissapointed because the vf-1j had a loose backpack hook right out of the box. I kind of wonder if i did get screwed.

  3. 13 minutes ago, jenius said:

    All GBP releases have gray goggles, Yamato or Arcadia, if yours doesn't then someone swapped toys on you.

    That is strange since it was bought new and not used.

  4. Damn no PF. Have the orginal arcadia release but will probably buy this if it is grey google. Wish it was pf too to justify getting another.

    Arcadia while you are at lets see a pf of the yf-19 so it can have tampooed intake warnings like it should have had from the beginning.

  5. I think the time has passed for Arab and chuck supers. It's been too long since both 31s were released. I don't think bandai plans to release them. They didn't even add the speaker pack to the supers.

  6. So I was trying to get the gun on the hand and this happened.

    happen to anyone else? Afraid to try this on my other 31s now. I wasn’t using much force at all. 





  7. I think i'm just going to wait to release. My life is too hectic to worry about this kind of stuff these days. Though i was able to get a Max 1A after release at a reasonable price, i wasn't able to get the 1S at a reasonable price. Looks like i'm stuck paying a premium if i want that one.

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