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Posts posted by one_klump

  1. the discussion originated from your comments regarding weapons on tails and then your comparison to scorpions and other arthropods.

    However... after Wild Wild West giant mechanized insects somehow lost their charm and menacing qualities. :p

    You got me there, I got lost somewhere between giant scorpions and a gundam dog's laser tounge :lol:

  2. Plus there's a scale problem. Exoskeletons like ants and many other insects have work more and more poorly as scale increases, making giant bugs like in old scifi, horror, and Paul Verhoeven movies unlikely if not impossible.

    I didn't say realistic or effective, I just said that a giant scorpion mecha bristling with weapons is cooler than a monkey mecha, imo.

  3. That Karate Federation fist ship is awesome!

    and ZOIDS were my main offenders.

    They look like animals, why have a tail on a basic quadruped mech? Unless some sort of weapon is mounted on it, and in those cases, it still has a severely limited arc of fire. I think the ZOIDS that were arthropods of some sort made more sense, like a crab, spider, or scorpion. The vertebrate ZOIDS just looks too goofy for my taste.

  4. I enjoyed playing Omega Boost the first 2-3 times through.

    I the Stealth plane is not one of the ugliest designs out there, imo, there were plenty of real world airplane designs from WWII through the '70s that were amazingly ugly.

    The Stealth plane was built for a popcorn flick, big explosions and summer fun. It was NOT made to be accurate, it was NOT made to please the armchair military analyst, it was built to look cool going a million miles an hour on the big screen.

    I have a feeling the only reason most people here slam it is because a few people complained "omg, that thing would never fly, the angle of the (insert random tech jargon here) is all wrong!". Seriously, is was never made to be a real world design in any way.

    As for the rest of the movie, yeah, it was poo.

    Here are my submissions for ugly Mecha:







  5. One thing I discovered, is if I knock back a guiness or two first, my voice naturally gets a little deeper and surlier. But, maybe also slurier! See that! Same letters, just rearranged! That, my friends, is because I'm a frakking wordsmith. What.

    I smell a Roy Fokker / Ozma personality in there somewhere..


  6. Metal Gear - the voice acting for most of the actors, like Solid Snake, were intentionally deep and raspy. Its just something your ears pick up on when you are watching something and makes your brain say "hey, that sounds forced".

  7. Yeah, Nanashi always had some obscure artwork that we didn't even know existed every time we became hard pressed for models, back with the HW1 mod.

    I used to have a picture of a UN Spacy space station that Lestat sent me, but that HD was since lost to a flood.

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