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Everything posted by Vegas

  1. lol youre looking at lenses. the two that has a red stripe are the L lenses....canon's professional line (though used extensively by non-professionals) of EOS EF autofocus 35mm SLR and DSLR still camera lenses. they have superior build quality and optically better. yes the cheap price did it for me ......post some pics at your coming shoot yes...hopefully soon. after that ill get the highly regarded 70-200 F2.8 IS in probably in 1 to 2 years time
  2. all i can say is follow your heart. but pls start from the very basic stuff. just upgrade as your skills improve. and those photographers that were making 5x more are people who have college degrees in photography, tons of experience and its their main source of income. whatever you end up doing, i hope youll be happy. i wouldnt sell my dj equipment if i were you
  3. i have a second job to fund my hobby
  4. its filipino....but their conversating in a different dialect which is called bisaya.
  5. dude it looks soo nice....pabili rin ng ISA!
  6. oh sorry i dont know, the car is not mine and i keep forgetting the owner to ask him that too
  7. well i wish we have those gran turismo cars here
  8. congrats dante74.... i envy you more than ever goodluck and have fun at the shoot
  9. thanks Grand Admiral, ive been trying to do this but mine always look crap. a video tutorial would be nicer for us who suck on photoshop
  10. im letting go of my house :lol: its losing value unlike that lens @ kurdt, take the dslr plunge @ dante congrats man, i want that lens too but its way out of my price range. its on sale though http://www.jr.com/canon-ef-70200mm-f-2-8l-...70_hy_200USMIS/ instead i took advantage of that canon instant rebate and bought this http://www.jr.com/canon/pe/CAN_17_hy_40MM_SL_USM/
  11. thanks wizartar for the tips....i keep on forgetting to buy that uv filter. anyways im planning on buying this lens http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/8006...0mm_f_5_6L.html :lol:
  12. i second that....just play with them
  13. check the sony alpha 300, 350, canon xs, xsi and the nikon equivalents
  14. one gripe about the nikons is that their raw software converter is not included and you will have to buy it separately, while the canon and sony are included
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