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shadow strikers

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Posts posted by shadow strikers

  1. No, Jr! What he is suggesting is that MF has already begin to dwindle...

    Which is why I want Michel Bay to make a Macross movie using fans knowledge to make the movie, so everyone loves it it get more fans and we have more suckers to continue where we died and left off.

  2. Its a shame, since I really don't see MF being an anime I'll remember fondly in 15-20 years. It just wasn't all that moving or awesome like M+ or DYRL was for me.

    so we all come to a agreement it will take a while till the ideas run out.

  3. I'm not a big toy guy, but Christmas is BIG in Japan. Don't tell me something like this wouldn't sell:


    A full sized toy I think people would laugh at, maybe a couple of people would buy when no one is looking. Maybe something smaller scaled and cheaper would sell. Has anyone decorated their tree in 1/144 or 1/200 valks yet. I think I know what I'm doing this year :lol: - MT

    now if only they had the full SDF1

  4. Well if they could make figs of the Bridge bunnies dressed up in Playboy bunny costumes for an Easter release..........

    Why would they do that for Easter, it would probably be something like yellow and blue colors with Easter egg strips on the chest plate, and probably a egg painted on the tail fin. If they did that I would pain the words rotten egg on it's fin.

  5. post-7019-1246763212.jpg post-7019-1246763178.jpg post-7019-1246763206.jpg post-7019-1246763197.jpg post-7019-1246763185.jpgThis looks like it might have the fixed shoulders like the VF-1A Max Tv ver, and the arms might not be as tight as previous versions of the 1/60 2.0 scale figures. Though I hope the tight foot problem might be fixed, where one foot is easy to pull out but the other is a pain, though this can be fixed by loosening the screws on the legs a little bit.

    Edit: I'm not sure if you people noticed, but the fins on the leg's can be folded against the leg to give it a sleeker look, also I'm not sure if the Valk's did that in the anime. Also the 1A's head is designed in a way that makes it hard to transform it with out popping off the head, so its designed to be removed if you want during transformation.

    Edit2: Here's a link to the figure if you want to preorder it, scheduled release Aug 1/60 VF-1A Production Tv Ver from HLJ

    Edit3: Not sure where I saw this but they released a Production version of the VF-1J, when I find out where I saw this ill post the info. post-7019-1246763259.jpg post-7019-1246763267.jpg post-7019-1246763275.jpg post-7019-1246763282.jpg To purchase this figure follow this link, its original release was June 2009 1/60 2.0 VF-1J HLJ

  6. Popular topics are usually more well thought out, offer some kind of insight, or show a new upcoming product... but this thread... well...

    ya but I usually don't post product topics because people do it before I do, so I don't want repeats of the same topic in this forum.

  7. It would be a cool custom project to do the four seasons paint schemes on 4 VF-1s.

    Winter could be a white and light gray arctic digital camo scheme with snow covered mountains on the chestplate and tailfins.

    Spring could be a green and light green bamboo camo scheme with cherry blossoms painted on the chestplate and tailfins.

    Summer could be a Yellow sun rays scheme with bakini girls painted on chestplate and tailfins.

    Autumn could be browns and oranges leaf camo with Pumpkins witches and skelletons painted on the chestplate and tailfins.

    Or something like that.

    That's a grate idea, hypothetically speaking if you could make custom paint jobs, can I have mines with a strawberry instead of a cherry if you want to.

  8. Yeh and for Thanksgiving they can make one that looks like a turkey complete with optional feather wings. Oh and for St Patrick's day maybe an all green one with a shillelagh and a huge mug o' Guinness.

    I'm not psychic, but this thread, much like a lot of your other ones will be closing soon. Just curious, how old are you? 10?

    I'm just throwing ideas out there, sorry if I can't make topics as popular as everyone else in this forum.

  9. It wasn't a 1J, it was a 1D (Virgin Road 2 Seater), and it's already slated for a release, even before the M&M's (Max and Millia VF-1J's)

    No worries about the reply, no hint of vertiech, your learning. ;):p Welcome.

    lots of times it takes me a while to learn sorry for saying this, for this is off topic and I don't want to get yelled at.

  10. They wouldn't do a custom mold to the valkyrie herself, but they could do special releases

    like Hikaru TV-1S with Hikaru and Misa (with helmet) ala final or say a VT-1 with Misa and Hikaru (no helms).

    Non cannon scemes are hit and miss, but i'm sure they know a low vis 1 scheme will be snapped up.

    lol thanks for the reply B)), though they need a VF-1J in the colors Max had when he Max got married.

  11. Because Veritech is a word made up for Robotech (which IS NOT Macross). In the English dubs of SDF:M, Macross Plus, and Macross II they're referred to as Valkyrie's and some times variable fighters, Never "veritechs"

    I said dont go off topic, just name a mecha from any macross series you like and why.

  12. dude.


    do us all a favor here at MacrossWorld forum.

    stop using the term "veritech".

    dude veritech and valkyrie are the same dang thing, listen we all know for the robotech series in America they took the macross saga and tons other series and put them together. But still in the english version of the macross saga they say veritech and in the japanese the say valkyrie so tell me whats the difference. And either way you should already know what I'm getting at and that is whats your favorite Valkyrie and why? so don't go off topic please.

  13. sure. As long as they do a VF-4, VF-14, VF-17, VF-3000, VF-5000, VF-9, VA-3, Monster, v.2 Q-Rau, Glaug, Regult, Gnerl, Variable Glaug, SDP-1, Orguss Valkyrie, VERF-1, Feios Valkyrie, SW-XAII Schneegans, 1/2000 scale factory satellite... :p

    Seriously though, I've never been a fan of the R versions from the 2036 game or any of the alternate timeline designs (2036, eternal love song and MacII are all part of the same timeline right? Seto?) for that matter. If Yamato or bandai (depends on who has the licence, I think bandai is more likely though) wants to make toys out of them that's fine but there are a ton of toys I'd rather buy before this, including MacII valks (I dislike them very much but I still think they're better than the 2036 designs.)

    And if we're talking about Valks/mechs from PC engine game's I'd much rather see stuff from SDFM: Remember Me.

    the SDP-1 is one of my favorite valks, I would totally get one (it would be even better if they released it as an add on that you could attach to the existing v.2's)


    also Maybe I'm the only one who thinks this but the Maverick is an awesome Destroid, and it's the same from the waist down as the Tomahawk/Defender/Phalanx so Yamato's already half way there.


    When I ask these kinds of things people get mad, and tell me no and its robotech but when someone else does their like ya we are up to it.
  14. After the VF-11B Yamato's options for new VF molds are kind of running thin.

    Yes. I expect them to focus mostly on the new VF-1's but that doens't mean there's room for more.

    Let's say it retailed for the same price as the upcoming VF-1's and also included Fast Packs.

    Sorry if this has been done before but I really think this could be another best seller.

    how come when i asked this people didn't listen/where rude to me and said oh VF-4 is part of robotech yada yada yada.

  15. Actually, Zone of the Enders OVA (Or was it a movie, I forget) was kinda like that. Real emotional ending to a mecha anime.

    I'd rather they just not do the Live Action Macross movie. 90% chance they fail and give the franchise a bad name.

    or they can think for once and ask/gather fans to help them make the movie, so you know its gonna be accurate and good.

  16. Oh and Micheal Bay.........after seeing Transformers how many people here think he would make a Macross movie? :mellow: Bo-Earns! :angry:

    Those movies wreck my childhood and if I am going to see Transformers 2 I am going to have delude myself that I am seeing just seeing a giant robots movie to sit through it. I could forgive it if it at least had a good story but nope.... Good for the masses maybe not good for the inner fanboy/girl.

    Robotech and Ghost in the Shell movies are already supposedly in the works. Transformers makes me wish they never get past the "planning" phase.

    this is exactly when Dcompose was talking about you can't have a good plot, the reason being is that Micheal Bay listened to everyone and what did you guys say we want more action more robots etc. You got what you wanted and because of the large amount of robots and action you couldn't get a story/plot or character build up, so next time contact Micheal Bay and instead of asking for action ask for a good story.

  17. Not to be mean but is this what U.S. Education gives kids nowadays? I sure hope he is from another country because if English is his primary language......GOOD LORD!!!!

    As for the whole robot transformation dilemma, it might happen but not in our lifetime.......unless an alien spaceship crash-lands on Earth and we are attacked by an alien armada that is........wait.......Where have I heard this before?????

    I'm actually real good at typing/writing but when im on vacation I'm like nah forget it.

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