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Posts posted by Valkyrie2008

  1. 1 hour ago, Duymon said:

    Wow did this guy just not sell well? It's still on sale at HLJ, not even low-stock O_O

    Yeah, I'm slowly getting back into the game (collecting) and I snag one from HLJ yesterday and as of now it's still available. Not too many folks wanted this particular model, which is good for folks like myself. 

  2. Hey guys and gals :hi:

    I was sober for three years from collecting Macross Toys, but now it’s beginning to slowly reeling me back in and I know there’s no known cure for it. I was up all night trying to secure one VF-31C, but all manage to slip away from my sluggish fingers. My second fav is the VF-31F Messer, even though preorders keep popping back up here and there that manage to slip away from me as well. Maybe this hobby isn’t for me anymore. Although I did manage to snatch a SV-232 this morning when HLJ had more for sell. Now I need to preorder the ghost for it. This particular aircraft didn’t strike me at first, but after seeing all the beautiful pics from everyone here, I must have one.

    This plastic-crack is very addicting and there’s no way out. :help:  :p


  3. Is anyone else torn on what 3rd party Inferno to get? I initially wanted Maketoys' Hellfire, but MMC's Backdraft, despite being lankier, seems to be more similar to its G1 counterpart. MMC's early bird pricing is also quite tempting.

    MT version is slightly too small, it's shorter than MP Ironhide and the tip of the wings "ears" on MMC version is too small. Both version just seems off. XTB had just showed there proto version, just a tad shorter than MP-10 and taller than MP Ironhide, this is how I imagine Inferno would be. The only thing that bug me is that ugly hinge that connect the head/ladder. Hopefully XTB improve the QC, otherwise, I'll wait for another offer. Inferno is not one of my strong character, but I do like fire trucks.

  4. I bought a sheet of stickers for MP Exhaust on Ebay recently. While they look great, the creator/vendor did not mention they are not precut. So if you get these, expect to do a lot of cutting. And while the markings have outlines on them, some major trimming is still in order for the markings to be properly placed. The stock used is thick, yet pliable enough to hug curved surfaces. The stickers were printed on both white and clear stock, and a few markings that were printed on clear stock should definitely have been printed on the white one. Here's how it came out:

    It looks nice, I was thinking of dressing up my MP Exhaust too. I just saw one one the Chinese web, but 13 bucks with S&H is a bit steep for me, I think it's one of those dry transfer. I got one for MP Wheeljack and it looks really nice.

  5. Takara made the front end of Tracks's hood a bit short, but like David said, if you slide it back it will sit correctly. You may have to lift the hood, push the back of the hood down first, then push the front. Having a big gap at the front of the hood is my biggest complaint. I think so far Wheeljack has the best fitting in alt mode.

  6. 27551793d1447637321-fanstoys-ft-17-hoodl


    I've found my "MP Hot Rod". And it isn't MP-28!

    OMG!!! I think my heart skipped a few beats then I saw these photos. If this turned out to be true, I'll definitely cancel my MP-28 preorder. I’ll gladly double dip on this figure from FT. The “fake chest” as most of you call it, is just like MP-09 transformation, which does not bother me one bit. Even the flames on bot mode and alt mode looks exactly like MP-09. The cockpit does seem to open and there’s more interior room than the one on MP-09. I think this is the improved version of MP-09 Hot Rod and I absolutely love it.

    Where’s the preorder button!!!

  7. The only issue I had with mine was trying to peg one of the arms in flying car mode. It just did not want to peg. The other went in just fine. I'll have to look at it again to see if there's some flash or other blockage.

    I had the same issue at first and I was trying to force it in. I even though of sanding it down, but then I realize it just needed to be align a little lower and it peg in just fine.

    Tracks is probably my favorite of all, due to the fact that he’s a cool looking flying car. Back in the days, as a kid, always daydreaming how cool would it be to have a flying car, and to this day no different. The moment I heard Takara is making MP Tracks, I was shock. I mean, what are the chances of Tracks getting an MP treatment. I’d wish Takara would’ve included die-cast and rubber tires just like the G1 version. Even though tracks were the favorite of mine, back then I wasn’t able to own one, but I was able to snatch one on the reissue version. I still love that little blue Vett and I especially love the flame on the hood. I think the flame on Hot Rod’s hood derive from Tracks. And Hot Rod happened to be my second favorite.

  8. Nice review VF5SS, but you forgot to flip the front of the hood to cover the feet. ^_^

    MP Tracks arrive to my door steps yesterday after sitting in custom for half a day. I must say, Tracks is pretty cool and the paint job is superb and they finally paint the inside sideview mirrow silver. Oh for those who are wondering about the "backpack", it does lock in place well. Both knee joints are a bit loose on my Tracks. I do have a few nitpick though.

    1: Tracks head is out of scale and his eyes are way too small.

    2: The gap on the hood is too large to be egnore and it doesn't lock in place in bot mode.

    3: Why bother to include a human figure that is way too small and he can't even hold little Blaster.




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