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Posts posted by dreamweaver13

  1. She ordered helicopters to go check out the shore before Vanessa detected Zentradi units approaching from the water.

    Oh. Now that makes perfect sense. In that case, the reaction meant:

    Oh my, my superior officer patted me on the shoulder, it felt so warm and comforting, I wonder what it would feel like to have a younger man hold me on the shoulder like that, Oh Riber, I miss you, but you're dead, so I wonder when I will ever get to feel the comfort of another man's loving hand on my shoulder again, I just hope he's not too young, he would be a bother to take care of, and i hate immaturity, a man should be just like Global, oh my what am I thinking, he's too old for me, and he's married, and what will Claudia think? Oh who am I kidding, Claudia will just laugh about it, and invite us on a double date with Focker, come to think of it, i'd beat Claudia and Roy as the power couple in Macross, take that Claudia, oh crap WHAT AM I THINKING?? think nice thoughts, innocent thoughts, Oh Riber, I miss you, why did you just leave me with a sissy kiss before you left? I know I was too young and all, but still, second or third base would have been nice, well of course that's what i'm thinking now, but if you did it then I would have slapped you, surely, maybe, I don't know, Oh Riber I miss you, no way am I going after another soldier for as long as I live, and when I finally get a man, I won't ever let him leave on a mission outside earth, yes, i'm putting my foot down on that, take it or leave it boy, i won't ever let a man treat me with any less respect and obedience, but Focker's kinda cool, i wonder if he has a brother or something, oh why doesn't Claudia ever set me up, i think she likes me to be miserable, and there she is acting so proper on her consoles, well that's because she has a man, now I wonder what Bruno -- GLOBAL! Captain GLOBAL dammit! -- is looking at. Riber this is all your fault for dying, you selfish, sissy sonofa-- Oh Riber I miss you, why did I suddenly remember you in the first place, oh the helicopters, right, and Bru--GLOBAL! patted me on the shoulder, that was so nice, but i wish he was just a little younger, oh I wish I could stop thinking to myself like this, sure it's ok now, but what if we're in a battle or something, and I space out like this, the horror, the destruction, like mars base, Oh Riber, I miss you...

  2. That always weirded me out, too...maybe being "quick-thinking" isn't a virtue in the world of Macross...? That would explain Hikaru's dithering over the love triangle in the final episodes as well...

    What's the context of that "pat" again? What did Misa do in ep2 that gave rise to global's "quick thinking" compliment? I can't remember the exact act.

  3. ah..the great fansub debate again. Who would've thought it would make it into this thread. :rolleyes:

    Get back on topic, ppl.

    Stop combining smileys and text! You're confusing my eyes. lol.

    back on topic... just watched Summer Wars, enjoyed it, even the wife liked it and she's not into anime at all.

    Summer Wars was fantastic. Mamoru Hosoda is amazing, and I can't wait for his next films.

  4. Oh by the way I was one of the Valkyrie pilots that managed to survive after firing all my nukes at the Zentreadi ships and managed to get away without getting hit-- sorry Hikaru I wasn't able to help after I saw you get hit.

    Ha! More like, "Up yours Hikaru. I know you're Minmay's boytoy on the side. It's my turn now, so go ahead and burn." Yup, might as well fess up, I know that's what you were thinking. ;)

  5. Focker was the CAG of the Macross 'air" wing - therefore he had a responsibility and obligation to his pilots and the Macross to take care of himself. His death in SDF:M was dumb as no professional combat pilot would put his health in jeopardy just so he can keep a date w/ his GF. Claudia being military would understand if he was a no-show because he was laid up in medical with life threatening torso wounds.

    You're all missing the point. Focker is not an adult... HE IS A MAN! Real men don't go to doctors! (Unless the doctor is smokin' hot). B))

  6. 1. Who is that girl looking at?

    2.Is it just me, or that guy is grabbing some ass? ^^

    3. I used to laugh at this particular scene, now it always gets me a smile.

    They are like "wtf", hehe, yeah they just got their ass kicked by some reaction weaponry.

    Is it not that expression priceless?

    1. I would hazard a guess and say she's looking at Max. With that look on her face, sure as hell can't be Kakizaki.

    2.Yes, he is. Funny how the guy looks like Loli, and the girl looks like Shammy.

    3. Priceless. For me, this beats the shocked faces in DYRL in discovering that males and females co-exist.

    LOL. I like this thread. Can we do this for every episode? :)

  7. That's my point exactly Eughi. I personally dig dubs, whatever you dig is your call. But don't talk down to me because I like a diffgeren tthing to you (Not you personally Eugi, i mean anime fans who think of us as lesser humans).

    i was litening to a podcats recently where they encouraged the use of downloading and said not to buy the US releases of things, because it was better for the Japanese market, and western companies didnt deserve to get money for anything they released because "Every single one of them was worse, and broken". That kind of attitude is so stupid it hurts, and its not an uncommon thought in anime.

    Funny how you implore people to respect your opinion, and in the same breath call someone stupid for expressing theirs. :rolleyes:

    Up to ep 30 of FMA Brotherhood, and oh yes, it keeps getting better. After I update on the latest episode, i'm going for Railgun next. :)

  8. Welcome to pulse. You're not gonna like it.

    I didn't grind and regretting it atm.

    And i need gil. :( No sources of gil yet.

    So it's still that tough to get gil even that far into the game? wow. that'll get a lot of getting used to.

    Damn, I can't wait for the weekend to come, so i can catch up with the game. been stuck at Ch4 for a while now. :(

  9. I'm loving the battle system more and more as the game progresses (my first eidolon battle! awesome!). However, I have a bit of a reservation with the reward system based on time. I'm the type of FF player that enjoys a long battle every now and then. While I may get by an enemy by simply slashing at will (which would usually finish the battle in less time, but with a higher KO risk), I'd rather set up a bit for the easy (but sometimes slower) win. Thus, sometimes, i like to set up with a synergist and saboteur first, then as a second tier go for a commando-medic combo to make sure my team is in full health. Only then do I go for the kill with commando-ravager combos.

    This way, I lessen the risk of being KOd, and I get a kick out of the battle (even if it may get a bit protracted at times). But while I thoroughly enjoyed the battle, a part of me is still saddened if i don't get 5 stars for the speed. It's kind of a downer at the end of a fantastic battle, to only get 3 or 4 stars. So, while the reward system is good in itself, it may have a tendency of causing players to hurry up, rather than enjoy the battle.

  10. It DOES kinda explain why they're still not a couple by episode 28.

    I guess for Hikaru, it's out of sight-out of mind... unless your name happens to be Minmay. :p

    Hmm, doesn't that conflict with Hikaru being a test pilot for the VF-4 on earth during the 2010-2012 period?

    He was just in the moon for 3 months, according to the summary.

  11. Personally, I never found the destruction of Roy's VF-1S in DYRL objectionable. I've always felt that DYRL allowed Roy to die with much more dignity than the TV series did by letting him go out in battle instead of the eminently nonsensical "Hey, I have no more will to live... let's go have pineapple salad" end.

    I never saw it that way. Actually, i felt that the series death was more bad-ass. Either he knew he was going to die already, so he'd rather spend that time keeping his promise to claudia (as any man should), OR he was sure that he could handle that "flesh wound" like the tough guy he is and eat pineapple salad with his lady. Either way, I never got the impression that he had no more will to live.

  12. Lots. There's a short story about it by Kawamori in Macross Perfect Memory (which I haven't gotten to yet). Someone did a translation/summary a while back, though.

    Ah, here it is: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=338763

    Be warned, though: the translations are exceedingly incomplete.

    Embarassing to admit, but this is the first time I heard that Hikaru was assigned to the moon for duty. I can only imagine how that must have messed with Misa's mind.

  13. Sorry i forgot that was a spoiler. My apologies.

    Well, that teaches me to read this thread when i'm only 6 hours into the game. :p

    You have to laugh or roll your eyes a bit at how

    they probably settled on australian being the accent for Pulse natives. The land down under. hyuk, hyuk.

    I can't even say if it's funny or lame.

  14. There's a reason for that. For all the new Square Enix games, they retimed the mouth movements for the english release so it won't look odd in the cinematics. So putting a japanese track over "english-timed cinematics" would've made that effort pointless.

    Seriously? Coz while i'm watching the cut scenes, the lip movements still seemed out of synch to me. Sure, it's definitely not as bad as an 80's kung fu movie, but there's still something off about it.

  15. Dang. Spoiler.

    That's what I was thinking, Ghost Train. It sounds like Vanille's voice actor is trying to lose the Australian accent, but was clearly not doing too well.

    To answer your question, dreamweaver, Vanille's voice was played by the same woman that played Nia in Gurren Lagann and Nono in Gunbuster 2. If you've seen either of those, then you know what Vanille's voice is like.

    Oh damn. I would have loved that. damn you square for not providing a japanese audio with english subs!! :(

    (ha. as if i wasn't pissed enough by the fact that I'm missing maaya sakamoto's voice for Lightning)

    LOL, it's Sheryl Nome reasoning all over. I'm inclined to agree, as the trailers have been leading me on for so long that I just HAVE to like the characters. Still, there are times when Lightning is just one cold hearted b!tch. Though even she's realised it by now and regrets it a bit. I cut her slack anyway since I just assumed she was worried for Serah. I just read over on Penny arcade how much Tycho hates most of the characters. It's sad, but I can sort of understand it. THey're really the type you have to grow to understand. Not every character can nor should be sympathetic and likeable in the start just to be considered a "good" character.

    LOL. Sheryl. sigh. :)

    Even without watching any trailers beforehand, i Loved lightning at the first instance. After all, the first scene has her busting out of the purge train. how awesome is that? :) And even when she's playing the cold-hearted bi*ch card, I still can't find myself taking it against her.

  16. To me the problem is not so much the accent, but rather than it sounded unnatural.

    The English voice actress is Georgia van Cuylenburg who is from Melbourne Australia. If they wanted a non-American/British take on the English language then why not have her speak like Australians normally speak? It is obvious from the voice acting that she is being told to "sound American" or something to that effect without the presence of vocal coaches (it's a game after all, I doubt that they'd go to that extent). The resulting mess is called Vanille :angry: .

    Gosh I hate that character so much... I hope she gets turned to crystal or something.

    You're right. The closest image I had of Vanille's accent was Claire from Lost tv series (and I have always found Claire adorable). But the problem is sometimes its sounds like Claire (i.e. Australian accent), but more often than not, it's an entirely different thing altogether -- some kind of alien accent that I can't figure out. Which makes the voice acting quite a mess.

    But no, I don't hate Vanille. Not yet, at least. I hope my internal/imagined japanese voice for her will be enough to keep me from that. :p

  17. Though i think these characters are meant to be a bit unlikeable early on (particularly Lightning and Snow), as we're still learning about them, and they themselves.

    Whatever intent the creators had with Lightning, there's no way I would ever dislike that character, even from the start. She's way too cool. And hot. And cool. :)

  18. My biggest disappointment with the US version of the game is their choice of voice actor for Vanille. She's still my favorite character, but I don't like her weird, inconsistent accent. Her Japanese voice actor sounded much cuter!

    Yeah, I was just about to post that. I'm pretty sure she was designed to be adorable and, most likely, expected to be a fan favorite. But with that weird accent, I just find her annoying. (In my mind, i'm trying to imagine her original japanese voice just so I won't hate the character). So what's with the accent anyway? What was her japanese voice like? Does it have an accent, that would justify why the english dub also had to have one?

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