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Scream Man

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Posts posted by Scream Man

  1. I have to confess, at first I told my wife I would just have the one she bought me for Christmas and no more. I just got my 5th this week, so obviously that didnt last very long :)

    CF and the 1J with ZGBP should do me though. Really.

  2. Oh yeah I did some checking and saw it was as well. I just wasnt gonna drag this back up :)

    i bought the Hase kit A, and will probably get B this weekend. Never painted something that small before, so should be fun.

    anyone know of any other ground support kits in 1/48 that work?

  3. Was there similar talk of limited runs and Hobby show exclusives or whatever for the Low Viz?

    I managed to find that in Sydney,and paid an arm and a leg for it. I dont like the CF enough to do THAT lemme tell u....

  4. well in australia, a Wanker is someone who masterbates in the literal sense. But callign someone a wanker is basically like calling them a d***head.

    Educating the por people of the world to our rich culture. Thats me! :D:p

  5. Im gonna hold off ordering till I ee the product, but I might just get one.

    My wife is gonna kill me. I told her i only had one left to get (The 1J with GBP armour) And now this comes out.

    Ok, so I have 2 left to get...

  6. i was ina hobby shop today looking at some hasegawa Ground crew sets. These were 1/48 scale, and i noticed the figures seemd significantly larger than the figures in the Yammies.

    So I came home and had a look. DEFINITELY smaller.

    So...are the Hasegawas to big...or the Yammi pilots to small? And if the Yammies ARENT 1/48, then what scale are they, and where do people find these ground crews that are the scale they need?

    i apologise if this isnt a new topic. I did a search for "scale" and that didnt help, and there was nothing in newbie questions so...

  7. Back on the white sticker under the kite thing:

    Ive been curious about that myself. I was going to do it on the first one i bought, but it makes the sticker stand WAY out off the valk, so I never ended up doing it. I dont think the kites look all that bad anyway, and Ive never had one peel off on me. The only stickers that peel are the no step ones and sometimes the intake danger signs next to the engine intakes. And even that u can prevent by trimming the sticker down.

  8. Phil Wise is a nice enough guy. and from memory he IS married, but I havent talked to him ina long time so i may be remembering it wrong.

    if u go into the "other collections" area, under B for Chris Brennan; hes a buddy of mine who runs the Star wars fangroup Starwalking. im the manager of the Sydney branch. hes a good guy. and he IS married and has an adopted daughter.

    he also has a full size Vader suit. Nice guy really.

    As for nerds not getting any; I am and Im married, and Id bet so are many here. hell, graham has at least one child!

    Still, what are message boards for if not to complain about things behind the veil of annonimity?

  9. i wonder how hard it would be to mode the Flagg to be the right size for valks. i mean the bridge n everything.

    Does the tower section come off? If so, u could probably custom do a smaller bridge and fit it into a similar spot.

    Now THERES a challenge for all u customisers!!!!

  10. tweezers m'man! just make sure u use ones with no gripper. U want ones with a smooth edge. Line it up, I use a crack or detail line in the plane. Then gently put it don, then use those chubby digits to smooth it over :)

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