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Bariaburu Faita

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Posts posted by Bariaburu Faita

  1. Graham,

    The text reads "double lower chest at the time of Battroid mode".

    - Nanashi's Information Group

    I will second that. I was unable to make heads or tails of Mr. Kawamori`s crazy moon language so I asked a native Japanese Macross fan what it said. He said "Double chest tubes in Battloid mode"

    Clear as mud now eh? Excuse me while I schedule an interview with him to get the final answer. Uh... this might take a while :p:D:rolleyes:

  2. u know...after all you seeing how this tread as gone along i honestly would wonder what'd happen if big west decided to not make any macross shows, show reruns on tv or even release  macross toys...would us, the fans really step up and petition to save macross? would that honestly make us any different than them if we did? no it wouldn't...macross fans as any others, share the same desires and wants that any fan of anything basically...fans are fans...no matter how "loser" or "geekish" it all sounds...i honestly was never a fan of enterprise either but you have to give the fans credit for at least trying to save what they see as a "good" show...it's like if we all petitions to have a better ending/more episodes to macross zero  :p

    Something on a smaller scale is going on with Macross now. Many people feel that there are not going to be many toys or resin kits from Macross, so they are taking matters into their own hands. Making 2 seater 1/48 conversions, Valk Boosters, Minmay statues.

    This is because we are fans of the show, and in many cases fanboys/fangirls of Macross. I for one will put myself up for possible Internet assault by stating that I am a Macross fanboy, I go well beyond the normal human norms to try to enhance the community. I will even embarrass myself publicly to show my appreciation for the show (see the pic I posed for in Noels Wonderfest report)

    So even though I do not have the same appreciation for Enterprise, I can understand why some people would go to great lengths to support the show. Enterprise may have its flaws, but so does Macross. But we support it anyway because it holds a special place in our limited "lives" In order to "get a life" you need to have a variety of things, work, play, socializing. A enthusiastic hobby is most certainly an essential part of a complete life.

    Jemstone and Major Johnathan have some valid points, but much of what they are saying is more than just a bit inflammatory. This is quite normal for the Internet, but I`d like to think Macrossworld is a bit more friendly than most fansites. Something that helped before with Hurin and Haterist was to take a short "don`t post in each others thread" break. A voluntary truce and cooling off period might help in this case.

  3. Here is what I know so far;

    Yamato BGC figs 630yen, slightly larger than female Takara Micromen figures, but smaller than CMS. To be sold sometime later this year, but as this is a Yamato project dont be surprised if it turns out to be next year... or later <_<

    Atelier Sai BGC figs 6090yen, roughly same scale as Maxfactory Guyver figs, which means a bit smaller. Also to be sold later this year. Atelier Sai is very eager to make variable Motoslaves, but does not have financial backing for that yet. He does have a non-variable Mega Motoslave prototype that he did on his own time, but no release plans yet.

  4. Somehow I knew this would happen. I had called Rob durring WF right after I found these asking his advice if I should buy a bunch of these. He said yes, but then I realized the only money I had left was Grahams money which I had to refund since I didnt win the Liquid Stone YF-19. So I ended up passing on them.

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