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Posts posted by dreamweaver13

  1. actually, what's amusing is how frackin fast they put up these colonies! if indeed there are already at least 12 by 2050, that would mean at least 12 new inhabited worlds in just 38 years. 38 years!! that's just a midlife crisis. less than half a standard lifetime, from near annhiliation of the species, to 12 populated words. i'm not even going into how the few humans left could build 2 megaroad colonization ships a year, or where they're even getting all these people to put into these vessels (and they do seem overcrowded). i guess most of it is cloning. and so much space debris as raw materials. but still, these humans sure do spread out really fast, ne? haha.

    wait a minute. these are "macross humans" i'm talking about. the same guys who could rebuild an entire city in a span of half an episode. why am i even surprised? hehehe. :)

  2. Dude, Shadow Chronicles is WAAAY better than Macross Frontier! The CG in MF is so detailed and finely rendered that it clashes with the traditional 2D animation...whereas in Shadow Chronicles, the CG they use ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE Anime Friend circa 1983. So it fits better.


    (I better get at least FIVE Obsequious Today Badges now...I feel like I need a shower after saying that...

    ...but no matter how hard I scrub, I can't seem to cleanse my soul...)

    holy crrap, there's a robotech virus spreading, and it just hit gubaba. what hope does any of us have against this outbreak???

    hahaha. :)

    dude, multiple showers might not be enough after what you said. something like that STAYS. you might have to take a Gattaca bath. ;)

  3. New guy here, but I just wanted to post my own thoughts on this episode and series in general.


    For the bad guys, I guess all of us here are pretty much in the dark on what the Vajira guys are or want. Personally, I think that the blond guy in a blue suit might be one of the enemies but thats up for speculation. Got some pictures to show who I'm talking about here and here.

    And on a personal note, I find it kind of sad that Minmay never got Hikaru in the end. I mean, deep down, she was a really nice girl. If anything, we might expect this series to have Alto and Ranka together in the end or leave it all ambiguous and unresolved like Macross 7. Personally, I'd rather like to see the professional singer (Sheryl) get the guy this time. She may be snobbish and too much of a star but maybe she can be nice in her own way. Just because she's an idol doesn't mean she has to be single all her life. Man, I am reading way too much into this! :lol:

    Anyway, this has gone pretty long and I'm digressing already. Tell me what you guys think too! :D

    fellow pinoy!! :)

    glad to have you on board. relatively new here too.

    yup, this new enemy is so interesting. i'm quite excited to find out what this secrecy about them of the SMS is all about. how do they tie in with the whole protoculture thing, i wonder.

    as for the original love triangle, i'll agree with you. i think the opinion differs depending largely (but not solely) on whether the person watched macross or robotech first. if you watched robotech, there more likelihood that you'll be happy minmei got left behind. on the other hand, if it's macrosss there's a tinge of sadness seeing her walk away singing sayonara. just my opinion. :)

    but the thing is, we're not even sure who is the parallel to who. is minmei ranka or sheryl? personally, i think they're both minmei. ranka was minmei before she became an idol. sheryl was when she got caught up into stardom already. (ok minmei fans, granted minmei wasn't that much of a b!tch, but it's still a comparison.) :)

  4. woah there. ok, certainly i didn't expect a debate on my post. but allow me to clarify. i'm just sorry i wasn't able to do so fast enough.

    when i said "true to macross form", i meant that it was true to SDF macross form. i've always said -- and some of you may feel -- that macross frontier is the closest thing to the source material we have seen. and as source material, i meant only SDF macross, the tv series. it's because so far, the references have been spot on. so i was only referring to the way the love triangle developed in SDF macross. i was not trying to establish a pattern among all the series. my bad, i should have made the post more specific.

    nevetheless, the discussion between gubaba, wolfx and lord breetai is very refreshing and interesting. i'd love to join along for one side or the other, but i'm afraid i'm not that much of an expert on macross 7 to really give a solid contribution, so there would be a missing link in any hypotheis i could come up with. bottomline (again), if it stays true to SDF macross form, the hero will end up with the herione he doesn't get along with at the start. hence, sheryl nome. :)

  5. if it's true to macross form (as it so far is), it'll be Sheryl Nome. it will begin with Ranka, of course. all the while Alto and Sheryl will keep bickering. but in the end, ranka will save humanity from the vajra; and sheryl nome and alto will be the ones left together.

    as for me, so far sheryl nome is still a brat (albeit with her soft side when she's with ranka), so it's interesting to see how she'll develop further in the series.

  6. First dibs on calling this episode AWESOME!!!! :)

    what? this thread is already on page 32? ....

    they actually aired episode 3 already....


    okey so i'm a wee bit late watching ep2 and reacting. haha. :)

    absolutely great episode for a macross fan. Macross if going back to its roots. and i LOVE it!!

    oh and that valkyrie rescue of ranka lee by alto is the best frackin fan service i've seen in years! :)

  7. haha. omg, i remember all these quotes!! now i have a sudden urge to torture myself and watch the bionoids dub again. i still have the VHS tape somewhere in my basement, buried under other stuff that i had no intention of ever watching again. but now it's like a wound that i would like to scratch again. hehehe. :)

  8. Megaroad 1 disappearance was hidden from public from several years, so I think UN spacy announced Megaroad 1 is lost several year later, but never mentioned it was lost near the center of the galaxy. The Macross Fleet movement chart are released based upon UN Spacy propaganda.

    As a fact there are several fleet heading toward the center of the galaxy now with hidden agenda, find Megaroad 1 and salvage it :huh:

    hm.. best explanation i've heard morpheus. :)

  9. first would be minmei, for sentimental reasons. hey, it IS macross after all. she friggin stopped an entire race with her singing. hehe.

    i'm having a bit of trouble with my second singer. I like Sharon apple. But I like Myung for the song voices. but, technically, she's not an idol. On the OTHER hand, Myung was the "soul" of Sharon Apple before the latter got her AI upgrade. so, arguably Myung IS sharon apple. so the real idol all along was Myung.

    waaaaa. frack. i'm lost on this one. :p

    sigh. ok. i voted for Myung.

  10. haha. didn't expect an impassioned debate on the question raised in the first post.

    so, just to add my thoughts on this (since this is what the thread is for):

    I think there is most probably a relation, considering that the human population has thinned quite a bit in the aftermath of the first space war. it's been less than 60 years since the events in macross zero, so it's not too much of a stretch to suppose that Sheryl Nome is related to, or even a direct descendent, of the nomes from zero.

    But as to whether or not this "relation" is a big deal cannot be certain. The use of a the "nome" surname could either be a simple homage to macross zero OR a plot device.

    As for me, I personally prefer it as a plot device. I like connections in my fiction. And i must always remember that it is fiction. If i wanted gritty realism and the absence of cosmic coincidences, i'd stick to documentaries. I guess the use of the "nome" name wouldn't be that much of a big deal in any other macross series. but this one (frontier) has some kind of feel to it that goes beyond mere coincidence. Nyan-nyan, Idol, center of the galaxy... all these add up to a lingering feeling that there is more to the nome name than a mere coincidence.

    But that being said, I wouldn't be disappointed if it is a mere homage. I also completely understand that some stories (even fiction) just have to stand on their own, and not depend on past elements. there's a limit to everything (yes, even Belmonts).

    Either way, i'm happy that the name "nome" was used, homage or otherwise, being the freak I am for pop-culture references. :)

    As for Sheryl Nome, i agree that she came of a bit arrogant and selfish in the first episode, but I don't feel any disdain for her yet. I see her as a potential for character development (the same with Alto), and i'm quite excited how she will turn out later on in the series. In fact, the character that i'm worried about now is Ranka Lee, because she has the potential to be a flat character. But i would be contradicting myself. One episode is too early to tell. :)

  11. SDF Macross. they showed it here in the philippines in the 80's, dubbed in english. i think i was around 8 yrs old, and i was HOOKED. but they stopped airing before the end, so i was stuck in limbo. hey, as a kid, what COULD i do? so i did the only think a heartbroken kid could do... i tried to forget.

    fast forward to 15 years later, philippine TV aired robotech. and i was dazed and confused, thinking, hey i know these characters, i know that mecha, i know this story, but WTF is this "robotech" thing? the title of this show is Macross!! and the memories came rushing back in. so, even though it was robotech, i watched it religiously, hoping to finally know what happened in the end. BUT, true to form, they stopped airing right before the space war (envoy)!! arg.

    but this time, at 23 years of age i could do something about it. found the original series. bought it, watched it. HOOKED to the 100th power. and i was not satisfied with just watching the series. so eventually found macross II (didn't like it that much, though), macross plus (alright!!), DYRL Macross (awesome baby!), macross flashback 2012 (finally!!)macross 7. and so on and so forth... and now, it continues with macross zero and frontier. more to come, i hope.

    so that being said.... i HATE robotech. i HATE Carl Macek for what he did (and is still doing) to macross. But at the same time, i will be eternally grateful to Robotech and Macek; if not for them i would not have had the chance to rekindle my love affair with the Macross universe. cheers. :)

  12. Hmmm...maybe the Megaroad-01 was just behind schedule, so, in order to save herself from a royal tongue lashing, she sent a mesage saying, "Oh, uh, yeah...we're...umm...near the Galactic Center now...yeah...that's the ticket. Uh, there seems to be some static or something...TalkToYouLater!"

    Then UN Spacy checks the area near where they were supposed to be, finds nothing, and thinks, "OMFG! They've VANISHED!!!"

    And once Misa hears what a big brouhaha has erupted over this, she's just too embarassed to contact them again.

    Or, perhaps, the MF galactic map needs a little footnote that says "NOT TO SCALE."

    haha! nice one! :)

    or maybe UEG didn't know where the friggin center of the galaxy was at first. "oh.. so that's where it is. Froniter, you're up next."

    As a serious reply: maybe Megaroad 1 headed to another destination first before heading for the center of the galaxy.

  13. Call me crazy, but i still prefer the character designs of MacrossTV. Granted, with respect to animation quality and mecha designs, DYRL OWNS marcoss TV. However, there's a sense of realism and relatability that i've always felt when i watched the tv series. ordinary flight jumpsuits still does it for me better than those futuristic flightsuits with the exaggerated shoulder "pads". Frail-looking blue SDF Macross from TV feels more aesthetically sound then chunky gray "muscle-bound" SFD Macross from DYRL (and besides, the daedelus and prometheus attached to the arms of macross? pure genius!).

    as for the characters:

    Misa - i actually have three versions of Misa. Best design for me is Misa after the space war (last episodes). She removed the buns on her hair, and she suddenly looks even younger and more beautiful. DYRL Misa is only second, and third place goes to Misa TV prior to the space war.

    Top Misa look: My Album and Private Time episodes from TV.

    Minmei - I agree, when in a concert Minmei looks better in DYRL. She even moves better. In her casual day-to-day, TV Minmei owns the competition. But, jeez, when TV Minmei is in concert, she looks outright silly.

    Top Minmei look: Private Time and Romanesque episodes from TV. "Do you remember love" song performance from the movie.

    Hikaru - DYRL Hikaru's design rubs me the wrong way. Maybe it's the lack of character development that plays into this. (he just isn't hikaru if he isn't an indecisive fool). Top Hikaru design - Private Time and Romanesque.

    Roy Fokker - DYRL Roy is too rough for my taste. in other words, the emphasis is more on his drunk and ragged exterior. He still has that sempai feel about him, but not as authoritative and awe-inspiring as TV Roy.

    Zentraedi - DYRL Zentradei are more menacing. But part of the theme of macross is that zentraedi came from the same core DNA, just developed a different way. Designing them too differently from humans removes this important macross element.

    Of course, my preference for Macross TV design is based on those episodes with superior animation quality (i.e. Private Time and Romanesque). We all know that there are just some episodes that are animated terribly (kung fu dandy comes to mind).

    And all of this is just about character design. i'm not even going into character and plot development. :p

  14. Pineapple salad is HIGHLY overated.

    haha, that one was my favorite. and about that... what's with the friggin pineapple? since when did it become the universal macross symbol for death ("pineapple salad" and "romanesque")??

    ok. some more:

    1. Human military technology gets more advanced each year -- but an incoming alien threat will always kick humanity's arsse at the start.

    2. Skull team still rules!

    3. Military controls humanity - but an IDOL trumps military ("of course you're allowed to go home, Minmei. We'll even give you one of our pilots as your escort. And you want to bring back your cousin? SURE!")

    4. In the macross universe, you can HEAR space warfare. Down to the mecha transformation sounds. oh yes, indeed. :)

    5. Zentraedis don't know how to shut off a video or radio broadcast, even if it's killing them

    6. Macross citizens can build and/or repair a whole frackin city in seconds. anywhere.

    7. Chinese food rules!! (nyan nyan!!)

    more to come. :p

  15. The aesthetics ARE the reason for it. You're right, it makes no sense whatsoever to have the big clear dome. You can't see out from inside (unless you're right up on it); unless you're in a Green Belt orbit, you won't get enough light coming in to grow plants; and it does seem to invite enemy attention... but it's pretty!

    I concur that having an enclosed ship that could open "shell style" upon reaching the colony destination would make more sense. On the other hand, it makes it more difficult for the viewer to quickly spot which ships are the colony ships.

    In fact, if we look at other series, most colony or garden ships have domes (at least all the ones I can think of) - even if they're for interstellar travel. It seems to be ingrained in the Scifi imagery that colony ships MUST have domes - at least if they were designed for that purpose.

    likewise, i do not see the practical application of having a see-through hull, regardless of its composition.

    so i would have to agree with the sentiment that it is for purely aesthetic purposes only. it serves to emphasize to the viewers that the purpose of this ship is to "colonize" and not to wage war. so what better way to emphasize that point than to show the whole friggin civilian population inside the ship?

    but here's a thought... it sure saves a lot of time for the enemy (presumably zentradei or a variant thereof) to get shocked out of their wits in seeing male and female microns fraternizing in a single ship - no need for a recon mission, there are your microns! hmmm... come to think of it, imagine if the zentradei saw the microns before they attacked. wouldve saved the humans a lot of trouble. hehe. maybe, that's why they made the ship transparent. "hey you space war mongers. we got CULTURE!! see for yourselves! who's your daddy now??!"

    as for similar ships in other SCI FI series, good point. Cloud 9 from battlestar galactica comes to mind.

  16. hi everyone. LONG time macross fan. but just signed up for the forum. That 1st episode of frontier was fracking awesome!!! a friend of mine who has only seen macross plus out of the entire franchise suggested that it feels just like macross plus, but he couldn't be more wrong!!this feels like SDF Macross all over again! a celebration aboard a city, a sudden surprise attack by unknown aliens, the humans don't know how to stop the attack, a singing idol, and a NyanNyan restaurant!! and to top it off, the protagonist (i assume it's alto), a civilian, jumps into a valkyrie and shoots the alien. much like Hikaru at the start of the original series! and the ending song! wow. what a fitting homage to the old macross. this is what i've been waiting for for so looong!

    i know this has probably been answered already, but the thread is alreasy long and i already have to get back to work. but do you suppose the macross frontier fleet was sent to the center of the galaxy precisely to find out what happened to megaroad 1? and that they were expecting some kind of alien attack as they neared the center of the galaxy?

    if so, this could probably where we find out (finally!) what happened to the original macross gang aboard the megaroad. a cameo appearance by our favorite characters, perhaps (hey, i'm not counting shin and sara out)?

    and is there any news as to the relationship between Alto and sheryll nome? they seem to know each other. are they related? and i wonder if any of the other characters have any relation to any of the characters from SDF Macross series.

    and as i'm writing this (wow, i am such an idiot for taking this long) i just realized that sheryl nome shares the SAME last name with sara and mao nome from macross zero, so most likely related.maybe this is indeed where we see what happened to everyone from zero and from SDF macross. wow.

    Oh well, enough of these speculations, i might just end up disappointing myself. haha. i can't wait for the continuation of this series. as someone already said in this thread, this is a GREAT time to be a macross fan!! :)

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