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Posts posted by Macross007

  1. Speak for yourself, they still need to do a lot of work on that engine. Texture-pop and the slooooowest elevators ever devised by mankind need to go.

    Yeah, the slowest elevators ever devised by manking on a state of the art stealth starship. :wacko: I bet all money was spent on the stealth system and not on the elevators.

  2. oh... that sucks. I was hoping for more freqent releases since they don't need to work on the engine as much between releases. :mellow:

    Trust me my friend, the longer we wait, better the game will be. B)) Well, I hope so ... Maybe it takes so long because they are working on new awesome plot twist like we saw in MEI. :ph34r:

  3. There is more DLC on the way (for 360 and PC), and I believe (and please correct me if I am wrong) they are talking about a spring 2009 release for ME2.

    And I missed all the chatter in the 360 thread, as I am not a owner of one. :)

    Actually, I heard a December 31 2009 realase. Got that news from IGN website.

  4. Honestly, if it happened and they also released an uncut Sub version on the DVD I would not mind a dub with a few dialog changes to fit it in with Robotech saying that it's an REF fleet and so on, talking about protoculture in the robotech sense.

    At least that way Macross Frontier could be released without the problem of the HG Macross trademark.

    I'd watch it with a robotech dub, as well as with an original sub.

    That said... this is fake.

    Excuse me dude, but if we take your idea it will be called Robotech Frontier not MACROSS Frontier. <_<

  5. Macross Frontier is doing well in japan :

    The Japanese anime distributor Bandai Visual has announced that it shipped 45,000 Blu-ray Discs and 55,000 DVDs for the first volume of the Macross Frontier science-fiction anime series on Friday. That marks the highest Blu-ray Disc pressing among all Bandai Entertainment releases, including the Cowboy Bebop and Ghost in the Shell movies. It is also the first television anime series to ship simultaneously on both disc formats in Japan. The series takes place 50 years after the first Macross television series and revolves around a rookie pilot, the galaxy's latest pop idol, and an aspiring singer. The first issue of the biweekly Macross Chronicle magazine also shipped this Thursday.

    Source: AV Watch

    Link : Macross Frontier Volume 1 Ships 45,000 Blu-ray Discs

  6. My love of Macross comes across in a different way...for instance - here's a typical conversation between me and my girlfriend:

    GF: Uff. What a hard day at work. Today we had to send two new editions to print, and our computer systems broke down again, and my assitent editor is pregnant and had to leave early and I STILL don't have a secretary and I have to help my daughter with her homework...how was your day?

    ME: Well, my internet connection is slowing down again, so I couldn't do any work again, but thankfully my Macross Frontier download was completed, so I got to see episode 14.

    GF: Err...so anyways, remember my friend Jill? She's just gotten back from an exciting vacation in India - she met a guy there who knew six languages and was a believer in the karma and spent the day talking to her about religion and finding inner peace.

    ME: Well, last episode on Macross Frontier, Ranka flew out to save Alto on this planet full of uncultured Zentrans and Alto once again had to face his past...

    GF: Urr...so...anyways, I've made you some sandwiches for dinner - here...how does that taste?

    ME: MMmm (smacks her butt) You'll make a good wife!


    I seriously have no clue why my girlfriend still loves me :) All I do is watch Macross and buy toys :) Oh - and sing Nekki Bassara songs :)


    Are you sure your girlfriend is not some sort of secret Basara fan and never told you about it because she fears that you will want to marry her after her "Macross-Basara coming out" ? :ph34r::lol:

  7. Wait? Is this canon?

    Does that mean that this backwater archipelago of an ASEAN member/Non-NATO US ally I call home could actually afford to field one of those?

    Look dude, Isreal, Germany and China are not poor countries (yes China is not poor when you know that this country own 2/3 of the US economy if I remember well). So I can easily see Isreal, Germany and China being the main contributors on the SV-51 project.

  8. nah... after frontier we're going to get a mediocre story OVA with a severe hardcore mecha porn that everyone will love, then a complete nonsense series with monster of the week and a singing idiot followed by some greenpeace tree hugging OVA series to later have another nice little series...

    And what about Macross Plus and Macross Flashback 2012 ? :unsure: I'm sure Kawamori will not make the same mistake he did with Macross Zero (For my part, I like M0) if the next Macross work is an OVA.

  9. Je ne suis pas une femme; mais j'aime plus Ranka au commencement de Macross: Frontier. Avec tout les nouve episodes, j'aime plus Ranka...plus plus! :)

    Je n'aime pas Sheryl dans le premiere parceque je pence que elle est tres elite. Le fact que elle est une "sex bomb" n'as pas pour moi le significance, parceque les sex bombs son bon pour la sex, mais non pour le heureux vie avec une femme et une homme.

    Le premiere fois quand j'aime Sheryl et en the 6 episode; parceque elle as ete tres demure dans cette episode; tres natural et normal.

    J'aime plus aussie Sheryl dans le 8 episode; parceque j'aime plus les comedie :)

    Mais en general, je pense que Ranka et tres sexy mais elle as des autre benefit: 1) beaucoup d'autentique amour pour la vie et pour Alto, 2) elle et le super magnifique chauntesse - plus super que Sheryl, 3) elle et plus femminine que Sheryl...

    Uff...mon Francais et tres mal :)

    Je pense que dans la fin de serial, Alto retrouve son amour pour Ranka. Je vote pour Ranka.


    Pas mal pour un anglo. :p But seriously, I have seen french speakers doing worse than you. French ain't easy you know.

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