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Posts posted by Sandman

  1. It’s been really a really sparse release schedule this year. I wonder why? On the up side I’ve been catching up on all the valks and other stuff that I had on the back burner to get.

  2. The news is kinda lackluster even though i want the VF-4 bad. Arcadia should be peppering their main releases with vf-1 re-releases like the VT and VF-ID. Their molds are already done and i imagine it's a whole lot easier to put in production.

  3. On 12/24/2019 at 11:55 PM, ps99042 said:

    NY just informed me that my strike parts are now coming with the second release even though I bought and paid for it during the initial pre-order.  And this was only a few hours after getting the email about how my trust is the foundation of their success.  Sigh...

    Same for me. What is this bullshit? First asking for the 0D payment early which then gets delayed to March. Trust my ass. They're really starting to annoy me.

  4. 5 hours ago, chyll2 said:

    Took the 24700 one. More or less just a few hundred yen more expensive than getting it from Mandarake.

    Total from Mandarake using DHL: 27450 yen

    Total from FJ with buyer protection plan: 27845


    Weird i thought i got that one.

  5. I'm disappointed how unrealized the Delta line is compared to Frontiers. Frontier released almost everything. Delta has made some weird decisions: Making the CF an exclusive and not making enough. No tan 171. Super parts without the sound boosters. No supers for 2 of the 5 delta squad valks so no displays with all valks wearing supers. Etc. 

  6. 21 hours ago, Rogueload said:

    I’m thinking Bandai is done with the VF-31. Maybe supers for the E and S but it could be a while for another valk. 

    I think we've passed the point where we can expect the supers for the s and e or even armour for the e.

  7. On 11/26/2019 at 9:12 AM, Mommar said:

    Yeah, the website still says December 31.  NY used to send out the payment requests two weeks in advance.  I'm surprised they want the money a full month early.  That's a huge hurt for Christmas.

    I sent them a message asking why they want payment so far in advance this time.

    Did you ever get an answer?

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