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Posts posted by mike_s_6

  1. Especially since, if its chibi-klan (and it would have to be for her to fit into the church) she is actually standing at normal height in that shot. lol.

    That's big Klan. Michael is in the bouquet.

    Or or or, it could be that Alto promised to marry both girls. You're looking at the one he stood up.

    Seriously, I think it's Klan, and they found a way to get her to human size while in the proper proportions. That girl appears to be kneeling, and if so, there's no way that is chibi Klan. The proportions are just wrong.

  2. Sooooo, any good? I will probably end up picking it up, but May'n has another album coming out in February (I think it's February) and there is more than likely a MF movie 2 album as well around that time, just figured I would get them all in one shot. Save some on the extreme shipping costs.

    Well since Tochiro hasn't replied, I think I'll chime in. It's a great album. I have gone around the net reading reviews on this album, and there is a general positive feedback among everyone who has listened to it. I didn't expect it to be good at all since they made those joke releases with raunchy covers the Christmas before last. But this one is a feel-good, well-arranged, beautifully executed album. I dare you to listen to it without a smile :D

  3. Doesn't the October 10th date come from a teaser shown at the Tokyo Anime Fair ?


    I watched the teaser and it wasn't there, just the title of the movie, unless I missed it? On the up side:


    This event says that they would say some stuff about the Macross F movie 2:

    # ◆劇場版マクロスF~サヨナラノツバサ~最新情報!


    The event will happen on August 15. I wonder why 情報 was replaced with ○○, like they're trying to make you guess it. Weird.

  4. The second movie? Who knows. I certainly haven't been able to find any source of that info. Just to clear up any confusion, the "Kresphy scoop" in my last post was referring to the book.

    Actually I just read this thread after a while now, and it's one page back where there were people thinking that October 10 was the release date of the second movie based on kresphy's joke. And it appeared again on this page, so I thought it should be cleared up.

  5. Oh, I agree, Hurt Locker is by the far the superior film compared to either D9 or Avatar. I'm just saying that D9 wasn't a particularly subtle or nuanced movie. Avatar, at least, didn't pretend to be.

    Did D9 deliberately pretend to be a subtle or nuanced movie? I really don't think so. Some people just didn't expect what they saw.

  6. I gotta agree with Jenius. I liked District 9 but the movie has serious plot holes and all the talk about how its message is subtler compared to Avatar's... riiiiiiiiight....

    I believe both movies were actually hammering messages in-your-face, but the message in District 9 is rarely depicted in the way it was (I personally found it really funny), so it gets bonus points for that. Avatar also had plot holes of course, but nothing that couldn't be explained by a bit of stitching here and there with more fiction, as expected of fictional stories :lol: Personally, I'd like The Hurt Locker to win the awards. Why? Because District 9, though I like it, really has its plotholes riddled in it conveniently. Avatar on the other hand would probably not be as good if it didn't have cutting edge graphics (would you rate it as highly if you saw it in 2D?). The Hurt Locker on the other hand, was simple enough yet emotional enough, had a good script, and delivered its message well.

  7. Just like some others, I liked Avatar visually, but nothing much more. I rate my movies, books, and TV shows based on character, story, script/wit, and setting. It was "setting" that Avatar excelled in, but the rest was too plain, even lacking. Some people mentioned District 9, and its similarity with Avatar, but for me, D9 was solid in all 4 criteria. Wickus especially was a very good lead character in that he wasn't really a hero type. Up to the end, he was a douche who was fighting only for his own sake, and I was torn between pitying him and judging him at the end. The prawn mech was also better designed than the amp suits, IMO, it almost hurt to see it ruined.

  8. I know where you can see that, too...and I don't necessarily think it a bad thing. The show's got wide appeal...what's wrong with that? Some like it for the mecha, some like it for the characters, some like it for the music, and it's a big hit.

    Not saying it was a bad thing, hey I like Macross more for the characters than mecha! In fact, I would venture to say girls more often love characters over mecha. But comparing a show to upright ditzy girl-oriented shows, just because some girls love the characters, I feel is not right. Frankly, it was the mention of "Twilight" that made me flare up :lol:

    By the way, I just got issue 3 of Macross Ace...and they gave Itano a regular column in the magazine; gosh, he hates it so much that he's writing for it now...

    Do share what he's saying if you have time :D

  9. LOL, Because many of my female friends love it... (just for the characters) :lol::rolleyes:

    That's why I call it the Beverly Hills 90210/Gossip Girl/Twilight of mecha anime.

    ...I don't know about you, but I know where you could see a handful of screaming, angry, raging fangirls who care only for Frontier's characters and probably know and care very little about mech specifications. Also, they're almost always talking about which character should end up with which character... and someone told me that's how the fans of Twilight act :lol:

    Also, I guess I'm lucky, my girl friends absolutely think Twilight is dumb. :lol:

  10. When asked the question of whether or not he would make clear who he likes, Kawamori said he'll make it clear while scratching his head. That's a non-answer.

    I actually thought a bit that Kawamori said that just to be polite to the interviewers, but he didn't mean it wholeheartedly. We'll see.

    Also for the pics above, Ranka's upper right outfit (the pink and yellow one) suits her well, and Brera is looking gorgeous.

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