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Posts posted by mike_s_6

  1. Yeah...I'm looking for scans, too. Does anyone know how many stickers each one comes with? mike_s_6's link has the "uncensored" Sheryl cover and a Sheryl sticker...amazon.co.jp has the "uncensored" Ranka cover and a Ranka sticker...is that everything?

    (Of course, I might break down and actually BUY the singles this weekend...depending on availability. In other words, if Kinokuniya has 'em, I'll get 'em.)

    There's three for Ranka, and two for Sheryl. The ones in Amazon.co.jp only show two of Ranka's, and one of Sheryl's. The link I provided only has a partial of Sheryl's other sticker. I don't feel like searching for big scans of these, but I'll post here if I find any.

  2. I love Nyan Tama dearly, but I would've preferred the Bobby songs and the Linn Minmé version of the Nyan Nyan CM instead of the karaoke tracks...

    I share your sentiments for the Minmeh one, but the Bobby ones were not used in the animation, I suppose that's why they're releasing those separately. I really bet those won't sell too well XD

  3. Thank you for that account! I thought this was funny, you must have rolled your eyes at least:

    "The one bad thing was one of the audience members seated in front of me, during Diamond Crevasse I was going to snap a great shot of May-n but she screwed my shot up and I wanted to punch that bitch and send her tumbling all the way down to the arena floor because she told my GF to shut up after we made a comment to each other when she did the same thing to her friend."

  4. Alright, well the concert was great fun and I managed to steal me some pics and videos of the performance, I'm on a gov comp right now so I can't upload any files at the time and I'll fill you all in on the details in time since my normal PC for work is getting cured of a virus and won't be back until tomorrow and I'll probably be sleeping all day tomorrow until I have to get to work soon, so just wait a minute. Just a quick word though, the Froating Head was there as well and appeared at the end! B))

    Found you!!! Pics! Vids! Please!!!

  5. You mean Ao no ether was composed by Maaya and Yoko? You have the track listing for her new album, I'm just wandering if some "stuff" are in it ^_^

    The roles in making a song as far as I know are:

    Composer: Makes the melody

    Arranger: Chooses the instruments / singers

    Lyricist: The one who writes the lyrics

    Performers: The ones who play the instruments / singers

    Kanno is primarily a composer and arranger, occasionally writing lyrics under *ahem* Gabriela Robin. For Ao no Ether, Maaya is the one who wrote the lyrics to the song :)

    We don't have a full track list yet, but so far, here's what's been revealed (still waiting for more announcements):


  6. hard to tell... for me ofc. im mostly interested in effects of work, not in who worked to achive those

    But the character art of the first run of the TV series was terrible at times, you have to admit, while GITS:SAC was more consistent. If we're really talking about budget, it's actually hard to tell even based from the quality. We need figures!!!

  7. well, S.A.C was like 2 or 3 years ago... ( dont remember well ), and the quality of effects wasn't actually that high as in Frontier. Maybe Solid State Society was a bit better with this... Hard to shoot with budget per episode. X.x

    Hmmm, did GITS:SAC outsource the character art though?

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