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Posts posted by Guyffon

  1. 6 hours ago, HardlyNever said:

    Got a chance to open mine today.  Haven't transformed it yet, but so far it is as solid as the Max 1A release, maybe even better in terms of production quality (at least on my copy).  There is one exception: I noticed that the HUD/console isn't glued in or anything.  Mine just slide right out when I took the pilot out.  It seems liked it should be glued or something, but maybe not?  Either way, a very minor gripe; it stays put when doing anything other than removing the pilot. And a spot of glue would solve the problem very easily (I probably won't even bother).  Anyone else have this issue with the console?  Is it even a "problem," or is it supposed to be that way?  I checked my TV valks, and the console stays put for them.



    Mine is exactly like that too, thought It was a gimick or feature

  2. I think the only problem is with bandai DX stuff, i have had no problems preordering the HMR VF-4S recently from amiami, and even the AFC-01H from amiami 8 days after it came out for preorder. I think most of the problems stem from scalpers and their bots querying and putting the DX stuff to cart that freezes up their system.

  3. 2 hours ago, beatsing said:

    @tekering Nice pics.  Do they antennae/ears swivel or are they on ball joints?  I think the VF-1J was on a ball joint when I handled it in store.  From the pics, the circle part of the head lasers/antennae look like they are on swivels.

    At this point, I'm waiting and seeing since I don't like scalpers and Max was available after release for a small markup.

    HLJ did not offer me the open order status on preorder day but told me they got too many orders even though I got through checkout.  Burns that they got more stock and didn't offer it to me chronologically ahead of those who ordered it on release day.

    From the video review it seems that both the circle part and all the lasers are on ball joints, not sure how they did that though

  4. 7 hours ago, Sanity is Optional said:

    That's exactly what I do, and I still only managed one pre-order for the VF-1S on release night, and that was via Amazon Japan w/o international shipping option.

    Well I do that too and got cart jacked at every store i tried, thus I got none, oh well sometimes the rng gods favour us and sometimes they don’t 

  5. 11 hours ago, Sanity is Optional said:

    Wow, that's a much larger pilot than the 1J.

    Mine is out for delivery (to Tenso), but is late being delivered. Ought to show up tomorrow I hope.

    What does max pilot look like for the vf-1a?

  6. 18 minutes ago, Matt Random said:

    Has anyone ever cancelled with NY for a prepaid item? 

    During the vf-31A, when asked about it, NY’s 1st response was basically to cancel the order, and they offered a store credit with caveats on it. These caveats were a little absurd, it was this that made me not shop at NY, I respect them for fulfilling all the orders in the end but a few got annoyed and cancelled and got burned by the experience. Their customer service was terrible in the way they responded to our queries


    I think some people managed to get back their money cause they used CC and filed a claim with their CC instead

  7. 7 hours ago, Tenbatsu said:

    Tough luck. Mine was cancelled by Play-asia 1 day before release, fully paid for 5 months ago. I am bombarding them to compensate me, let's see how it goes.

    Thats pretty sad, us fans get the stick while the scalpers profit, I see a lot of buy it nows on japan auction sites for 26000yen, but I am sticking to my guns of not feeding the scalpers, hell I even stopped buying from NY after the vf-31A shenanigans. Now, I don’t know what to do with the super parts I had ordered for the VF-1S, I guess I’ll just hold onto those or put them on the VF-1J

  8. Amiami, typically opens on the actual day of release, from what I remembered, that means hopefully tomorrow, anyway its 6pm in japan now and they should not be anymore japan based online stores that will be releasing more now, I even got a notification by hobby search a few hours agao which I did not see until too late about more stock too.







  9. Well they did say that on release date they might have more to sell, I think they got their stocks today and counted that they have more to sell thats all, anyway congrates on all that managed to get one in today, my last hope is that I have a friend in tokyo now and that he might be able to help me secure one, but I doubt he will.

  10. Yeah I missed it too, was expecting it to only open tomorrow, as I have been checking everyday but today this week, looks like I won’t be getting one afterall. Some people are lucky to get multiples though.....

  11. Just my 2 cents worth, if you want absolute advantage, your bot must be on a server in japan, if its elsewhere, it might still be too slow to get the purchases you need, if the scalpers are using bots too, every milisec is important. Also from my experience, japan’s internet speeds are blistering, that alone will give the bot base on a japanese server an advantage.

  12. 2 minutes ago, ps99042 said:

    page finally loaded on amiami but it won't let me add to cart...

    When you click on it, it is added to your cart, just click on the cart you should see it

  13. 7 hours ago, Saburo said:

    While i was taking photos, I noticed that on bicep swivel joint has a bit of "play" where it moves back and forth slightly on the J, F and C.  The S and E do not have the "play".  Do any fellow members notice this on their Valks?

    My J and C has that play but not the E too

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