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Posts posted by Macross007

  1. The elevators, yes. The texture pop-in, probably not. Like I said, it's not as bad on the PC, but it's definitely there.

    poo ... <_< Unreal Engine 3 ... <_< But at least, it will reduce it. :) I hope so ... :mellow:

  2. Maybe it was rational, but he was having one hell of a challenge taking on that Ghost. Even before he busted out the Limit Break mode, Guld had already lost one of his FP bellyplates. I don't think he could've played the "delay game" with the Ghost for too long.

    Plus, I don't think Guld wanted to leave anything to chance. Heck, the stupid Ghost left things to chance after it "just" disabled the -21's arms and legs.

    Guld did the "manly" thing: he finished the job and made sure he finished it completely.

    What you wrote make me respect Guld death even more now. So you are so right : Guld get the job done done no matter what the cost. Thanks for writing this dude. ^_^

  3. "Ma-ma-MAA-ma-ma! ma-ma-MAA-ma-ma! Macross F! Macross F! Macross F, GO!!"

    (damn I hope this joke isn't too obscure... :unsure: )

    So it's okay to see nearly all VF-171 pilots being blow up and not main characters ? :unsure: Sorry to say that, but THIS IS WAR, PEOPLE DIE !!! Main characters have no right to stay alive if nearly everybody end up dead at the end. That's cold from my part I admit that, but this is the painful reality of war. Macross with Macross F has the chance to show us what Gundam forgot since Zeta : In war, everybody is equal. In war, the notion of "heroe" and "super mecha" do not exist. In war, everyday you live is a gift from the universe. Macross F need to show us that like "24" and Jack Bauer are doing now.

  4. Another for Guld:

    He just realized how the woman he loved and best friend pitied his situation, how he ruined their friendship, and then was man enough to be sorry for it. And even after realizing that, stood to defend them, which caused his death. And... ouch for his death. His whole body must have caved in.

    Question though, what do you guys mean by a "manly death", and what makes one more manly than the other? Or is this just subjective?

    That is exactly why I have to go with Guld too. Guld did it to redeem himself. Not only he shown to us that he was a man, but more importantly an human being realising and admitting his mistake. Guld died from a humble death unlike Michel who did it to prove that he had a bigger p*nis than Alto.

    P.S. : I seriously hope that Alto will die in a fashion way like Guld. Alto deserves a honorable death too.

  5. Zeta-Gundam-ending

    here we come?

    (not looking forward to that idea, i hope it doesn't come to that...)

    Why not ? Michel death was sadly AWESOME (If i have to die one day, I want to die exactly like him) !!! Just imagine all Macross F characters dying from a slow and painful death like Michel. Macross F will automatically enter the LEGEND. Anime fans from all across the world will remember Macross F even after decades as the anime not afraid of sacrifing characters for the greater good. I don't want to see Macross F characters smiling at the even if of one or two friends end up dead (Myung and Isamu smiling JUST 10 minutes after Guld death for example). This time, KILL THEM ALL !!! I know it's crazy for me to say that, but this has to be done for the greater good. So please Kawamori-san, MAKE IT SO !!!

  6. sucker4meltrans, don't ruin it. ^_^

    Sorry to contradict you dude, but sucker4meltrans is so right. Sheryl was and she is still wearing a holographic suit even off stage. By the end of Macross F, I'm sure Sheryl's holographic suit will be desactivated somehow and we will see the true body of Sheryl : a fat body with cellulite all over the place. :ph34r: After seeing this, no doubt Alto is going to choose Ranka.

  7. Deal with it, Michael is dead, and nothing short of major interference with the space-time continuum via time travel is going to bring him back. The End.

    Yes, it sucks, but there it is.


    If this is the case, expect to see the Enterprise-D with Picard saying "remodulate the deflector at frequency 234.7 to emit a bust of tachyon particles on Macross Frontier". :p

  8. not to mention,

    Leon had the upper hand on Glass, and was able to set a trap - he won't have that advantage against ozma and cathy

    still though this ep makes me seriously wonder what the hell LAI was thinking when they designed the ex-gear. it provides absolutely NO protection for the user's abdominals and thighs. granted, it was probably never intended to be more than a control interface and survival system for downed pilots... certainly not a frontline infantry combat suit.

    It's not like we are in Mass Effect dude. Macross wars are fought with VF not armors. Macross definitely lacks a space marine style of combat unlike Mass Effect. After all, this is what you get from thinking with big guns and Michel paid for that.

  9. Heh, so next episode we're going to see Ranka's zentraedi heritage rear its ugly head. Ranka's going to deck sheryl, and then she's going to knock Alto down and rip off his shirt. The scene will cut away and there will be another big debate as to whether or not "Myung" was raped or just had "her" shirt torn.

    The sniper will get distracted by Ranka's actions and get so engrossed in watching that President Glass will make a safe getaway. Ai-kun, looking out for Ranka, sneaks up on the sniper and does the face hugger thing.

    Forgot to add how bad Ozma and Cathy act.

    I'm ready to put 100$ on that. Anyone interested ?

  10. Ok, I know everyone hates the RT plotline, but it's not all bad, really!!

    I was watching SDF:M for the first time and I was like, wow, the RT music makes it so much better!!

    So I got to thinking, what if someone were to say, use the RT soundtrack, but keep the macross plotline and japanese language voiceovers?

    I think that would make the experience better, does anyone else think the RT soundtrack is better?

    pleeeeeease don't flame meeee >_<

    Oh god, that was so funny that even the famous Commander Shepard of the SSV Normandy can't keep up : Mass Effect: Commander Shepard Is Such A Jerk

  11. I stand by my earlier theory: if you look at the starmap at the beginning of Frontier, the Megaroad-01 is nowhere near the center of the galaxy. I think they just got lost, and Misa was too proud to ask for directions. Then U.N. Spacy called, asking how the mission was going, and Misa answered, "Um...yeah...we're, uh...right on schedule. Should be arriving at point QNB2661 in a couple of days...um, GottaGoNowBye!"

    Then U.N. Spacy sent a fold communication to that spot, only to find nothing there. Global and Britai had a big "ZOMFG! They've VANISHED!" panic attack, and raised all the alarms.

    At this point, Misa's WAY too embarrassed to fess up, and so they decide to cut all communications, and find a nice planet to settle down on.

    Whenever a ship passes within a few light years of the planet they're on, she gets hives.

    I though men were only capable of such stupid things. :p

  12. One of our Shinsen team member is currently busy with RL stuff. So we are taking a break with Macross Frontier. It's easy to make "Remation Reater", "Brief 25" kind of mistakes if you don't have access to close caption. We did mis-transcribe Kanaria's name as Kanayo in Episode 1 and Relay Pod as EA Pod, not having access to close caption scripts. However having close caption script still doesn't guarantee good translation, as less experience translators can now rely on making word for word literal translation, instead of listening to what the characters are trying to say.

    A very appreciate anwser sir. Thank for subbing MacrossF and welcome to MacrossWorld. ^_^

  13. Greetings to everyone in this forum, I've just registered not too long ago and as you see, this is my first post. I was actually hooked onto the macross franchise after watching a few episodes of frontier, so you can say that I'm among the newer generation of macross fans. So what I did was to download everything to do with macross, all the tv series, ovas, etc. I have to admit, the theme of macross is really like nothing I've seen before. SDF macross was brilliant, you can't find anything like that nowadays.

    I didnt know how it must have felt to watch the original series in its time, but to me it was more like getting to understand what this whole macross thing was about, something like a history lesson (a rather enjoyable one). So I guess back then people may not have realised how significant those original three characters have become right now. Any mentioning of them has only been done verbally, and whenever that happens, it feels like you are hearing about a really great legend. To me, events that occurred in their time seem to have happened really really long ago. In my mind I have this idea that they are pretty much gone forever. Of course I wouldnt mind seeing them make any appearance in frontier or other future series, but it will be much better if they are to forever remain at a legendary and untouchable status. Like what most of you guys have said, this is part of the magic that makes macross as a franchise so very special.

    Welcome to MacrossWorld hikennoace and glad you appreciate Macross so much like the rest of us. :)

  14. I don't think that was the "twist" at all, it's probably in ME2 where we'll get the big twist that changes everything... since this story was planned as a trilogy to begin with.

    Actually, i heard that EA is planning on making Mass Effect a "franchise for a very long time" since EA own Bioware now. You better to not screw this up EA. <_<

  15. texture pop up isn't an engine issue, it's a hardware issue, 360 can't flush it's memory. And just go make yourself a sandwhich while waiting for the elevator :p

    If those textures were loading from the hard drive, the problem would be solved.

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