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Posts posted by transfan52

  1. Im pretty much done with gundam collecting at this point but its good to see theyre focusing on more zeon units though... and about that pic with the MG RX-78 ver. 2... I think its time they stop making reiterations of that same model! Seriously every year another form of it comes out! Oh well at least theres something new and different coming to the table, I look forward to more info on the show.

  2. As of right now im not really interested in the 1/60 perfect transformation vf-1s... I still got alot of the other 1/60s to collect like the sv-51s and another 1/48 vf-s roy fokker edition. I do like the fact that theyre alot cheaper then the 1/48 vf-1s though and they come with more stuff to boot. It is getting kinda annoying how long the yf-21 is taking though thats first on my list when it comes out.

  3. LOL after seeing all those big collections I was feeling kind of envious, I only started collecting macross stuff last year to tell you the truth and I kinda regret not getting into it sooner, I first started collecting everyting else waay back around 8 years ago in 2000.

    First starting with gundam models, then fix line, then vintage transformers. I have a good variety of different things I like and I only stop collecting once I get tired of a current line so I never really complete anything I just like to make sure I have alot of good peices from a particular line like 10 or 12 of em then I stop. I dont think ill ever stop collecting though its just one of those ongoing hobbies that ill never grow out of.

  4. I think its just better to wait for it on ebay or something, itll pop up as soon as its out in no time... The only problem is trying to get it before the next person because usually american toy websites get theyre orders in late as japan gets first dibs on the latest of their products. I know ill be getting one... maybe not when it first hit shelves but eventually ill grab one.

  5. You know while I think it is nice and I do like the toy I would only really get it if I was a completist collector and therefore had to have every single valk ever made but alas im not, Maybe if I were rich id spend the 800 on it but even then I would feel ashamed... Just doesnt seem worth it to me.

  6. I have just that same issue my friend its the one with the zaku 2 F2 on the cover right? Im in the US East Coast so if your in the US as well it wont cost you much... lol now if I can only find it in my pile of old magazines... I know I didnt throw it away but Im pretty sure its in good condtion, If I find it again ill pm you ok?

  7. I have the RX 78 2 and the Psico Gundam Metal Material ones and ther are no-way-near the normal FIX line. None of them use PVC but mailnly ABS and Diecast. Maybe there are some PVC parts but not much at all. This toys are more close to a bigger scale High Complete Model Pro with diecast content... like a SPEC line.

    Also there are no pieces falling or flopping arround, both the toys I have are pretty tight, well detailed and decaled.

    I would NEVER buy the Fix line as I trully find it horrible, but the metal line is a different story.

    Well thats a good thing to hear but FYI the fix line is just fine IMO. Theyre really not meant to be played with too much and theyre more like pre built models then toys. That and theyre not nearly as expensive as say a valkyrie is... If they were so terrible they would have been discontinued long ago but alas they survive. The quality IMHO is waay better then what you would get from a regular 1/100 scale model or an MSIA and thats saying alot for a figure.

  8. There's so many stories going around. We won't really know what happens until it happens. There's been talk that what we get will be taken out of next years refund. Is this true? Who know's? Prob. no one on these forums. We can claim to know by what we read. But is that really the truth? If we all believe what we hear and read...we would all be a bunch of rejects eh? Now....back to the subject at hand.....imagining holding the YF-21 in my hands.....ooooooo.......I hope it has some good weight to it....but not too much.


    I dont know about most of you ppl on this board but you guys must be either lucky or are ignoring your already huge pile of dept... The bush administration says its to boost the american economy but in reality the money just isnt enough to prevent an eventual collapse of the american aka global economy.

    If I were you guys I wouldnt be so quick to spend it all on toys and pay off the dept as quickly as possible before the sh1t hits the fan.

  9. Although many ppl around here say OMG Chunky Monkey!! It is not a great representation of a valkyrie. First of all it has the basic look of a valkyrie but nothing more... The proportions are WAY off and its movement is limited.

    I cant knock it too much though because it was in fact the first real transformable valkyrie toy ever. I havent gotten around to owning one yet though and after playing with my brothers a little bit I can see why... Its just too expensive for the quality of toy by todays standards, I dont care if its made out of metal or durable I just want an accurate representation of my valks period.

  10. Hey guys im looking for some display stands for my valkyries preferably 1/48 and for 1/60 scale valks. Im also looking for a cheap price... Preferably 30 dollars or under. If anyone has any spare stands they can sell or knows of a good deal please pm me or reply on this thread thanks.

  11. Its a 1/100 (same as MG kit)

    Here's a an HLJ link of the one at my local store.


    Are the metal one's better than the regular fix figs. I have a deep striker and a couple of other Fix figs that I'm not too fond of. Are the metal one's still made of the gasphon material?


    If your not satisfied with some of the current fix lines I doubt youll like the metal composite... Most of the metal portion is on the legs and feet. The body uses the same material as the current fix line though, PVC I guess.

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