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Posts posted by Valkyrie2008

  1. 22 hours ago, mcfly50 said:

    I just got my NY shipment notice (x2).  488717.  No updates on tracking though. I’ll believe it when it arrives. 

    There's still hope.


    On other news, I'm glad I get to sleep through this Messer preorder madness, already got the first one. I don't need another one cause I don't even like that lil'draken.

  2. On 5/30/2018 at 11:47 PM, Abriel said:

    Received a preparation in progress mail for the 31A. The order number is 488884.

    Huh, I got no love from NY, my number was 488877 (for two birds though).

  3. Sorry to be the old sour puss, but in my opinion this does not worth the price of the admission, this is one toy that I regret getting. This is one of those picture perfect item, but once you touch it, things start to fall apart. As a display piece, it's great, but as a toy, it feels like a puzzle that just don't tab in together well. And the rubber tires are loosely fitted, which is not cool.  I have Ray on preordered, which I will let it canceled itself from NY.

  4. 9 hours ago, jenius said:

    Whoa, I'm 488882

    My number is 488877, 2 pieces, snail mail with tracking, no movement, still patiently waiting. "Slow and study wins the race" :good:

  5. 35 minutes ago, sumyumgoy said:


    Received: wm cheng, Murphy, derex3592, eXis10z, ArchieNov, 20max20, recon, orindlt, Scyla, Smacky, technoblue

    Not Yet: no3Ljm, Kinzoku, spacemanoeuvres (x2), funkymonkeyjavajunky, Boobytrap, Tallman (x2), Sanity is Optional, ChaoticYeti, Guyffon, neoexcaliber (x7), rdrunner, raziel03, CharlesXavier (x2), ridgebacks, petrov27, sh9000, Blue Meanie, chyll2, orindlt, sumyumgoy, dur, Valkyrie2008

    Refunded: Vortech, psychodynamix (x2, closed my account as well), IXTL, Bahamutzyro

    Anime Export

    Received: Vortech (x3), neoexcaliber (x3), seti88

    Not Yet:

    CD Japan

    Received: WaferMouse, Slave IV, Mommar (x3)

    Not Yet:


    Refunded: kanjrig, Kanedas Bike, Ignacio Ocamica 

    Random Ebay Seller


    Not Yet: Sanity is Optional

    Loopaza (do you preorder here? Or is this like Madarake/eBay?)

    Received: jrhudson311, orindlt, GabrielIV, dizman, Mommar

    Unknown vendor

    Received: Moosey, Guyffon


  6. 4 minutes ago, rdrunner said:

    October 7, 09:00am preorder customer here waiting in line a few spaces behind you lol.

    Wow, I'm just right in front of you, 1:09 AM. Two cool dudes just chilling until his toys get notify and shipped. :p

  7. I would say last night pre-ordered madness wasn't that bad, because I was able to secured one from AmiAmi and I have plenty of time at NY, but after I add one to my cart, I forgot that I have to go through the "wheel-of-death" in order to really secure one, then by the time I go through that process and the trouble of not logging in earlier, that's why I lost at the end, even though it generated an order number.

  8. Oh another Bandai game again, those preorder always slip through my fingers, doubt if I will be able to secure one. I'll give my sluggish fingers a try.

  9. 52 minutes ago, F360 said:

    at least you got 1 taken care off. ^_^ 

    I kinda mess up too, I thought I preordered from N-Y awhile ago but it wasn't in my history, check paypal no record.  Had to scramble to preorder from nin-nin this early morning.

    used my points and then creditcard decline error (no paypal option),  lost all the points and no complete order.  had to open an ticket to get a replace points voucher and also reapprove the transaction from my Capital one card (which you reply to a txt or email on the previous transaction that they just declined )  They reissued me the Voucher after 3 hours for my lost points, I was finally able to place the preorder.  And then rush to work with only 3 hours of sleep. :vava:    

    It's not EVEN PREORDER MADNESS.:wacko:

    The things we’re willing to do to get our hands on plastic crack. :ph34r:

  10. 15 hours ago, Valkyrie Hunter D said:

    Gah, I'm still kicking myself for not getting a preorder in for the VF2-SS.

    I didn't even know it exist until it was too late, now I'm hopping that will be more available after the release. Why are the feet so tiny on this figure, seems like small feet are a trend nowadays.

  11. 43 minutes ago, Mommar said:

    Makes me want to order more than three.

    Just Do It! The more the merrier :D

    I got two on order, I'm a happy camper, I have my bro order it for me and I'll slowly pay him back. 

  12. Yes, for once, I just want to complete the cyclone gang. Keeping my fingers cross that this company will produce Blowsuperior and Rook's cyclone too. Blowsuperior being my favorite, I like this new re-imagined version of Stick and Ray too. These new cyclones are so small with such a high price, hopefully it worth every penny.

  13. 9 hours ago, no3Ljm said:

    I still find the feet small in relation to the armor and the person's feet. Kinda feel like Iron Man Movie magic again. ^_^



    That’s the only problem that I have with this version too. 

  14. With the 31J Kai being a lottery pick, with my luck, I have zero chance. One the plus side, I went ahead and reordered two 31A Kairos with registered snail mail from NY.

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