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Posts posted by one_klump

  1. Am I the only person that thinks that the air battle in Avatar could have been a little better handled if the natives threw mud instead of arrows? I mean, the human instruments were totally useless in that area, they said it was all VFR around those mountains. SO... blot out the windshields with mud and take them out at your leisure.

  2. A new HW2 Macross mod... Lestat and One Klump posts in the topic... Sexy ships...

    This starts to sound good :)

    Any way someone can lend a hand?

    Lol, been a while since I've been associated with the mod, I really haven't done anything but be a cheerleader for the last few years :)

  3. Did anyone else pick up the AT-TE for $50 last week at TRU? I got one for my son for Christmas, never felt it was worth the $100 price tag, but at $50 i couldn't refuse.

    I got mine for $30 from Hudsons (salvage store). Also picked up the Force Unleashed spaceship and the Assault Shuttle lego sets for $10 each.

    Just have to keep an eye out, the stock is different every week.

  4. I love the weaponry on those, but I am still having a hard time taking a red dinosaur seriously.

    I think the one I like best is the Command Wolf and its' variants. Not sure if its the wolf design or a small nimble chassis over a huge lumbering one.

  5. I'm about 1/2 way through the series, I finished Wizard and Glass last week. Started reading the series in 2004, but then read the spoiler to the last book, and was like "Omgwtf I'm not gonna read the rest." Recently, I have decided to finish reading the series after all.

    Sorry about spoiling it for you, I seriously avoided all info about the series when I started reading it, so it wouldn't be spoiled. All 7 books were awesome, and #7 was masterful. Even King warns you, right at the beginning of the last chapter, not to read it if you are happy with the ending at hand, and not to send him angry letters about the ending, which I thought was great, because after reading it, that it exactly what I wanted to do.

  6. I'm just amazed that some of you folks have so much money and so little regard for things that you can just "throw away" an expensive, complex toy. Like it never even occurs to you to offer it to someone for kitbashing for the cost of postage. Or you even lack the imagination to mod it into a 'wrecked' Valk for your display.

    Regardless of some persons' disappointment or frustrations at the quality - or lack thereof - of the product, it strikes me that one would simply be an incredibly spoiled-rotten, irresponsible and thoughtless person to simply destroy it or throw it away, especially when you're a member of a community in which many of your peers could make far better use of the item than sending it to your local landfill for a couple million years.

    In a hobby that is perhaps essentially childish, some displays of childishness are simply irredeemably negative.

    Just a dang minute here, I said that the plastic had degraded and all the joints were simply falling apart. So because I throw away a broken toy that I bought over 5 years ago, I am a "incredibly spoiled-rotten, irresponsible and thoughtless person"? Its none of your business what I do with my property. If I want to buy several thousand dollars worth of Yamato VF's and then make a huge bonfire with them, that's my business.

    Don't cry or call others names because you didn't get a free broken toy.

  7. Love the gerwalk segment lol

    I dunno, 200 smackers for this big boy seems a little less glorious now that I've seen it in action, I may just pick up the 1/100 and soom around the house with that instead.


    6400 yen for Armored Ozma or Alto, then shipping is about 2000 yen for SAL.

    This is the 1/72 model kit, not the 1/60 toy

  8. My Yamato VF-1 1/60's and 1/48 are holding up just fine, of course they are not nearly as old as "ye olde 1/72 YF-21 / YF19", but none the less, they are pretty sturdy. Same with the VF-0, besides the loose shoulder that came out of the box, its as good as new.

    *edit* is it fair for me to mention the 1/72 VF-11b? That poor beast had to be put down some ages ago because of hip problems. It was the only humane thing to do.

  9. I recently tossed my version 1 YF-21 in the garbage. It had been sitting on my shelf for a few years now, and I went to pick it up to dust it and around it. Well, long story short the damn thing pretty much just fell apart on me. The plastic joints for the arms gave out, the connection between the die-cast legs and the plastic body split apart, and the clips for the wings and tail fins had developed stress marks from doing nothing but sitting on a shelf for 5 years.

    So yeah, I chucked it in the garbage, no way to save it, not with that much plastic degradation. I still miss it, was my only YF-21 toy. I might pick up a revoltech YF-21 / YF-19 combo

    Good thing I sold my YF-19 (ver1.5) a good while back, no idea how that toy is holding up.

  10. I've only seen one episode, where the captain took a ship full of hippys who have never as much as been out to sea before TO THE SOUTH POLE. The lack of planning or preparation left me scratching my head. I mean, it gets really rough in the antarctic, and these people have zero training for cold weather situations.

  11. Just got back from watching GI Joe, and I, personally, can't recommend it to anyone. While not straight out awful, it was pretty poor. The characters were not recognizable, Destro has a scottish accent as thick as the polar ice cap, and is a string bean of a man. The actor who played Zartan looked way too much like the guy who was supposed to be Destro. Cobra Commander? where to start... Not the actors fault, it was the writer's / director's fault.

    My biggest grief was the transport planes the Joe's flew around in, IMO, they looked like something from Thunderbirds.

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