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Posts posted by one_klump

  1. The torso of the lions just does not agree with me. Looks more like a wolf with a funny head. The Voltron lions had barrel chests, it gave them a more aggressive stance. The legs are too thin for me as well, squared off legs would have been great, with those big honking feet on with the claw missiles. Exposed ribs don't look great either.

    Also, if you look at the blue lions head, you can see a sports car.

  2. I like them. It's loads better than the original idea of the kids building the lions out of trash in a junkyard. Just as it was with Transformers, you're not going to get a lineart perfect set of Lions.

    I'll give it a chance if it gets out of dev hell.

    Then again, I love Bay's Transformers. /shrug

    Was that in the first draft of the movie script? I don't remember the lions being built out of a junkyard in the cartoon...

  3. I think "Exo Squad" would make an excellent property/franchise to try that with, in perhaps CGI or--dare to be audacious--live action, in a mini series or 2-3 film format? They were halfway there as far as story and character development (compared to contemporary shows); at least in season 1, before animation quality really started to suffer, and things got too gimmicky and hokey in an effort to expand the toyline.

    Hell, give it to HBO Films, and it might not suck a$$.

    Honestly, I'm surprised no one's tried any of that plagiarism-rationalized-as-reboot bullsh*t with that one yet, given the Transformers movies' validation of the big-budget robot genre.

    Didn't we pretty much have that with the Starship Troopers CG series? Now there is a series that died before it was given its due.

  4. I'm definately looking forward to this game mainly for the playability factor, the graphics could have been better and it would be nice if some of it gets improved but oh well. I dont play MMO's that often and was wondering how secure the game will be to play? Can I expect someone walking up with a hacked/juiced up character that will take my stuff in a blink of an eye or have a combat round cheated combat values switched? Do they do a good job of policing stuff like that or will it just be an eventual free for all?

    Even if you make a character on a PVP server, you won't lose any gear to someone that kills you. That MMO model has pretty much gone the way of the dodo (except EVE Online). You will never have to worry that someone you are fighting is using any hacks, because the system will be server based, the client will not be able to be altered to, say, one shot kill random people.

  5. Most of the standard vehicles are around $25-$30 mark around here, except the big ones, like the ARC fighter, Turbo Tank, AT-TE are more, running up to $70.

    Update on the AT-TE missing parts, the missiles are not replaceable, according to Hasbro, but they sell them for $2 each - yeouch. However, I will get a coupon from them! Nerf weapons here I come lol

  6. I do have a question, though.

    Will messing aroung with Yeoman Kelly Chambers kill any chance of romance with any other character?

    Oh, and I do now have Chambers feeding my fish while I'm away, just in case I miss feeding them after every mission and mining operation.

    There is a way to get a romance with her, I haven't done it personally, but she can survive the suicide mission and come back to give Shepard a special show.

  7. A little OT, but not worth an entire new thread...

    I have no clue as to what they're saying, but. Surprisingly, this is kinda awesome. :blink:


    Oh sure, the helicopter hovering in front of the hero, and the guy jumping from the jeep were grade-A cheese. but the actual jeep crash into the helicopter was actually very well done. Wonder how they did that? Perhaps the 'copter was suspended from a high crane to keep it in place for the jeep to be jumped into, with cables/ramps/etc edited out?

    ed: oh yeah; after a re-watch, judging from the droop of the rotors, that's the most likely scenario for setting up that stunt. also note the absence of tail rotor. hmm, wonder how they prevented torque rotation?

    I don't know what clip you thought you linked, but the one I saw was completely awesome!

  8. I'm not surprised, TRU has had a problem with the Bricks and Mortar stores making a profit for at least 10 years now, ever since people started doing Christmas shopping on the internet.

    Picked up an AT-TE on clearance, it was missing the 6 small missiles that are used for the laser cannon turrets. I sent an email to Hasbro, and they sent me 6 new legs to replace the original loose ones, and 6 large lasers cannons, the one that mounts to the top of the toy.

    The new legs are super tight, and hold up under a great deal of stress. Highly recommend anyone who has an AT-TE to shoot an email to Hasbro to get them.

  9. I'd have to add almost all the ships from Cowboy Bebop, and the Thunderbolt from Babylon 5.

    Cowboy Bebop's ship designs were very straight forward with great design touches. If you looked at pretty much any ship from the show, you would be like "yeah, that would really work". Lots of little things like vernier thrusters at the right places, and no "up or down" design as well.

    The Thunderbolt was a bigger, meaner Starfury. A straight up assault fighter. It even held external missiles and bombs.

  10. wow... just... wow...

    That chick is hardcore lol. The Miranda cosplay was just a body suit and a hairstyle, Jack is, well, hardcore.

    I'm having trouble telling if that is a body stocking or a lot of magic marker.

  11. The game is a absolute blast, even more so the more people you have playing.

    For every extra person playing, it adds more enemies, but the difficulty goes down because other players can resuscitate you if you are KO'd, saving you from spending a hard to come by extra life.

    The characters themselves level up, learning new fighting moves as the level.

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