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Posts posted by dreamweaver13

  1. I`m starting this thread because a comment in the Regult thread reminded me of the kind of comments I always notice on Macross World, the poster said something like, `Of course the regults were out of scale in SDFM, it was a TV show in the `80s!!!`

    Seems to me a lot of people on this forum, mainly younger, instantly dismiss `80s productions as being somehow inherently inferior. Its as if some people think that without super high tech computers and the internet around that people back then were dumber or poorer or drew worse just because it was the `80s?... I mean DYRL, Akira and Honneamise all came out in the `80s aswell as some astoundingly creative, well drawn and well directed sequences in TV and video anime.

    Perhaps its the aging film stock that tell the age of some of these productions and young people just think `old therefore LAME`? I dont get what it is but even though rational people know that the golden age of the anime most of us prefer (realistic mecha shows) was the `80s people on Macross World seem to constantly knock the `80s? There seems to be an ethos of NEW EQUALS GOOD AND OLD EQUALS BAD with some people. Does anyone else notice this? WTF?

    MilSpex, is that you? ;)

  2. They just showed Superman II: "the Donner Cut" on TV a couple days ago. Hasn't aged all that well; it's actually a pretty cheesy flick, in retrospect. But Zod should get an honorable mention for a noteworthy badguy. His calloused indifference towards humanity and desire to conquer or kill all he encounters make him pretty despicable. Terrence Stamp did an excellent job, brings the quintessential comic-book supervillian to the screen..."I am General Zod. Your ruler. Yes, today begins a new order. Your lands, your possessions, your very lives, will gladly be given in tribute to me, General Zod! In return for your obedience you will enjoy my generous protection. In other words you will be allowed to live."

    I've always had a thing for "bad girls." I remember, even as a kid, thinking Ursa was way hotter than Lois Lane. ;)

    Everyone was way hotter than Kidder's Lois Lane.

    When Superman 3 came along, i was going, "Dammit Clark, that's your childhood sweetheart, and you downgrade to Lois??"

  3. "When deep space exploration ramps up, it'll be the corporations that name everything, the IBM Stellar Sphere, the Microsoft Galaxy, Planet Starbucks."

    All just speculation of course, but I think the actual factory satellites would remain federally owned properties, probably run by crown corporations. Companies like General Galaxy, Shinsei Industries and the like would no doubt acquire lease agreements with the owning crown corps to use portions of a factory satellite for mass production. Of course, it's likely tens of thousands of companies are vying for the same chance from EVERY sector of the economy. It'd probably be a rather complex array of contract arrangements, with the usual politics thrown in to further complicate the matter.

    What would be interesting would be the location of those factory satellites. Where are they stationed? Official trivia states "some" factory satellites have fold drives, meaning not all of them do. With the UN Spacy/NUNS holding multiple factory satellites, one has to suspect some of those seizures involved immobile satellites. There could be a few locations far away from the UNS/NUNS sphere of influence that are functioning as satellite economies for Earth :)

    Of course, it's possible they could affix fold drives to immobile satellites, but who knows?

    I would theorize a Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) scheme. Privatization would be crucial in getting the ball rolling. So, originally the federal government would "exproriate" a factory sattelite, but private entities and their funds would be necessary to convert/develop the factory into something usable to space colonization project. The private entity will build, then operate the factory sattelite until it makes a pre-arranged profit margin, and then ownership would eventually revert back to the UEG.

    I would suppose any new "expropriation" of a newly discovered factory sattellite -- even if discovered by a privately owned fleet -- would not be made without the express approval of the government. Thus, any new acquisition should still be covered by a BOT arrangement. A finders-keepers system would just be to divisive, dangerous, and would might lead to all-out civil war somewhere along the line.

    Absolutely no basis for this theory, of course, but one can speculate. :)

  4. Not as good as Kick-ass, the final boss fight is less than 40s.. the story doesn't flow too well, and some scene in trailer is not in the movie!

    I've always wondered why they didn't include the "go get 'em boss" scene in the final cut. The exchange was hilarious, and I thought that set up the lover-employer-employee tension perfectly. A bit bummed they cut that out.

  5. Again as in Iron Man I the shield of Captain America show up among Tony's junk. While in Hulk he is well informed of the Super Soldier program in the Iron Man movies he doesn't know the shield's significance.

    What if Steve Rogers in the movie doesn't have a shield all throughout the past, and only gets the shield (that Tony presumably made) after he gets thawed in the present time? Maybe by the time of IM2, the shield isn't an iconic part of captain america lore yet --it's just something tony's toying with.

    Either that, or it's just a characteristic lack of sentimentality on the part of Tony. After all, the owner of the shield is long dead (presumably).

    He is Nick Fraking Fury "Agent of SHIELD" for god fraking sake I rarely read comic books and I know who his character is.

    I know who he is. A lot of superhero fans who don't read much comics know who he is (although most would know him as a blond white boy). But for someone who has no idea about the marvel universe, and who only knows enough about Iron Man from what's in the first movie (main movie, without the post-credit scene), then Samuel Jackson is a complete mathafrackin stranger. He's the closest thing to deus ex machina in Iron Man 2. He just shows up.

  6. It's actually kind of sad that despite numbers of people watching these shows and people attending conventions, most don't want to spend a penny on it. A frakin penny. They won't buy any DVDs or Blu-Rays. They don't buy the digital copies like those on iTunes. Even having new series show up a day later like Inu Yasha on Hulu isn't enough. Merchandise practically doesn't exist because the return is so small that it's hardly worth putting effort into. Is Crunchyroll even making a profit with their model? Even worldwide simultaneous release isn't good enough.

    Anime licensors failed to adapt to modern times. That's their fault. But when you think about it, why did they fail to keep up with the times? Cuz people stopped spending money on them. Consumers found the 'Net to be a great place. It's fast. It's free. So people migrated there. Which meant lower revenue. Less revenue means less money coming in, which means cuts and layoffs, which means less people around the office. Less people working means less people to research new ways to get the product to the consumer. So companies have to rely on the time-proven method of home video releases, which NO ONE wants to buy. And it goes on and on until it shrivels and dies. So yes, anime companies get the blame for the state of things, but that's because you have a consumer-base that doesn't want to spend any money on the product.

    Yup. Chicken or egg. Fans resort to download because the distributors fail to provide avenues for easy (and immediate) access. Distributors won't put in the effort (and money) for distribution because the users download them for free anyway.

    As Jimi Hendrix hopes, "there must be some kind of way out of here."

  7. Speaking of, Kick-Ass isn't doing all that well.

    I'm a bit surprised about that. Apparently the "geek" influence isn't as strong as it believed itself to be. They should've stuck with brad pitt for big daddy -- that would have sent people to the theaters.

  8. And as awesome as Hit Girl is, i was really surprised that the prudes in Hollywood allowed for such scenes of violence and vulgarity that involves a lil girl. A lil girl doing gangland-style executions on henchmen? That was like woah..... Especially the

    car compactor

    one. :blink:

    Not so surprised they got away with Hit Girl being vulgar and violent. I'm actually more surprised that they actually showed her being beat up at the end by the big boss. call me a prude, but it's perfectly fine for me if a cute little girl goes kill-em-all, but when she gets her comeuppance, i cringe a little. :p

    I loved the movie. Certainly had its flaws, and the story was all over the place. Some scenes didn't make sense. but all in all, i still enjoyed it. a great feel good action movie, as expected. :)

    And how about that Romita comic within the movie?? Awesome.

    The movie was enjoyable on its own, but some comments on the differences between the movie and the comics:

    -- spoilers follow --



    Changes that I expected:

    * No comic book fan twist for Big Daddy - i would have been surprised if they retained that plotline. It's bad enough to drag the daughter along on a righteous vendetta, but to drag her along for a psychopathic wish fulfillment geek thing would be a tad too much.

    * Positive resolution of the Kick-Ass love story - the ending of the comics between dave and kate is more of the punchline to a drawn-out joke than anything else. Of course the hero had to get the girl at the end. this is still a hollywood movie.

    * Removing the Red Mist villain twist - in the movie, it was apparent from the start that Red Mist was a plant from the crime boss. It made sense to remove that twist already. after all, we know who's behind the mask anyway, and to try for the twist would lessen the screen time of mc'lovin. we can't have that now, can we?

    Changes that didn't make sense to me:

    * Kick-Ass didn't escape from being tortured on his own - he didn't even try. Would have been cool to see him taunting the gangster so that his chair would fall to pieces and he would get free. Sure, he would still need Hit Girl's intervention to survive, but it's still better than just sitting there. It just bothers me that he never really showed much resiliency at all. Hard to make a positive influence on society if your second exposure was just sitting in a chair being beat up to death and waiting for a rescue from a little girl.

    * Kick-ass in the final fight - the nice thing about Kick-ass in the comic is that he knows he's an ordinary guy, but he had the balls (electrified) to just go into the fray and join the rumble. movie kick-ass didn't even get dirty by the end... he just used the jet pack, and even had a difficult time beating Red Mist.

  9. (somewhat ironically, Fang's actress is American)

    Ironic indeed. Fang sounds more australian to me than Vanille's is-it-or-isn't-it-australian accent. It (Vanille) hasn't really grown on me, as I thought it would. Also probably because I finally heard the japanese Vanille VA doing the voice over and I loved it (go Nia!!).

    About the battle system, surprisingly enough i liked it. i like how fast paced it is. and the danger of my leader being KOd keeps my attention focused. Admittedly during the start the battle system is a drag (since basically you have nothing else to do with your leader but attack or heal). But later on when the tough enemies come in and the party members start getting various abilities, it gets quite interesting. Paradigm shifting becomes crucial, and real time strategy comes into play.

    Soundtrack? The music is good (some are even Kanno Yoko-ish) but I agree there's a disconnect at times.

  10. don't worry, you have one more chance for grinding later on. But if it's just for CP the grinding in the next chapter is better.

    Thanks. :) Aside from CP, i'm also going for more components and gil, though. I haven't even transformed any of my weapons yet.

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