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Posts posted by SuperHobo

  1. If the transformation is giving you trouble, I echo the sentiments about watching a video review with the transformation to help guide you through tricky parts that might not be clear in the instructions booklet. 

  2. 40 minutes ago, mickyg said:

    CDJ shows shipping in progress but no charge on my CC yet. Guess that's promising?

    Maybe as soon as they slap our CC, then they'll ship it out.........next week. <_<

  3. 25 minutes ago, HG Blows said:

    How's the packaging for Amazon.jp shipments?  The boxes for domestic shipments are pretty flimsy.  

    They're not packed great. Usually it's just a piece of cardboard put under the toy box and then shrink wrapped. 

  4. 9 minutes ago, Alex GS said:

    Aww dammit another PO Madness that  I won't be able to probably get one, I hope AmiAmi had fixed their site by then  so the horrible experience that was with the MB Eva. can be prevented.  :( 


    It looks so damn good!

    Images from  Facebook Supreme Mecha

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    No hay texto alternativo automático disponible.

    No hay texto alternativo automático disponible.

    No hay texto alternativo automático disponible.


    Looking pretty spicy right there. I'll probably go all in, including the eventual full cloth web exclusive parts. 

  5. 25 minutes ago, Sanity is Optional said:

    Now it's a race to see which one gets here first: DHL from AmiAmi, DHL from Amazon, EMS from CDJ, or EMS from HLJ when I have it shipped tomorrow.

    My money is on the DHL from either amiami or amazon, Whomever ships it first will win and in like 2 days. 

  6. 21 minutes ago, Chronocidal said:

    Just finished watching a first run-through, and actually, I'd say the faster pace fixed a lot, just from the fact that a lot of the goofier and more hackneyed elements were left out.  Putting the Walkure history at the beginning was also a huge plus, since it allowed them to completely abandon the prison sequence from the original show.  Leaving out some of the subtext and exposition helped a ton, as well as removing the nonsense Berger character entirely, which simplified the conflict by basically removing an entire faction.  Also, battroid and gerwalk actually got some good usage! :p 

    I can't say it was necessarily worth $80, but I definitely feel more satisfied with this than spending that same money on the series.  There are a lot of shortcuts taken that remove extraneous nonsense from the series, while basically hopscotching between the key plot points to tell the same story, and I think it comes out more cleanly overall.  The method of bringing everyone together for the finale was definitely an improvement.  The whole thing just felt a lot more streamlined, with a ton of baggage removed.

    I also finished the movie and your assessment is spot on to how I feel about this movie. One of the biggest most positive changes for me was the gathering of the entire fleet to head to windemere in the climax of the movie as apposed to the TV series which just sent like part of Delta Platoon and one koenig monster? The CG concert was a little jarring at first, but it did look pretty smooth and my eyes were more welcoming to it after a little adjusting. Passionate Walkure is a fitting title and this movie did as advertised for me and I came out with more satisfaction than I did for the TV series. 

  7. 30 minutes ago, jenius said:

    So it does! Just very stiff on mine, I had to close the foot up and rock them to free it after I saw your comment... I'll update the article, not sure what to do about the video :/

    EDIT - I'll just incorporate that in the transformation video too. Yay.

    Yeah, that joint is pretty well concealed in that area. It took some fiddling around to see that the ankles on my copy weren't lined up so I figured there had to be a joint in there. 

  8. 49 minutes ago, anime52k8 said:

    The more I look at it the more convinced I am that it's mainly a retool of the Legacy Titanus. That said it's still cheaper than what legacy Titanus goes for on ebay so...

    It's certainly a possibility, how much better can a modern Titanus get? Although, it would be the first time Bandai Japan took something from their American sister company and retooled it. 

  9. So floor polish trial #2 failed and so did putting in some electric tape. However, I finally decided to coat the metal mushroom peg in a light coat of krazy glue and let them cure overnight. NOW the shoulders are holding up perfectly well, well enough to pull off the two-handed gun pose without gravity slowing bringing the arms down. I can finally say I'm happy with this piece now. ^_^



  10. 1 hour ago, Knight26 said:

    Ok, it's been long enough.  I did not like the Atlas Transformation.  There, I said it.  It was just beyond goofy and really didn't add anything but to show an even bigger transforming ship.  And there was too much "space magic" involved in the transformation.

    I'm going to agree with you there. I wished it had a more self-contained transformation. It almost like watching a magic-girl transformation. :lol:

  11. 1 hour ago, M'Kyuun said:

    Makes you wonder why they didn't at least use a soft ratchet here, especially since the arms have die-cast. Friction joints are nice for freedom of movement, but once there's too much wear, you're stuck with a floppy toy requiring constant maintenance to artificially recreate that friction. On a toy  this expensive, it should never be an issue.

    If this becomes a prevailing issue common to the figure, I hope Arcadia addresses it prior to further releases. Thanks for sharing guys.

    There almost always seems to be a problem with first releases from Yamato or Arcadia. I hope floor polishing the shoulders works this time around. I think I'll wait it out buying any further megazone pieces from Arcadia. 

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