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Posts posted by one_klump

  1. Ozma sounds spot on in those clips, and the music and sound effects are great as well :)

    crazy japanese voice actors and their super deep raspy voices are hard as hell to duplicate and sound decent, good work so far!

    BTW, it just dawned on me that you have to re-make the entire audio track to the series, Bravo!

    )for some reason I thought there was a voice track seperate from the score and sound effects, but that's all done in studio, not here)

    If only stuff could be encoded that way lol

  2. There is a huge difference between Yamato and Bandai, in terms of both size and how many transforming products they have released.

    Bandai is a ginormous (spell check didn't flag ginormous :D) company with many different branches, kinda like Sony. Yamato is a much smaller company that produces niche products.

    Bandai isn't worried about losing a few customers because of poor planning on the holes on the early VF-25's, cause they have a gabillion customers to begin with. Not only that, but they are the only game in town when it comes to Macross Frontier toys, so even though people will gripe about it, they will still buy them, just like how people bought the old Yamato VF-11b when they knew it had defective hips, or the VF-0s with the defective shoulders.

    Anyone who bought a first run Yamato Valk will know the anger of having a defective product, and then have a "ver. 2" released a few months later. Remember the 1/72 YF-19, VF-11b, 1/60 VF-0s? I think people have come to expect that from Yamato, so they don't blast them anymore on it. Personally, when I drop $100+ on a toy, I expect it to be defect-free, no legs falling off in the box, no flaccid shoulder syndrome, etc.

    Yamato has pissed me off more than any other toy company, but I still buy products from them, because no one else offers what they do.

    I'm not a fanboy for either company, I'll buy a valkyrie toy from whoever makes one, but is it too much to ask for my money's worth?

  3. Get 4 SDF-1s, name them Macross, Megalord, Unnamed, and Global.

    Also, get 2 Quarters. One is Quarter, the other... I forget what I named him...

    I really hope this can



    The name was not the Quarter, it was the Macross, and it was a 400meter class wasn't it?

    The namesake Macross seems like the Starfleet tradition of having an Enterprise in the fleet at all times, it was just good luck.

  4. I'm sure that you have a much greater chance of winning the lottery than that happening to you. Probably easier to get struck by lightning.


    So if I have already been struck by lightning, where does that leave me? (yes, was struck by lightning when I was 18)

  5. every project "needs more funding", its just not going to happen, meteors are very low on the priority list for nearly every government. Ever watch Armageddon? Great popcorn flick, but one line stuck with me: "No offense, but its a big ass sky."

  6. The captain and Ozma in that last clip could have been lifted straight from Metal Gear Solid - especially the captain. Maybe have them not force the deep raspy voice so much, and use a more natural tone. Great timing and overall quality tho ^_^

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