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Everything posted by lord_breetai

  1. New Comic licenses does that mean that Devils Due is loosing it for sure? It'd be a shame cause I liked most of there run (though I kinda phased out reading America's Elite after the Red Ninja Seitin story arc... I should get back to reading it.
  2. Ah... but just because it's in the song dosn't mean that's the name, does it? It could be a moto, that happens to have the same initials in the name. to me it sounds like. "Faster, Stronger, Better" or something.
  3. Apparently he's a consultant or something, he was the one who sent the first snake-eyes pics to AICN. And some of the futuristic elements were unpopular, I never remember anyone complaining about the BATS, and there was still sometimes a futuristic edge to the story itself. And while Serpentor may have split the fanbase back in his day, he still had a lot of fans. Remember the comics also featured ninja mindtricks (ah the ever versatile Arashikage Mindset), ninja death trances and so on... So it was never strictly, totally believable. and a slight futuristic edge is okay. Again since the US military is developing powered armour and GI Joe is supposed to be a super elite unit that gets everything first, I don't have a huge problem with them having a compacted version, hopefully it's not too far out there. And remember the most recent cartoon had the "sigma suits", and I'm thinking these won't be as over the top as those.
  4. cause I work in the cellphone industry I found it hilarious even though this is no longer used in Japan... Short Messaging Service.
  5. sorta off topic... but I'm thinking of making a large scale diorama battle when I can get enough joes. Can someone scan me the cobra island assault maps from the Cobra Civil War (I think in issue 74 or something of Marvel) and the the Cobra vs Coil War? I'd like to use them for reference.
  6. Well since the US military has powered armour in development though and GI Joe always did have scifi elements (unmanned SNAKE robots, composite clones etc) I don't really see a problem.
  7. Lots of pretty explosions... sound energy traveling over immense interstellar distances through linked earings?
  8. Because no one has posted it yet. The animation quality is obviously inferior to the award winning masterpiece Robotech the Shadow Chronicles.
  9. So someone mentioned Action Force... I wonder how aware the Action Force fan community in Britain is of the comic's creative origins... like in Action Force, Cobra was the second set of enemies created after the Red Shadows were destroyed (betrayed by their own leader who then became the Cobra Commander). So are there any brits who are going to be screaming, "rapped childhood"? Or are they all pretty much aware of the series origins?
  10. does anyone know of a site that has a list of all toys, varients and exclusives in the line thus far? so I can begin the very long and expensive process of filling in the gaps.
  11. Dunno, it was in a magazine my Girlfriend randomly bought in Japan cause it had Ayaka Komatsu (Sailor Venus from PGSM) on the cover, I think it was an ongoing feature, but the one I had was about Starblazers and a starblazer's fansite... I'll see if I can find where i stashed it, and scan it.
  12. I was merely pointing out that there's a reason for it's early appearance and that was the lack of animation needed to create their rather disjointed space battle arc needed to make the change of pace the first three episodes of Robotech Masters has work (for example Dana not being in the brig at the start, everyone already being on alert in the second episode blah blah blah). And again that the dialog makes it pretty clear that the AGACs in that episode aren't actually AGACs. If I recall correctly they were drawn as different fighters when Comico did the Dana's Story Special comic.
  13. Where did this article come from??? It reminds me of a Japanese magazine that had a feature called "the legend of American otaku". Macross Lovely Girls Collection? Heh I like it. Still wouldn't mind getting the Dana doll though.
  14. The only episode it appears where it shouldn't is in "Dana's Story" and the reason for that is it is an episode patched together out of unrelated Macross and Southern Cross clips to make a bridging episode that establishes Dana is Max and Miriya's daughter. And in that episode they never once called it an AGAC they just called it a Veritech they also mentioned guardian mode in the dialog when the AGACs dosn't have one... so I think it was kinda clear from the dialouge that it was supposed to be "the AGAC filling the roll of some other kind of Veritech" And in ordering the Robotech Series... you could not put Macross anywhere at the start, just do to the geography of the "earth" in the other two shows and the level of civilian technology in Southern Cross... they could not be co current and Macross HAD to come first... so not much that can be done about the mecha, looking less kick ass.
  15. I actually thought that sounded sexy... it reminded me of the original Sakura Taisen OVA... which had two women saying in soft sexy tones. "Because Tokyo is a very important city for us" "is that all?" "huh?" "You must have another reasons for wanting to save the city" "I have lots of memories of the city" "lots of memories?" "yes" "in that sense, I can understand. I too have..." so much fun Engrish in my favorite video game franchise... nothing beats. "My name is Sakura, Sakura is Cherry, Cherry is Nippon Kokoro eto Japan spirit!" Best one line explanation of Moe ever.
  16. Well thats when you pull out the Japanese dubs of the other shows... and that's when you compare copyright dates.
  17. Oh I know all the lines I put in were added after, that's why I said they were tacked on after the fact. And I know the reasons... I'm saying it would have been a decent movie if they hadn't changed it. The story of how Falcon dosn't really mature until he looses his big brother, is pretty touching. Take that away and the whole movie crumbles. Edit: I don't think kids should be lied too... I think they should be told in entertainment that people die in war. But then what do we expect? I've seen an animated Titanic movie where the box proudly proclaimed "child friendly ending ensures no one dies and everyone is rescued"
  18. Actually I've seen people who think the Robotech Novels come first, I've seen comments on different Macross series "Did the Japanese even read Mckinney's novels? they're butchering it so bad" But generally they belong to this group of people who believe that if there's a tv series and novels with the same story, the novels MUST have come first. To be fair I'm an on again/off-again Robotech fan... I enjoy a lot of the original content in the comics, novels, sentinels video, Shadow Chronicles, rpgs and so on... and even enjoy the dubs for nostalgia (especially the Southern Cross version)... But Macross is better just on the fact that I love Mari, and Reba makes my ears bleed... Of course it's better for other reasons too.
  19. ehh... considering how unrealistic the cartoon was to start with, I don't mind the Cobra-la story arc that much... What really stops the GI Joe movie from having any impact are a few lines added after the fact. "he's slipped into a coma" "don't worry Falcon, we'll do everything we can for Duke" "...and duke's come out of his coma" "Doc says Duke is going to be AOK!" <--- remove those four lines and the movie becomes half decent and actually has some impact. I mean we would have felt a lot more for Falcon when he cocked that shotgun "I've got a right" "what you've got is an order GI Joe!" Still won't forgive them for making of my favourtie characters say "lalalalalalalala" over and over again though.
  20. Cobra has definitely used terrorist tactics in the GI Joe comics, including bombing civilian buildings and the like. Much more so in the Devil's Due comics then in the Marvel ones... but still. The "terrorist organization" however was a buzword from when many people especially little kids watching a cartoon didn't clearly have a perception of what it really meant, it sounded cool so they used it. I agree though... the way that Cobra and MARS are protrayed will shape this movie. Let's go over the different versions of Cobra Commander... Marvel/Devil's Due: We've got Cobra Commander a used car salesman, who lost his brother in a car crash and blamed Snake-eyes who was the son of the other car's driver. He started running Cobra as pyramid scheme and eventually turned it into a large organization determined to sieze as much power as possible. Cartoon: A scientist who belonged to an ancient snake people called Cobra La, who was sent to raise a mighty army and crush human civilization. Ignoring the movie... a meglomaniac who comes up with different plans to rule the world for no apparent reason. GI Joe Reloaded: Say what you like about reloaded this is where I think Cobra really shines as an organization. Again a used car salesman, whose wife leaves him and who's business is repossessed by the IRS, Cobra Commander considers himself a patriot and wants to fix the US. to this end they sabotage companies, kill senators to replace them with new ones under their payroll and manipulate many key events, before finally showing their face. Again the key to this version of Cobra is that they believe they are making America strong, and putting it back on the right track. This belief, this mindset makes for a truly chilling organization that you can believe as a terrorist organization.
  21. well wait while we're going over all the mentor deaths... maybe they'll really surprise us and homage Macross II... Ozma will leave his cockpit because he finds a beautiful girl asleep on a ship they board... then will be killed by a random explosion.
  22. Physica, City 7 is safe, you can tell from this attack. You just have to get through this battle and you can see your family again!
  23. I love you you love me but he's in love with his plane instead of me?
  24. I think Ozma's going to die... well many people think he's going to die... but I think he's going to die... SOON! This is paraphrased cause I watched it raw and my Japanese is good enough to get the gist but not everything With a speach like that, of course he's going to die!
  25. Thats what I thought too... I really liked this ep cause we've had too character eps now, and this one builds up nicely to our second major space battle, after the first episode (if you even count that). I'm so psyched for next week.
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