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Posts posted by Guyffon

  1. Yeah i was at mandarake nakano store and saw a monster going for 17k, was to tempted but the box was so big to bring back on the flight thus decided to not get it

  2. 2 hours ago, kkx said:

    Thanks for the link. This is interesting.

    There are 5 Max's sold at 22K by this " sound0626" user just on the first page. Wow.

    One of the sellers sold his PO right for 2,500 yen and the total cost for this Max from him is (from his calculation):

    2,500 + 18,450 + 500 (domestic postage) + 200 (payment fee) = 21,650

    Margin is down to just about 2,500 yen now.

    I am in the bay area too. If you have a spare Max, will be nice to do a local trade.

    We should let these scalpers get burned, even if the margin is 2500 yen, its 2500 yen a collector should not have to pay if the scalper let a collector order it in the 1st place. By even buying it off a scalper even for a small profit, we are condoning their behaviour, the only way to stop scalpers is not buy from them and let them be burned by the experience. Else they will keep making PO nights a nightmare.

    But alas that won’t happen, too many kia su (afraid to lose out) collectors will still pay the ‘not so high’ price hike to get the item they want.

  3. 2 hours ago, no3Ljm said:


    Now I'm wishing they should do second batch preorder for Hikaru's VF-1S. I already PO'ed one with a mark up. It would be nice to have another PO in MSRP.



    I didn’t even get one, but I do support a second batch for the VF-1S, then i can get one at msrp


    On a separate note, my missles from AE finally came


  4. For those using iphone comic filters, you can also use it in video mode too, so you can capture some pans and tracking shots

  5. Lets hope its the former


    On another note, I was playing with my 1J and noticed that I will not be able to use the special flight stand if I put the strike pack on it, the way it holds the fighter will not allow supers to be attached to the forearms

  6. 2 hours ago, vlenhoff said:

    hmm, I use android, but i do have an ipad pro. I will look into it, thanks!

    Yup, ipad pro has it too, you have to go imessage, take a photo to send to the person you want to message, select the filter icon and change camera, take the photo, and select done, then do not send the photo to the contact you use and look for it in the photo album, I do not know why apple do not have this filter in their camera mode, this is an example


  7. On 6/6/2019 at 9:38 AM, vlenhoff said:

    These are my thoughts exactly.

    I got the GBP woodland and woodland 1A's too. The CF will look great with it too. Aweomse!

    @sh9000 sent me a link from Jungle , and it was like 9300 yen. You're right on the money.


    Thanks for all the awesome replies everyone! I really appreciate them!

    @sh9000 I used these two short videos.



    To get the effect, you go to Photoshop, filter, filter gallery, poster edges, and increase edge thickness, edge intensity, and reduce posterization. It gives the slight impression that it has been drawn. I hope this helps.



    Or you could use the comic filter on iphones to take a pic, the problem with that is getting to the filter can be a bit PITA.


  8. 4 hours ago, no3Ljm said:

    No offense meant. After 2-3 pages, you guys need to start a new thread. :rolleyes:

    By the way, if there's anyone wants to sell their extra DX VF-1S Hikaru PO, just let me know. Thanks! ^_^


    Same here.......

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