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Everything posted by isamu

  1. I remember someone at AX last year mentioned that her and Kawamori decided not to work together anymore. Hope that person is dead wrong
  2. One of, if not THE most underrated OSTs in Macross history.
  3. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEASE put the concert on dvd!!!!!! The last 15th Anniversary concert "One Night Stand", was apparently filmed but not released which LITERALLY caused my clinical depression and I was thus hospitalized
  4. I hoping it would be THIS month! *cries uncontrollably* Oh and WTF is "linear PCM"? Is this a 2ch stereo or 5.1DD track?
  5. Yeah, makes me wonder if they're gearing up for a true HD-DVD release *prays*
  6. Wait a minute....are they just re-releasing plus and 7 on standard DVD? WOW....color me torn on this news. On one hand, I'm EXTREMELY happy that we're finally getting an exceptional version of Plus on DVD. But on the other hand, if you're gonna bother working on Plus and 7 and apply high definition techniques, then WHY DON'T YOU JUST RELEASE THE DAMN SHOW IN TRUE HIGH DEFINITION FORMAT???? C'mon Bandai what the fart dude? I'm going BANANAS over here waiting for Plus and DYRL to be announced on either Blu-ray or HD-DVD and what do we get? Another standard-def dvd release with better PQ. I mean yeah, it'll look more detailed and refined but it's STILL a god damn standard def 480p dvd. C'mon Bandai do us all a favor and give the fans what we want for Kreissayx!
  7. This sounds cool. I may try to go this year. Hey wouldn't it be awesome if we could get Kawamori himself to come? By the way, OT but does anyone know why email notifications are no longer working at this forum?
  8. Allegedly Tomo Sakurai and Hiroko Kasahara will be returning to this project.
  9. Re-releasing DYRL and Mac+Movie on either HD-DVD or Blu-Ray would be the most APPROPRIATE and logical thing to do...but we don't live in a perfect world now, do we? :cry:
  10. What do you mean "yuck"? It's the greatest movie of all time, and I haven't even SEEN it yet!
  11. Does anyone have any impressions of the newly released GitS 2: Innocence BluRay DVD? I need this NOW! Please tell me where I can buy it ASAP!!!
  12. ot but are Tony Scot and Ridley Scott brothers?
  13. Hi. Where can I see the trailer? Also is this out on dvd yet? I haven't seen anything. Also, any plans for an HD/BruRay release?
  14. Damn man, the wait for this is killing me! It's quite strange, as I've heard the R2 DYRL was among the very first anime films released to dvd. It came out when...sometime in 1998? I know I bought it in 1999. Was the first edition that came in a limited edition LD Sized box. Paid like $100 for it. But it was worth it, as the disc itself is now signed by practically every major player who worked on the film(Kawamori, Ishiguro, Mikimoto, Iijima, etc.) You'd think that a visual tour de force like this would've been given the remastered treatment by now. I'm sure GitS Innocence looks nice and all, but I honestly don't think its art style can match DYRL or even Mac+. Curious but does BV, or anyone else for that matter, need permission from Big west to remaster and release the film? Hasn't Big West been known to be somewhat stingy? I want DYRL on BR or HDDVD so badly I would probably buy a BRAND NEW SONY PEARL 1080p projector and sell my BenQ 8720(720p) just to see this film in full 1080p.
  15. Anybody here from Japan got one? Impressions for RR7 would be appreciated
  16. Hi Keith. This is OT but have you heard anything about any new or good regarding HK versions of DBZ?
  17. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0443771/ *Trailer* WTF? Is it true they got Kawamori to work on this? Plus it's said to have been animated in Japan. If true, it could turnout to be pretty good.
  18. How many of you would buy a Blue-Ray or HD-DVD player *JUST* for a hi-def version of either Macross Plus Movie or DYRL? I know I would. Infact, isn't the 25th anniversary of Macross next year? I get the hunch they will give us something special....and hopefully that something special is a hi-def transfer of either of those films
  20. Hi Hurin. Do you own the original Macross Zero R2 dvds? If so, have you applied your subbing techniques to them? How did they turn out?
  21. O.K. I'm about to order it from Yesasia. I don't wanna mess around with Korean/UK dvds, just give me the original from Japan Does anyone have a yesasia coupon code I can use please? I'd be greatfull
  22. Hmm, it doesn't seems to have any information on whether or not it includes the movie or OVA. dejr8bud?
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