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Posts posted by Froy

  1. 1 hour ago, enphily said:

    Nin-nin asked additional 3100 yen after original 5100 yen i already paid for airmail, oh. I always hated those additional bandai's stands

    This is what keeps me off from bitting the bullet with them.

    Angel Birds is not a really must get to me. If I can grab one at mandarake I'd be happy.

  2. 1 hour ago, 505thAirborne said:

    For my first purchase with Hobby-Genki I'm going to give them a solid review. I received my process info on Thursday morning, then a tracking number Friday morning and here she is, nicely packaged and zippo issues! 

    I also give them credit in that the DHL I initially payed for was apparently waaaaaay more expensive (which I had anticipated), so instead of charging me extra they simply sent it FedEx Express and it got here ultra fast!! I might... I might actually get one more of these, it looks really good in person!! 





    Weird. Have somebody noticed Bandai  threw in DYRL fix posed hands?


    Edit: Never mind. All TV series released so far have them.

  3. 11 hours ago, sh9000 said:





    Congrats to Lluis Avila Fumanal for receiving his 5 Angel Birds.

    One to open

    Oneto keep in box

    One to keep in box in the brown shipping box

    One to keep in box, in the brown shipping box in the bigger shipping box.

    And one extra just in case.


  4. By the way. I just noticed that the release will include gun pod.

    Being part of an acrobatic team is it supposed to be armed?

    In the very few frames in the anime I can't see any equiped with gunpods.




    Is there any officially info about this VF-1 being armed?

  5. 5 hours ago, MKT said:

    Sometimes I wonder if it would be worth getting just a Yamato v1, mostly for historical reasons. I nearly pulled the trigger on the Super Ostrich a few times, to double as filling the 1/60 hole in the collection. I hope Arcadia announces this for their next 1/60 VF-1 release.

    I still have all my Yamatos V.1.

    The first release of the VF-1S was my first Macross toy. If I'm not wrong I got it form Kevin Lam at Valkyrie-Exchange.

    I'm only missing the Toys R Us exclusive VF-1A CF and the VF-1J GBP bundle.

    The good old dayof the V.1's


  6. Could this world wide release policy help with the costumer service for product defective/replacement? 

    I know some times brands only have these serices for domestic market and in a very few instances for over seas.


  7. 32 minutes ago, jvmacross said:

    This is what the next level in "detail" for toy SSP should be...what Bandai unveiled at the recent Tamashii event has already done by Yamato....in 2 scales!....shame Bandai...you can do better!


    My thoughts exactly. Even the GBP was a little step back on what Yamato delivered long ago. Tampo is nice, but why not give tampo and gimmicks at the same time?

  8. 3 hours ago, vladykins said:

    You mean like this guy?



    Yep. Those ones. I still remember when toynami was a thing. Then boom! Yamato came with the V.1. and basically killed the competition.

    Seen picks like this really throw me back in time.

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