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Posts posted by orbitalharvest

  1. 10 minutes ago, davidwhangchoi said:

    i'm so jealous. i hope there's still orders out there.


    if it makes ya feel any better, i had missed out on the initial pre-order madness.  racked with anxiety i caved and paid slightly more for this, but i passed on the max...  had to scratch the itch...

  2. i was travelling, and had slow-arse internet...  i missed out, and am very sad about it...  just gonna do some macross art to self therapy myself... :sorry:

    any word on the strike pack ordering coming up in the next day or so?

  3. 42 minutes ago, Sildani said:

    Well, it’s the VF-1. There’s only so many bits that move about, and they all do so pretty logically. They’re all also in plain sight, unlike the 31 where you have to open a door in the wing to expose the hand, to lift it out, to move it forward and rotate the arm and fold the panel back and...

    simply elegant

  4. 17 minutes ago, rdrunner said:

    Agree with you and Jenius with your concerns about the TWE release for each of the option parts like missiles, hands, or super/strike packs.  With the (relatively) low prices of each of these option parts sets, everyone and scalpers are going to race to get as many copies as they can on PO date and secondary prices will be MULTIPLES of MSRP.  That is not cool.

    be still my beating nerd heart....

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