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Posts posted by Macross007

  1. The best advice I can give on Mac7 is, "Be patient."

    All but the most ferocious Mac7 fans would agree that she show gets off to a slow start. But it gains power as it goes along (it still remains pretty goofy throughout, though).

    And don't expect many spectacular mecha scenes.

    Why we need spectacular mecha battles when we have Basara spectacular singing ?

  2. Am I correct to assume that besides UN Spacy and the Protodevlin , the Supervision Army utilizes Super Dimensional energy canons, even perhaps the Birdman.

    Zentradi utilizes heavy convergence energy beams for their main guns.

    If Gravil is any indication Super Dimensional energy beams can be counteracted by Song energy.

    The Sound Force can easily beat the Macross Frontier fleet no matter how powerful Macross Quarter and Battle Frontier are.


  3. Er, the Supervision Army was not a Protoculture biological weapon.

    You are right. SA was a faction of the Protoculture. My mistake.

    The Protodevlin were not Protoculture biological weapons. The EVIL series bodies they inhabited were, but not the Protodevlin themselves. The Protodevlin were also the force behind the Supervision Army, just as they were behind the Varuta forces. And the Supervision Army has never shown up as an enemy for humanity to face, seeing as how they were wiped out after the Protodevlin were originally sealed away.

    Just saw "The Mistery Of The Ruins" (Macross 7 episode 37) yesterday night and again you are correct. The Protodeviln come from a parallel universe. But that does not change the fact that the "EVIL" are Protoculture bio weapons.

    We don't know that the Vajra come from the Protoculture. We have some indication that they are, and some indication that they aren't (if the narration speaking of the limits of the Protoculture and all Protoculture races was translated correctly). We'll see how that all wraps up.

    Wait and see, but I have a bad feeling about that.

    So, let's see, out of three series and three OVAs we have two confirmed examples of "biological weapons", if you consider a clone army to be a biological weapon (and if you do, then where do you draw the line? What about humans and zolans?).

    Humans are Protoculture's ancestors. Humans did not received genetic modifications to become a bunch of super soldiers unlike the Zentradis. That is why I can't say that Humans are bio weapons.

    That would be the Zentradi, and the EVIL series weapons designed to replace the Zentradi but being used by another enemy entirely. The Birdman is as much a machine as a Zentradi warship, or battlepod, or Q-Rau. What more would you expect from a race that's shown to have biologic-based technology? Where do we draw the line? At any rate, we're not exactly seeing a recurring, "What Protoculture bio-terror will our heroes face this week?" formula, with the same story endlessly repeated.

    The Birman is indeed a machine but with bio parts in it. Why do think Sara was able to control it ? With her DNA. So I consider the Birman as a machine and as a bio weapon because of it ability to interact with biological components.

    Also, Dynamite was another such Plus-like side story, without "Protoculture bio-weapons". I love both Plus and Dynamite, so sure I'd like to see more along those lines, but as it is they're hardly rehashing the same story over and over with SDF:M, M7, and Frontier.

    Glad you see it that way. I'm just saying that Macross need to forget the "Protoculture" for some time in an effort to become a much more diversified franchise. Macross Plus is the best example of what I'm talking about. I want a Macross franchise dealing with diversified issues. I'm not saying to forget all about the Protoculture because is an important issue of the Macross universe but I'm saying that other issues deserve attention too. After all, it's called "Macross" not the "Protoculture Show".

  4. Just reinforces the fact that the man had no taste!

    The show he did was a trashed version of the original with lame a$$ dialogue and surprisingly, the SC movie done recently was WORSE for dialogue than Macek's hack job!

    Sometimes Westerners really shouldn't try to adapt anime, especially if they don't have a clue about the cultural context of the original show...

    "Sometimes" !?!?!? I guess you meant ALL THE TIME.

  5. We have had now three or four such antagonists? The Zentraedi, the Protodevlin, the Birdmen and now the Vajra? Wouldn´t have some people already said "Enough of this!", if it weren´t for the interminably long time we had to wait for another Macross series? You can only repeat a story so many times, before it becomes stagnant.

    Or are we all really just waiting for the Supervision Army to show up, and humanity just needs a new special songstress. To repeat the same story all over again?

    Let´s rather tell a new story in the Macross universe. How the inner conflict between the human and cyborg colonization fleets threatened to extinct humanity, and that conflict needed to be overcome. Preferably with good music. B))

    Could not said it better. ENOUGH with all these Protoculture biological weapons. Zentradi, Supervision Army, Protodevlin, Birdmen, Vajra and what next ? :wacko: This is getting ridiculous. <_< I'm beginning to think that the Protoculture had nothing to do except creating useless bio weapons. :rolleyes: Macross need to go the Macross Plus way : making an independant story not related to any of the Protoculture bio weapons but keeping the power of the music and love. Repeating the same story all over again is working well for Gundam but I seriously doubt that Macross can maintain a decent level of success with that kind of tactic. As you said, Macross need to explain itself : we need more explanations on the Macross universe. For example, a OVA of a TV series explaining how things work when a colonial fleet find a habitable planet. Or how the NUNS on Earth deal politically with it fleets spreading across the Galaxy. Just throwing ideas for fun. But just to say that the Macross Plus way must be the way to go for the Macross franchise.

  6. Smart Ro****** film? :huh:

    The Hollywood definition for a "rich mythology that will be a great foundation for a sophisticated, smart and entertaining film" is simply a combinaison of spectacular explosions all over the place and of a simple nonsense storyline that me, you, our families and friends etc will understand without even thinking. Spectacular explosions all over the place are going to think for us instead. F*CK YEAH LIVE ACTION ROBOTECH !!!

  7. If I recall correctly, according to Robotech, Rick and Lisa were then the highest ranking RDF officers left. With Rick clearly superseding Lisa because he's the man in the relationship, which is why afterwards everyone is waiting for Admiral Hunter, who heads the mission to confront the Robotech Masters, to return to Earth. Lisa gets to be captain of the ship, though.

    Wait a minute. ADMIRAL (being the highest rank in the Navy) Hunter is aboard the SDF-3 and he let a lower officer (CAPTAIN Hayes) takes command of the ship !?!?!? lol, nonsense #2. :)

  8. as Cypher would say: Jee-zus. What a mind-job. :wacko:

    and what a flimsy explanation of a dialogue it was, for the death of the entire bridge crew!

    Misa/Lisa: oh at the last minute they placed me in the last safety capsule, and i'm the only one who survived.

    Hikaru/Rick: oh, that's sad. hey wait here's Minmay.

    -- Hikaru/Misa/Minmei dialogue about anything under the sun other than the fact that the whole bridge crew is dead. Then Minmay leaves --

    Misa/Lisa: Oh well, there she goes, your ex-girlfriend. let me just hold on to you tighter.

    Hikaru/Rick: Sure. Oh, wait what were we talking about before Minmay came?

    Misa/Lisa: .... hmm... I don't remember. it'll come back to me if it's important, i guess... .

    I just watched that scene on youtube and I can't stop laughing. It was pathetic and ridiculous at best. No wonder why people saying "Robocrap" are so right especially with that kind of nonsense hilarious conservions. Never watched Robotech but I guess the whole series is fill with that kind of nonsense crap conversions like that one. lol Robotech. :)

  9. I hate this stupid mistakes

    episode 19.... President glass is ready to get snipe, notice the limo'

    episode 20.... Aparently the limo' is variable too...and Jackie Kennedy morphed into a bodyguard...

    Simple explanation : Jackie Kennedy took the first car in the left pic and went immediately somewhere before Glass took the second car in the right pic.

  10. I dunno about adding new stuff into already canon material.

    Bad idea Kawamori.

    I don't see anything wrong with that. At least the addition of the earrings is not as bad as Enterprise writers adding by force the NX-01 into Star Trek timeline. Macross canon has been altered to make more sense in the Macross continuity and not to damage it or even worse destroy it.

  11. My predictions are…

    Short term:

    Michael isn’t dead, but he comes back partially paralyzed and can no longer fly. Klan goes berserker, kills everything, and comes out alive.

    Nanase ends up in a coma from her injuries and never wakes up. :mellow:

    Long term:

    Grace dies (obviously) ^_^

    Brera dies (who’s surprised there) <_<

    Leon dies (I’m thinking gets ripped apart by a Vajra) :lol:

    Bobby, the captain, and all the bridge bunnies die when the Quarter suicide rams a Vajra capital ship (Grace may or may not end up dyeing with them)

    Canaria dies (blown up in one hit while flying into battle, nothing flashy or badass, just dead)

    Ranka dies (well, not so much die as something along the lines of what happend to sara at the end of zero)

    And finally…

    Alto dies


    No death for Cathy, Ozma, Sheryl and Luca ? :unsure:

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