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Posts posted by transfan52

  1. Does anyone think Bandai will make this macross toy crap on purpose because they want gundam toys to succeed more than macross? With the only reason them wanting to do the toys being that they can just to *prevent yamato from having the license? :D

    *ie more as a hostile move to deny something to the competition more than because you care about the thing you are taking from it?

    I dont think its that complicated... If anything bandai wants to try and capture a new market and make even more insane amounts of money than what they have been making with the gundam franchise.

    Everybody is judging what appears to be a very early sculpt from bandai, I highly doubt this sculpt will pass through the scrutiny of the design process though. Bandai is simply giving us an early preview of a possible sculpt. Since they know were all itching to know what the new product line would look like, probably as we speak theyre making changes.

  2. you're actually insulting the general culture of a people that is coming up with... let's see, i dunno, anime??

    well sure if you don't like anime, thats fine.but if you do, and you still insult the japanese as opposed to america, then there's something wrong there. stick with shrek. or ice age. or surf's up. take your pick. they all broke box office records there anyway.

    Hey I don't have to like everything japan throws out there ok, just like I dont have to like every tv show made in america or every american made movie. Im just stating my opinion based on facts, and the fact is that I don't agree with the trends in popular entertainment currently taking place in japan that is all.

  3. Its not just the hip kibble, the entire side of the fighter was exposed prior to, and afterwards not only was it covered, but the legs were completely different. Its more than just the hip kibble, again the leg molds are completely different. The proportions are different, why do you think so many people were pissed when it came out? I wasn't pissed, but a lot of people were.

    As far as wondering, well the VF-25DX is not finished. Otherwise they would have shown something further at shizuoka. Yamato usually shows their valkyries at more refined stages, its clear at this point that Bandai does not. The first 1/60 VF-0 sculpt was from the already tooled molds for production, its obvious that this VF-25 shown is not at that stage.

    WTF is hip kibble ne way I keep hearing that on the forums, can somebody enlighten me?

  4. Nice collection you have there. Looks a bit cramped though but its alot of stuff so its understandable... Are those destroids the exo squad american releases? Because I remember a few years back in like 95 they had some destroids released in america.

  5. After seeing the pic for the 1/60 DX vf-25 all I can say is eewww... It looks terrible so far but I wont come to any conclusions yet as it is still an early proptotype. All I can say is that bandai has their work cut out for them to get this toy right... other than that the model looks good though.

  6. I'm talking specifically about the new HGUC's. The last time I built an HG model was way back in the mid 90's when Gundam Wing models were imported, this was a couple years before they were released in TRU after Gundam Wing got huge on Toonami.

    I've built models with no paint before, but its a wish of mine to take the time and paint one well this time around.

    Im talking specifically about the HGUC line dopey. Not the regular HGs your dumb man.

  7. This is going to sound stupid but when did Bandai start making HGUC with ABS plastic? I've noticed some of the newest models have at least 1 sprue of ABS. Are the newer HGUC's as durable as the MG's with ABS?

    I stopped building anything but MG years back(well and even then I rarely build) because MG was the only thing aside PG with ABS. Has the addition of ABS helped with the HGUC's?

    I am thinking about picking some up. I am a very casual modeler and I want to take a stab at painting this time. I figure an HGUC is the right way to go for me since:

    -its relatively cheap

    -offers a wide selection of obscure mecha that might not ever be made as a MG

    -easy to find

    The main ones I am looking at are the new Zaku F2 from 0080, and this green GM with dual saber staff.

    Ive built one or two of the earlier HGUC and they dont really need a whole lot of paint to tell you the truth. the colors are pretty accurate out of the box and even the earlier HGUC that werent made with ABS were pretty durable. Id highly recommend getting one just to see if you like it. Painting would make it look nicer but make sure you get accurate colors or else itll look off.

  8. Indeed, I've noticed that, too. Growing far less skeptical than I was originally. Still a bit annoyed at lebouf being in this but shouldn't be too hard to get over it.

    Yeah lately speilberg has been putting him in alot of his movies lately... Hmm makes me wonder if thats his secret love child or something... hes not that bad of an actor though so its ok I guess... :blink:

  9. I'm not surprised. Given how the ratings have been low since the beginning and the "plot" has only kicked in. Throw in the multiple other "School Drama's" that have come before and that they have been less flat and far more engrossing than M:F. AND that it's also being shown when Gundam 00, and CodeG are also on. The low ratings are not surprising at all!

    Music & Mecha action can only carry an anime so far and the characters and story have to carry it the rest of the way.

    Maybe thats because most japanese people like happy person anime with little girls and all that moei garbage thats out there... Japan has really become a demented country... They have seriously lost touch with reality and it shows with their general interest in entertainment... im glad here in the states ppl arent obsessed with that garbage. Code geass?! give me a break I never liked that anime... everything about it is gay... and gundam is old.

  10. You dont wanna know.

    PSSSSST. Look at my siggy.

    anybody can type numbers on a computer pssh give me a break why dont you show some pics to prove?

  11. AFAIK, this will be more of an arcade type action/shooter, rather than a proper sim.

    It's just a pity it's not coming to the PS2 as the only reason I would buy an X box is if they made a new Macross game for it. I'm not putting down the Xbox, rather new Macross games are the only reason for me to buy another console.


    FYI no macross game has ever been that great... heck even gundam games for the PS2 were better and more fun.

  12. "Now, I'm eyeing VF-0's.... these things are like crack cocaine."

    I know dude I wanna get a vf-0a with ghost booster but right now I wont. Its not good to keep spending money all the time uncontrollably... thats childish.

  13. I havent been collecting valks for almost a year since my last valk was purchased but then again thats before I discovered these forums... Man now im all valk hungry again and purchased a second 1/48 just to display it with the GBP armor... man its funny the way other ppl can influence you isnt it... Now I owe almost 400 dollars in credit dept thanks to these new purchases I have made... I gotta stop seriously I think my sv-51 nora purchase will be my last for a long time to come though I feel satiated now at least.

  14. I think your being a bit to critical of the last crusade it seems. Although it appears from your comment that raiders is the best movie and that every movie should be that way dont you think itd be kinda boring if every movie were in the same mood as raiders was?

    Part of the Indie series that I always liked was the suttle humor in the movies... heck even raiders had some humor. Like when indie shoots a guy who does all this fancy stuff with a sword and some of the fight scenes too and the way people get killed and get knocked out. Intentional or not you have to admit some of those scenes have humor in them.

    I think the directors realized this after seeing raiders for the first time and decided to focus more on this sort of thing with the temple of doom and although alot of scenes in that movie are overdone or over the top they are still funny IMO. The same with the last crusade, the humor isnt laugh out loud funny bit its noticeable and gives you a chuckle here and there.

    The movies arent a comedy by any means but theyre well balanced and not too gritty. Thats what I think locas and spielberg wanted IMO.

  15. I dont come to the toy boards often as I use to due to so much useless subjective criticisms in the past though it looks it has subsided due to less releases from Yamato. Pppl here were complaining for the sake of complaining. Constructive criticisms is fine and dandy like the VF-0 Arms falling apart or Yamato putting on two right arms on the VF-1. But man, did ppl b!tch like their vaginas had a yeast infection... They went on and on and on like a broken record about not anime correct or their childhood was raped. Ok, we got the point. STFU.

    But if you said [enter macross yamato product] wasnt that bad or your problem with the product is so subjective, ppl would pounce on you like a dog humping your leg, saying you are a Yamato fanboy in which you see Yamato does no wrong and continue till you got tired of arguing with childish adults. They feel they are clearly in the right and argue to the point they look like spoiled brats. Opinions are like a$$holes: everyone has one but for heaven's sake dont act like one.

    I understand that you bought an expensive item and it is isnt to your expectations. Unfortunately you may not be able to take it back for refund. Yes you have the right to complain but hell, stop beating a dead horse. You made your point now move on. All you can hope for is that Yamato listen or for that matter any company will listen and then improve the next release. When you complain till the cows come home, your point gets lost. If you are so upset with the product, it is simple, dont buy the goddamn thing or future releases. Really. Follow the rule of 1st time shame on them, 2nd time shame on me. "But they are the only ones that make such and such toy so they make us buy it." It sounds like: "WAH, my pussy hurts." BULLSH!T! Stop making excuses. No one made you buy it a second time. You want to make an impact, it is simple: affect their bottom line i.e. do not buy it. They are in it to make the money, plain and simple.

    I digress... I find complaints are useful when it is constructive and objective. It helps me make my decision in buying anything. However, when subjectivity comes in to play, I ignore it but it downright annoying trying to find it in a sea of BS complaints.

    As for yamato, I am satisfied. Yes my Yammies aint perfect. Nothing is broke so far and I am getting rid ones that have design issues.

    LOL very good post, im assuming this thread was started because of my recent argument with beware of blast earlier or similar arguments that have happened frequently about yamato in past threads... Hey I like to hear peoples opinions on things, especially when its fanboyish or one sided I find it humorous to say the least.

    I also think that it makes the forums somewhat more interesting, hey part of the joy of forums is the anonymity of the user and his stating of opinion on a particular topic. If everyone agreed on everything all the time I think things would get pretty boring and wed have alot less to talk or argue about IMO. It only starts getting annoying when things are brought up over and over again and people argue just for the sake of argueing then it becomes a problem.

  16. Which doesn't do us a damned bit of good if they keep delaying the release month after month... <_<


    I see what you mean man I can hardly wait for this toy either. I wish yamato would come out and explain why they are having so many delays in the first place... cmon this toy cant be so complicated that it takes them this long to release it...

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