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Posts posted by transfan52

  1. You see people the problem is that with a movie like indy being hyped as much as it was and the ammount of rumors about it in production for years, people have come to expect the impossible... and that is lucas actually making a film like he did back in the late 70's and mid 80's...

    Its just not gonna happen anymore... I seriously think ppl expect too much of the man... ever since he adopted those kids he has kiddiefied all the movies hes ever made and sanitized them so that the kiddies wouldnt be scarred for life. He did that with the star wars prequels and it comes out the most in episode 1 and he did that with indy with all the cheesy witty dialogue and animal scenes, sanitzed violence etc...

    That doesnt mean that their bad movies per say... but theyre never gonna be like the classics we know of today. But lately I feel very few movies live up to their hype these days... especially modern ones... but overall the special effects make up for it and dissapointing movies can still be memorable at least.

  2. I will probably end up skipping animated for some classics/universe. I do like the fact that animated is trying something different with the transformers by making them like superheroes and giving them a greater focus on the characters themselves and not just the fighting. The new generations of kids needs to see what good writing can do, and treat the series less like a robot show and more like a show you watch with robots in it. If the series wasn't about robots and you had no interest in toys, you would hopefully still want to watch it for the characters' depth, story and humor. ..but that doesn't mean I prefer it over a non-super hero style of show where the fighting CAN be the focus of the story and it is just action packed fight scene after another. (ie see the new Spectacular Spiderman cartoon if you want to see a fast action-packed ADHD toon with cool fights and witty dialogue, and less emphasis on character development) Which is why I can ignore the toys. I feel like as good as they are, because they want to be stylised in such a way that their body is exaggerated, it is just that bit easier to resist. I'm sure they will still sell well though.

    As for the purchase of Leader Brawl:

    Yeah I like brawl leader class version. Accept for the face. I do like the claws on the leader version. You get that sense he is an evil creature and is designed for one thing: destruction. All the heavy weapons and bulky body covered in armor plates is the reminder to run away. "I am the giant robot. Since I'm not a shrinking robot from G1 like megatron who goes down to normal size, or a combiner like devastator who crumbles into pieces just from losing balance, my natural size is scary enough. I am a monster robot"

    And this is where the more animalistic claws seem to work well for him where it doesn't for the good guys who still look 'creepy' by having sharp hands and stuff. You can imagine that evil robot guys specifically created brawl, tortured him, and then like a caged animal set him free to go and destroy things like a trained unthinking beast. Oh well that's what made me buy him. Also helped that starscream sucked for being a chunky fighter jet so it meant there wasn't many other decepticons worth getting. (and yes I have seen custom paint of megatron and stuff and think it looks awesome but I don't have patience to do that. Brawl looks ok just plain green)

    And people that say deluxe brawl is better: I think they are lying.

    1. Leader brawl has better and more practical transformation. (the tank turret isn't a mere shell that hides the arms, it's a solid piece that you can imagine has stuff inside it in both modes to be functional in both modes. Just like how a valkyrie doesn't split up the cockpit into parts and still remains useful and functional in all modes because it's a part that doesn't need to change.)

    2. the long cannon of deluxe brawl would have made the joint go loose. Any robot that has one really long barrel is going to need a strong joint in the elbow for larger size toys. Plus if the robot was real it would shoot more accurately by having the gun mounted to the backpack and guided by the hand of the user.

    3. more movie accurate than deluxe

    4. no shoulder problem connecting to the body.

    5. skinny arms but chunky legs look silly. Arms being at the sides on leader class is better imo.

    6. more detail due to the bigger size. For example the minigun can be seen and isn't covered up by the hinge of the wrist mounted claw weapon.

    7 clicky joints.

    The Bad poo:

    1. worse green than the deluxe version imo

    2. more expensive

    3. poo pose-ability. But it's a blocky guy that sits there and blows poo up. Not dances and somersaults and twists and cartwheels from danger. It's actually suitable for a brute force character to not care about moving around so much when its attention should be on using all its weapons to destroy 90% of the time instead of evade like the smaller guy. It's like a monster robot like similar to the introduction of scorponok in the movie.

    4. the light and sound gimmicks. Clear plastic parts don't go well with the rest of the robot's body.

    5. the main cannon barrel is smaller in proportion to its body than the deluxe. The deluxe Brawl makes the barrel large which gives it a more powerful look. You can say this is like the transformers equivalent to the "small hands = more girly" argument for the yamato 1/48 vf-1, where having something be skinny makes it seem a little too weak and delicate. :D

    LOL I think you posted in the wrong topic shirlock.

  3. Being that I sold my PSP a long time ago, im not really concerned with the system anymore, it didnt really have that much games in the first place and its not a very good multimedia device either... the last game I played for it was MGS:PO, nothing since then thats been release has caught my interest oh well right now DS is king of the handhelds I guess.

  4. That battroid pose is so uninspired. Come on! Who in the world set that up? He looks bored and tired. I am hoping that better poses will make it look better but still the proportions look off.

    I see what you mean though... its almost as if bandai doesnt give sh1t how it turns out... in their eyes they must be thinking. "Screw it, its just a macross toy weve got gundam as a cash cow so who cares". The presentation is just lazy! :angry:

  5. After seeing the movie for the first time today I think it is really good! I really like the plot surprisingly.

    The way they approached the whole alien thing wasnt too silly. and you know archeologists have found pictures from incan and mayan ruins depicting creatures of a similar shape being worshipped... Also there are rumors that say the flat tops of their pyramids were used as landing areas for UFOs.

    I think its a good thing lucas was able to take unexplained phenomenon in history and make a movie out of it... cool stuff.

  6. I was just wondering wether the bandai display stands for their gundam MG model kits are any good for use on a valk, and if they are how do they hold up the toy? can they display the valk in gerwalk mode as well as fighter mode?

  7. My TV is a first generation 32" HDTV Samsung tube, it can only go up to 1080I, ive been reading the posts about a buzzing noise coming out of the audio with HDMI cables plugged.

    Ive had a similar thing happen to me with the component cables... it turns out one of the component connectors for the cables on my tv is damaged and it keeps making an annoying buzzing noise... My warranty already expired by the time that happened though so I just switched to the HDMI port for my PS3 and now it works fine. Just my 2 cents

  8. Finally saw the movie. My two cents:

    I went in it expecting an adventure film, came away feeling a definite sci-fi tone near the middle once the plot was shown. I like Indy films separate from other genres. Kinda like how I'd be disappointed if the Bourne movies somehow integrate Sasquatch or the Loch Ness monster into it, not my cup of tea.

    Still, I enjoyed the movie for what it was... a flick with a history of fun adventures and slap-dash action. I could've done away with the cheesy one-liners in the first 20 minutes or Tarzan-Mutt. Wonder now when Shia will be taking over the enterprise for the 5th film?

    I still have yet to see it but im gonna probably be put off by the sci fi tone of the movie more than anything...

  9. alright, so I just bought my first Valkyrie, the 1/60 YF-19 w/Fold Booster and while it's introduced me into collecting these, I was just wondering if there are any that are made of Die Cast Metal, either a little bit or primarily?

    I'm looking at the WAVE SDF-1 on my "next to get list"

    any other suggestions on which one I should buy next as well?

    and hello ;)

    So far none of the 1/60 scale valks or 1/48 valks by yamato have any metal. The wave SDF-1 had some diecast, but not a whole lot. If I were you id get myself at least one 1/48 scale VF-1 for its sheer size. Or you can wait for the 1/60 vf-1 coming out but it wont be as big.

  10. Um, maybe it's because the other companies aren't that gay? If you are ever aware of Bandai's way of doing things, they are very inflexible, Ie:- they don't really practice listening to fans... the ugly prototype you saw is what you'll probably get as a final product. The only saving grace about Bandai is we can be sure of the durability and the mechanics of transformation will be of top quality.

    So yeah, it's much easier for Yamato to imbue better build quality and mechanics on top of their already superb valk accuracy. That's why the level of butthurt is never the same. Don't know why you find it cute though - I don't swing that way.

    LMAO, other companies arent that gay? wow the maturity level is staggering here.

  11. I purchased a Garland a few months ago and it has sat in its box on a shelf. I decided to display it a couple nights ago. When I removed the top plastic tray, the arm of the figure fell off. It had a clean break between the elbow and shoulder of the figure. A dab of super glue should take care of that. Then I transformed it to battroid with extreme care following an instructional video from Youtube. After getting it transformed I tried posing it. I moved the right arm and it was as if the plastic within the should was dry rotted. I mean it just crumbled without any stress or pressure. I am clueless as to what to do to fix or replace it. Any ideas you guys can provide would be most helpful. Thanks!



    Theres a testament to the ever enduring quality control of yamato...

  12. Band/Yamat-Aide: a concert to support the purchase of future Macross Toys?

    The side by side photos just has my eyes focus on the screws on the front of the shoulders. I hope that a plastic cover is made that conforms with the raised edge .. not just a circular plug or worse yet a sticker.

    LOL a sticker... Unfortunately I have owned some bandai models that use a sticker to sometimes cover up the screw hole... Thats something I could expect from an american toy company like hasbro but not a refined company like bandai lol.

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