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Posts posted by Chthonic

  1. Space War I... It was in a DYRL game, along with the Ghost II Phantom and the VF-3.

    SDP-1 Stampede Valkyrie

    Speaking of which, Chtonic and Shadow, is this the version with the detailed vernier thruster towers or just the flat version? I am pretty sure there was a later version which used a 3d version, rather than a flat maped rectangle.

    It's the More Detailed version

  2. That does kinda suck but, then again I'll take transformation over turrets any day ^_^

    oh by the way I noticed that in the original DYRL mod they had a few original designed ships, does that mean the mod your working on will use fan created vessels as well or do you want to keep things a canon as possible? anyways here is a design for a U.N heavy cruiser I have been working on.

    Check out the old HW2 forum - Boxer came up with some nice designs- plus some of his work is posted on the moddb.com - search for Macross and you'll see. Also, since shadow asked for my help- I have a model you'll probaly love to mess with- its a "to be continue" but could end up being the most complex one. PM me- we'll talk

  3. Hey Shadow3393, first off, Love the progress you have been making with the mod, just about lost hope for a HW2 total conversion till I saw this on the forum, I would like to help out with this project if I can, I have about 3 years experience in 3D modeling and texturing. I have a few examples of my work Though they are untextured at the moment

    Lovely models, droooooll

  4. I like what I see so far, I'm willing to work with you guys to finish it- Contact me and we can talk. I have all of the original data from the FIRST one. So let me know. I like to see a MACROSS mod finish.... Any MOD at That. Later

  5. hmm....haven't been thinking of the Macross universe for a while. I'll need to stare at some UNS ships for a while for something to gel- fortunately I do have Miyatake's book...

    Didn't we have that gunship flying around? Or do we want more than that kind of frigate? How many guns, what's the principle armament? Variants on a base design? Or am I unleashed for this one?

    Unleashed is such a powerful term - I say do the Damn thang my man- you're a genius with your designs

  6. Always wondered what became of that Megaroad model you had Lestat...

    Still waiting. Anyone seriously wanting my attention can throw darts (or messages) on my Deviantart profile...

    Someone recently asked me if they're going to be frigates for UN Spacy- I was wondering if you could cook something up in that mind of your's

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