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Posts posted by mike_s_6

  1. My favorite is this:

    キラッを聞かせせるためだけに12話を作った ("We made Episode 12 solely so that the "Kira!" could be heard").

    Which Shaloom says means:

    "Sólo hice el episodio 12 buscando enojar a la gente, de ahi el "brilla" (kira)" (We made Episode 12 solely to make people angry, and then the "Kira!")

    This, by the appears as part of the "Commentary on Episode 12" in Shalom's "translation," but doesn't appear as anything of the sort in the actual interview.

    I'm a novice in the Japanese language, but I don't see the word for "angry" in that line at all :p And I recognize the kanji he converted to "angry" it's actually basic since it's the one for "hearing/listening".

    怒 vs. 聞 < (@__@;;)

  2. I just went to MG and I think some posters are more supporting the idea that Shaloom and Gubaba reconcile this in private (instead of starting some "drama" in their forum)... Thing is, I think this is NOT a private matter at all. Shaloom and Gubaba are not fighting against each other. They are arguing over the truth of some translations, which involve not only them, but the community. Is there anyone proficient enough in Spanish to translate what is here to MG?

  3. Dude, elitism in fandom has been around forever!

    As for the Sheryl and Ranka issue. I notice, "generally speaking" Western fans gravitate toward Sheryl and Asian fans "generally" gravitate toward Ranka.

    Well... I'm Asian and I like Sheryl more, and so do many of my friends who are also Asians - I actually asked them. Might I add, these friends of mine hate Ranka, except one guy, who said he thought Ranka became cute towards the end. I also go around a Chinese forum and they're mostly for Sheryl too. I'm not sure which batch of fans actually are "generally for" Ranka, except perhaps the Japanese, but they seem to have dropped her in favor of Sheryl recently.

  4. May I ask who this Ohnogi is?

    In a nutshell, he is a writer who has worked with previous Macross installations, and whose involvement with Macross Frontier is in question and is quite controversial(-ized). The issue in question is if he indeed wrote for Macross F, and the authenticity of the materials that these circumstances are based on. It has upset many Ranka fans as he is depicted as a staunch Sheryl supporter in these "interviews".

  5. And.... WHERE'S THAT INDECENT VERSION???!!! :D Imagination, my ass. i want Aya Endo's moans to go with it. :lol:

    Obligatory :lol:


    Source: Official Creator's Magazine, Animesuki c/o vivitoru

    Pretty much all Yoshino says about the movie is that possibly they'll figure out some way to give Klan a happier ending.

    I want this most! By the way, thanks for the translation :)

  6. round and round...

    Funny how it seems that those that understand a passable or greater amount of Japanese are on one side of the fence (Ohnogi wasn't involved) and those that don't understand Japanese seem to be on the other side of the fence (Ohnogi was involved). :rolleyes:

    And what's more facinating is that all of this started from a second or thirdhand translation of a translation. :blink:

    The ones who have knowledge on Japanese will surely be convinced once a copy of the magazine is produced, right? And the other side too, if otherwise. There's a definite "end" to this "round and round" discussion. What about the controversial Bobby and Ohnogi interview? Has anyone produced a copy of it, a date of the recording, the recording itself, anything?

  7. I hope you can go, so that you can tell us about it! :)

    And while theres never been a DVD of any Macross live event released anyway as far as I know, this concert would surely be even less likely to get a release due to there being various animation companies (and therefore rights holders) involved.

    Maaya Sakamoto is about to release a live DVD with song themes from various animations this month. Kanno herself is going to release an anime compilation CD. Maaya's and Kanno's anime music are both under Victor Entertainment, and rights isn't really much of a problem if it's under one record label. I would be really disappointed if they don't release a DVD for this, as they did for Maaya.

    By the way, PV:


  8. Actually I'm pretty sure that Sheryl is still more popular in Japan, she is still in the Newtype top 10 character polls, Ranka is not.

    Those are the current Newtype polls. Those when the series was still airing painted a different picture, and that was when those "Ranka is more popular in Japan!" comments came up. And well I, was taken by surprise when Sheryl got on top after the series aired. That was frankly, something I did not expect.

  9. But it's kind of funny that some of the more rabid Sheryl fanatics were saying that the ending of the show changed because all the Ranka fans would go apesh*t...but then they say that the Ranka fans are so small in number...

    I actually kind of see where this impression is coming from. In Japan, Ranka is more popular, but in foreign forums, based on polls and the like, Sheryl is usually the more loved character. I've asked around Chinese forums too (well just out of curiosity since I was in contact with some of their English speakers...), and they said that the fans like Sheryl more. So, the question those shippers are asking is, does the staff want to please the Japanese, who undeniably are a very important group of fans, or please the foreigners? Not that I believe this affected anything, nor would I defend it. It's only a personal an observation, and I'm also very much weirded out how people make conclusions out of it. On both sides of the ship! It was interesting though watching the shipping happen, I was in Animesuki when it happened :D

  10. I wouldn't hold my breath, really...

    Look at May'n. Her concerts were in...what, January? And the DVD came out this month. Megumi's similarly-timed concert has a DVD coming out soon, as well.

    Now maybe if those sell REALLY well, we'll get the Macross F concerts.

    Oh, I meant, if there is going to be a concert after the movie, after we've heard all songs from the series, then I think there's hope that it would have a DVD release :p

  11. Speaking of which; any news about the Frontier concerts on DVD? It's been so long now that I really beginning to believe that it's not going to happen anymore.

    Were there any Macross concert DVDs ever (sorry, don't know)? I haven't heard of any news if the Macross F concerts are to be published, but then again, the show isn't done yet, so we could keep our hopes up. There's new music for the movie, and if they decide to hold a concert after the movie and release it as a DVD, it would be better as that would encompass all songs for the show.

    But I have higher hopes of the Kanno concert to be released because I know at least her Bebop and Turn-A Gundam concerts have been released in DVDs.

  12. Please....for the love of God.....release this on DVD!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate hearing about these awesome concerts and not being able to go, let alone see them on dvd :(

    I will start a rally if they don't. Heck they're currently selling an expensive cellphone accessory with Kanno's voice in it, and they won't sell out by making a DVD? I doubt it!

  13. YES!!!!

    Kawamori has listened to my prayers!!!

    (and to the five dozen emails I have sent to Satelite every hour on the hour since the show ended back in September...if you want to get all, y'know, literal about it an' stuff. :p )

    Screencaps of the new scenes please! Gubaba, does it say that Nanase was looking behind Lucca at the scene? So she was looking perhaps... for Ranka?

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