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Posts posted by Valkyrie2008

  1. 23 minutes ago, sh9000 said:

    No problem.  The Chosen Prime is a good store and I still shop there.  They individually bubble wrap items when they ship in a box compared to BBTS.  $219.99 shipped is cheaper than $219.99 plus tax plus $4 shipping.

    Just ordered, thanks buddy!

  2. 1 minute ago, Mommar said:

    I noticed a lot of people referring to it as the "Max 25" I wonder if a lot more people went for it because Max is popular outside of Japan.  The 29 will be absolute murder then.

    Yeah I thought it was a Max Valk, because it's blue and has the skull.

    Well, I've missied all the preorder. Got cartjack from Amiami, HLJ, Hobby Search, too slow to login. :)

  3. TWE, is this mean another preorder madness and pay upfront?

    18 minutes ago, spacemanoeuvres said:

    Excellent! I got my 2 copies from NY sometime last month. 

    I ended up with 4 (humble-brag) but really only paid through the nose for 1 which isn’t too bad all things considered. 

    You got four wow! The reason I ended up order two was to make one to be 01 Arad's Valk, but not sure if I could remove the #3, I may just sell one off.

  4. Orange is the new black huh, those color scheme doesn't even match Arad's Valk. :blink:

    On another note, I just received my two birds from NY, it took exactly one week to arrive. :yahoo:


  5. Wow, sucks to hear those who got there preordered canned, during that preorderd madness I was checking HLJ and it seems the preordered lasted a bit longer than usual. I didn't go through the process, because I wan't going to place an order with HLJ, I've already secured one from AmiAmi and another one from NY. I'll sell one once release cause I only need one.

  6. 1 minute ago, Chronocidal said:

    Keep the order, and resell it here, I'd say, unless you can't pay for it.  Letting it go now just means it gets lost somewhere in the internet, probably never to be seen again.

    Gotcha, ok night all.

  7. 1 minute ago, Loop said:

    With amiami it  seemed to go in and out of stock so maybe keep trying. I missed it then it seemed to come back in to stock.

    Yes, that's why I was able to manage to nab one, this must be my lucky day cause I've never been able to secure on on preorder night. :yahoo:

  8. 2 minutes ago, Lolicon said:

    Managed to snag a couple POs in the past from them. You have to be super fast though. Like, you have to know exactly what buttons to push and where they're going to appear on the screen so you can hit it as soon as it appears kind of fast. :blink:

    For me, those days are gone..gone..gone.... I'm moving as fast as a turtle slug now. :wacko:

  9. Just now, mechaninac said:

    ^What's to forget?  By the time you check that site, no matter how fast you are, it's sold out...

    Very true, but at least I get to see others getting their hands on one or two :D

    To be honest, I've never been good at this game either, hopefully AJ will have it too.

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