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Posts posted by one_klump

  1. You may want to check your system for keyloggers, they are very crafty these days, mousing over an ad will download one in some cases. It also looks like Fraps was hacked too, because people who downloaded it from the official FRAPS site have had keyloggers installed onto their system from the file.

    Trust me, no one is safe.

    Are you running Firefox with the No-Scripts plugin? it does help immensely.

  2. Borg Assemble, hmm, kinda looks like Stickfas or Xevoz on anime crack. But in a good way :)

    Found more info on that beast, its called the Tristriker and has 3 modes (go figure).


  3. Hello there, I've been looking on the net and ebay for a 1/60 super / strike valkyrie from yamato, and have had a very hard time locating one.

    If anyone has a yamato 1/60 super / strike valkyrie that they would be willing to part with for a reasonable price, please PM me. I don't need one in mint condition, or even with a box, just needs to be in displayable condition.

  4. I don't have an actual addiction to WoW (don't all addicts say that?), I just don't watch as much TV as I used to. I still have a full time job, eat dinner with the family, and even take the dog for a walk every now and then. As for raiding, well, thats 3-4 nights a week, but never on Friday or Saturday night, our guild reserves those nights for personal time.

  5. I play WoW all the time - a little too much I think. I log in nearly every day for at least 3 hours, make some gold, do a little fishing / cooking / crafting.

    Basically, WoW has replaced my TV watching time. My guild raids (10+ people working together to take down much harder monsters for better loot).

    I have finished the single player part of WoW on my Hunter, and the raid content is really all thats left for me to do. The lore and background behind the raid dungeons is also very interesting.

  6. by the way, Is the stampeede valkyrie just a heavy armored vf-1? So, the pilot can eject the armor and get a standard valkyrie?

    Sadly, no, the Stampede valk is a totally custom job. It completely lacks a gerwalk mode, which isn't a problem when you are carring enough firepower to level a zendrati battle group.

  7. I know, this mod has been in development for ages and ages, but if I know Lestat, he will keep working on this baby until his dying day to get it done. He might get distracted for a while, but hey, don't we all? I remember when I was supposed to be working the Homeworld 1 version of the mod, and a fellow mod member and I had just got our copies of Black & White. We didn't produce anything for weeks until Lestat jumped our case over ICQ to put it down and get back to work. Heh, I haven't played B&W since lol.

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