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Posts posted by Chthonic

  1. Cdr Fokker

    if i read your responce correct it sounds like trying to take the uns hw1 ships and bring them over is a no joy

    as in cant be done.

    ok well what about the flagship retexture problem why is the orange not takeing?

    i do wish shadow would have added the uns races as well when he published mod v1

    but i do have textures to a macross ship i was woundering who i could give it to so they can put one together for this mod

    The problem is that HW2 is mostly a dead-end... it's not only an aging engine, but it wasn't particularly suited to the Macross world, as unfortunate as that may be.

    One of the biggest problems was that of scale. HW2 ships are a lot smaller than HW1 ships. HW1 has a much more realistic scale of space than many games. For the DYRL TC, we ended up having everything double its proper size, because VFs were virtually impossible to handle at true scale. Contrast this with HW2, where we were running true scale (so, half the size of our ships under HW1) and on some of the small one-on-one skirmish maps, you can spot the enemy N-V by just moving a smidge forward. Huge difference.

    In some respects, it's also not as easily modifiable as we were originally lead to believe it was going to be. Just trying to implement things like limited-quantity munitions required roundabout ways of working at it. While not insurmountable, this did have an effect on decreasing morale early on - everybody just thought things would be a lot more straightforward and capable than they turned out to be.

    There's also the problems with modeling - or at least, there were. I don't know if it ever changed, but the normal route required Maya, as the Relic toolsets were all only made for that modeling suite. While not a problem personally - as I have professionally used Maya previously and still have an active but old copy - this was often a bottleneck on teams where most of the talent was used to working in other applications.

    Then there are the problems with getting HW2 to run reliably on modern systems. I've found it flaky at best under W7 x64. Even vanilla HW2, without any mods, doesn't want to run most of the time.

    I'm not trying to dissuade you or anybody else from working on it; just trying to give some perspective on why some of us don't have much interest in any more efforts on that particular engine.

    See also my resurrection of this thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=5082

    I agree with CDR FOKKER. It's an OLD ENGINE and I can't believe how OLD the Textures and the models look on this game. You have to think. Lestat,CDRFokker, MajorFokker,OLD_Klump and I started working on this a long time ago. My kids weren't even born and I was still in College. So that tells you how old this is. If you're going to a Macross Mod justice. You have to update the engine which you're working with. The OLD models are a good template to start but are overall lacking the quality for today's engine. If you still want to tackle this You have my FULL support, but I think everything should be reevaluated for today's game.

  2. Hey CDR FOKKER....long time no see. it's odd I was just on the old Moddb page and know our old images are all over google.I still get emails about this thing. I have 99% of the models plus extras. Never lost the faith. Especially after Macross 30. I think Sins of the Solar Empire might be a better engine though for a mod

  3. LOL- I still have all the source files- Are you kidding?

    I think we're getting old with this thing- I started working on this in my 20's - now I'm in my 30's - that tells you how long- I mean my Dtr is 6 now and I started before she was an itch

  4. Wow almost a full bag now. You still need the VF-19 series, VF-22, and VF-171 but otherwise it looks like you have all the main universe valks covered

    I have the VF-22 and VF-19- I didn't want to add them b/cthe yf-19 and yf-21 are more symbolic. The VA-3 and VF-171 are the next ones

    Plus this lady


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