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Posts posted by Valkyrie2008

  1. Got a payment request email from Otacute for my Durandal pre-order today. I've only ordered from them once and had no problems; I hope they continue to prove reliable. Now to bite the bullet and send payment within the next 7 days.

    This is my first order from them and I've just send my payment.

  2. Here we go.

    Yes, here we go!

    Although, I'm not too crazy over this one, but I'll try to get my hand on one, just to complete the unit (I still havent got my hand on the Ozma renewal).

  3. I missed out on all the preorder with HLJ, AmiAmi, etc., but luckily after searching and searching I came across Inxspro dot com and place an order of two pieces. I’m hoping someone would exchange one for a VF-25S renewal. I like the VF-25 more than the VF-171.

  4. Remember, BIGINJAP DOT COM still hasn’t put up their order page yet. Those still looking, keep your eyes peal for that site.

    In my opinion, I think a lot of e-commences are taking advantage of this VF-171EX fiasco by selling limited number on their site and selling the rest on Yahoo auction or e-vil-bay. This way, they could make a lot more money.

  5. I'll keep an eye out for any more available preorders. Just for heads up, do keep you eyes open for BIGINJAP.COM, they said due to limited production made by Bandai, they decided not put up the preorder until near the release date.

    I was mad at myself for missing out on the VF-25S renewal. I'm still looking for one, but I do not want to pay the e-vil-bay inflated price. I'm hopping Bandai will release it again with the Armed pack or something.

  6. For those who's still looking, I've stumble upon this site inxspro dot com, as of this writing they still have 8 left, each for $153.96 + S&H.

    They have an e-vil bay site too.

    I just ordered two from them.

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