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Posts posted by mike_s_6

  1. Actually, I found that after Sheryl starts to accept her illness and her fate she starts to write songs that have a lot more soul to them, while Christina Aguillera is still just a vapid talentless whore who merely looks diseased. Also, there is a difference between high-priced-bondage-prostitutes and a scaggy bint. So I'm told... :unsure:

    Oh don't worry about that, I'm not saying they're equals of the sort. Just that she's the lesser evil pop singer life to compare Sheryl to ;)

    So going back, I only hope they do not alter Sheryl's base character too much for the movie. Costumes and song alteration are fine because those are more superficial. I, in all honestly, want them to work on Alto more, instead of any of the two girls. That guy needs development.

  2. Hmm, going by the idea that Sheryl is a modern day western pop star... should we be expecting her to get knocked up, shave her head and put on weight by 2061? Pending the divorce from Alto and horrid custody battle over the children, the galaxy tabloids will have a field day.

    "Sheryl Nome locks herself in bathroom with children and razor, refusing her lesbian lover access to their children!"

    Oh lord.

    Lesbian lover - does Ranka turn lesbian? Hmmm...

    Considering the TV series, Sheryl followed a more Christina Aguillera road though (they also both had their share of horrendously designed sexy outfits) :D

  3. Lyrics of Pink Monsoon from gabrielarobin.com

    apparently they are quite saucy. can anyone translate?

    I actually plan to fully translate this when I get home today if no one works on it. For now, if someone could help with the two kanji that I marked with "??", that would be great. Actually, if someone could do the transcriptions and translations to both pink monsoon and tenshi ni natta then all the better XD Gubaba? kresphy?

  4. I think Itano has the right to say what he wants to say, but of course the more controversial the things said, the more talk it would induce. In just the same way he spoke his mind, the people here also has the right to say what they think about it. With that, please don't tell the fans who are criticizing his words that it's not called for. Just like any other artist with substantial popularity, and whose words might be taken as some as worship-worthy, counterpoints are to be expected.

  5. The theory I've heard that I like the best is this...

    "Gabriela Robin" made her debut with Macross Plus. She is to Yoko Kanno as Sharon Apple is to Myung.

    Again, don't know if it's true or not, but I really WANT it to be true. :D

    I have a strong hunch that this IS the case. It's too coincidental not to be. :ph34r:

  6. To clarify, though, it may just be a provisional image. That's why I said "might". ^_^

    (Remember they always put 「仮」at the end of forthcoming titles, such as when Frontier (マクロスF(仮)) was in development)

    Aha, you're right! I thought they were saying that the jacket image is the provisional image for the concert ticket :p Anyway, here's the official jacket:


    Source: http://listen.jp/store/musicnews_27825_2.htm

  7. Alto as Sheryl's "crutch": That's enough, you're sick, stop pretending to be strong!

    Sheryl: No, I will sing! Because it's the only thing I can do!

    It takes little to take physical things from a person, but so much to take away the foundation that truly creates a person's character.

    If Sheryl was depending on Alto too much, she'd hold onto every word that he says, which is not the case. The person she considered her friend? Gone. Her career which she was so proud of? Gone, and was shown to be just a sham. Sure she held on to Alto for a while, but in the end, she asked him to leave her and save a person who seems to be her romantic rival. Now, Alto might not be gone, but she still set him free (at this, I pointedly thought, "what a woman!"). I was also glad when Ranka did the same towards the end and stopped clinging to Alto's words, which was what I was expecting from her. All in all, I believe Ranka was an good character, whose motives I sympathize with, but then I thought the same of most of the other girls on the list. Then the slapping happened and personally, it was quite an emotional trigger that's why I can't forget it! :lol:

  8. Now - I am not saying Sheryl was not a strong character, but let's face it - a lot of her strength came from having the world handed to her on a platter.

    I'm sure it boosted her morale to be supported by someone. But it was suddenly pulled from under her feet with death looming behind her as a consequence, by a person who she dearly trusted, leaving her reeling in confusion and pain. What she did after that, after gathering herself, is the mark of real strength.

  9. Episode 25...Ranka psychically bitchslapped Sheryl. But since it all happened in "communal mental fold space," I'm not sure if Sheryl physically felt it... :unsure:

    It's not so much as if Sheryl felt it, as to the fact that Ranka delivered it. Also, mind everyone, I also disliked it when Sheryl slapped Ranka, but Ranka had it coming because she was refusing to defend people when she knew she can. Because she was romantically heart-broken. It's the traditional "wake up call", though I sure wished she only shouted at Ranka and not hit her. But when Ranka slapped Sheryl, what kind of wake up call is that? A wake up call to a person who has done everything she can, then is now giving up as she is near death? There was nothing in any Macross series (even within Macross F itself) that made me really annoyed of a specific action. That it was Ranka who pulled it off makes people think I'm just rooting for Sheryl in the love triangle, but truly, it's not. It felt wrong to me on so many different levels.

    I also ABSOLUTELY REFUSE to accept that slapping people is a mark of a grown woman motivating another. It is childish at best.

  10. For the males, I don't dislike any of them, so I just ticked out those I loved (Hikaru, Isamu and Guld), and then performed a Russian roulette on the rest. I presently forgot who exactly got the bullet.

    For the girls, I consciously chose Ranka, because she was the one for whom I actually said, "Bad move girl, bad move." You don't slap a sick dying person you know is actually very strong, knowing you have the cure. :angry: That one scene decided it.

  11. To be fair the Japanese insistance on adopting foreign words that have equivalents in the native tongue and yet can't be identified by katakana is pretty stupid. Bick/Big West anyone?

    Well I think so too (but I don't find it stupid, more like a quirk), but the original poster is using the idea that they can't be so stupid that they actually omitted "r", only to prove his case.

  12. then is "7TH Coodo" stupid writing system that leaves the "R"s out, for me that sounds like code, Case closed.

    Do you know how the Japanese spell the word "card"? It's kaado (カード). What about Mazinger Z? Majingaa Z (マジンガーZ). So yes, cord/code/chord in katakana will be written the same way (コード). You seem to have called the Japanese writing system stupid, haven't you?

  13. Gubaba, why not make another short essay on that details on how Shaloom said he got the materials? Like you know, how a radio interview listened to on a cellphone, downloaded from a paid cellphone service, can be obtained ...from 2ch for example :p

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