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Everything posted by vlenhoff

  1. Not a big fan myself, but it could be a solution. i am cheap though, I like my stands under 15 bucks xD
  2. I got these initially, for the price. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00WV067XQ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Then i found them in clear, so i combined them to make them extra tall. https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/87713 I think a riser here and there might distribute the fleet even better Before After Also, what are these locks? And are they scary to live with? @db626 What are these locks? where did you get them? Did you cut glass for it, or did you get acrylic layers? Thanks in advance.
  3. Stunning! I know my Bandai 1/55 must be somewhere in a box... like in Raiders of the lost Ark I went on deep trip down memory lane, and I found my first "love". I tried to take a picture of it in nearly the same angle as did with my second "love", years ago. I was going to transform DX Hikkie into fighter, and take a picture of it, but I started reading the news about Syria... mood killed.
  4. "So when the swing bar gives you lemons, just go with the flow, and enjoy Lemonade" Jenius!
  5. Why is Snake eye sitting behind Max, and why hasn't Starscream killed them already.
  6. I need to sell some of my 1/48 GPB armors. I have like 8 of them new in box, resting inside boxes, doing nothing. Yeah the 1/60 GPB is more line art accurate. Beefy, though, is the best way to describe the 1/48 GPB.... and I like beef...
  7. Yeah i started to notice the vertical empty space in my Detolfs recently. This is why i got those tamashii action stands a while back. the risers are a great idea/solution!
  8. Oh, absolutely, 1J in GPB gear is just great. Now, a 1S in GPB is sublime! IMHO I know the 1/48 GBP is not the best iteration of the GPB armor, but man, it looks so monstrous, i love it.
  9. You read minds! I just oredered these super cheap ones from AliExpress! https://www.aliexpress.com/item/33025927651.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.7e0674dcdMc9Oh&algo_pvid=1ad17c54-6c2f-4d0c-9a9d-231e049e03c1&algo_expid=1ad17c54-6c2f-4d0c-9a9d-231e049e03c1-0&btsid=32c1a77b-6e53-4486-bb2b-2ae2203a2b56&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_3,searchweb201603_55
  10. I had to settle by putting Miria at the back. I have the feeling, she wont like this very much, being a Zentraedi and all.
  11. The thing is, I do have an uncanny love for the Hikkie's 1j, and I have him in every scale, but as i write this, I just realized I actually have [now] one more Max overall, ha. I do love the 1J max too, as you can see in my shelves, lol. I forgot i had Max in HMR too, momentarily. I don't even have a 1S in HMR, at the moment. If anyone wants to donate an HMR or HM 1S to my shelf, i promise I will take good care of it. In addition, I believe the Dx series has the best gun strap solution of them all. I am actually using the gun straps, and that says it all. This stupid line is growing on me, and i don't like it.
  12. So... i ran out of room. There is rush hour traffic on my shelf. A 1st world problem, i know. While I still think the Yammie does a better job in fighter mode, specially where the legs meet the back pack at the back of the plane. I must say, in Battloid and Gerwalk mode, Bandai absolutely takes the cake. I have always wanted to have battloid mode to hold the gun over the shoulder using the gun strap, and now It can! I must admit, this thing is beautiful, and it bothers me I could not get the 1S on PO night. I simply didn't have the funds for the over inflated price. I was there on time, on PO night, and all the online stores i had ready, basically went kaput. Weirdly, I am more satisfied with Max's, more so than Hikaru's. This is the unicorn I always wanted, and I can't wait for Kakizake. Bandai better finish the Vermilion squadron... or else... I will have a meltdown.
  13. Well, I wasn't very inspired to unbox anything, but I decided to take Max out, and check if the shoulders were properly assembled. I am glad to report the shoulders are fine, and I was able to transform it, very carefully without the swing bar splitting on me. This thing is amazing, and i believe it is slightly better constructed than my Hikaru release. The wings close flush and leveled at the back, and somehow the feet feel better. The only first world problem is... I've ran out room. Time to get another detolf, but as always, that will have to wait. I am officially in limp mode, as priorities are a thing. .
  14. If you change your mind, I totally understand. I just didn't realize this thing would sold out so quickly. You planned ahead and I didn't. I really appreciate the gesture either way.
  15. Where in the world, and that means America, can you get a decent house with a decent location for 35k?
  16. Yes! and steam flows out as the doors open! Gah, i am sucker for fighter mode! They look weathered, and I love it when they seem to be flying formation. I wish these too came with guns, just for the sake of it.
  17. I wish I had a bunch of money to resolve everyone's overstocking problems... @Shizuka the Cat, i am not suggesting you get rid of your valks, or that you get additional storage, but... If you are willing to spend money on storage, why not get a place with more room or an extra room to make room for the valks? I do agree the most logical option would be to downsize the collection, but that can be tricky as some of these collectibles get radically expensive over time. One thing that adds to the problem is the massive size of some boxes. I know they are big to protect the jewels inside, but man, just one boxed 1/48 yammie, with boxed fast packs, and boxed GPB armor take a huge amount of space. I am actually having the same problem. Is getting rid of boxes the solution? I haven't been able to get rid of any boxes, but i do have some valks I bought out of the box, and i am ok with that.
  18. I wish this new x-wing didn't have droopy wings. I had to put toothpicks under the wings to keep them from drooping in my older, similar version of it.. They went to all the trouble of weathering it, and putting more gimmicks on it, and yet, they forgot to address the droopy elephant in the room... Bummer. Poe's fighter does look more solid, but at that price, and with my current disappointment of the new sequels, it is an easy pass. OMG all this is very tempting, but i will have to pass for now. I do want to get that Mandalorian from you @sh9000 . That Mandalorian armor is a guilty pleasure of mine... which is perhaps the only thing i can afford right now, lol. Better times are ahead, and we just need to power through the difficult ones! Full throttle!
  19. I was thinking of getting those adhesive rubber feet, to stick them under the glass, where the bar meets the glass. Too see if i can raise it the glass enough for my old Bandai SDF-1 to fit with the guns straight up. I have the canons at a slight inclined angle right now. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XPFDQBH/?coliid=I2NNTWK8A010J5&colid=1ACO6KMXBEIRI&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it I haven't tried it, but hey. At your own risk, there is my future idea. DUDE! SWEET! DUDE! SWEET! So Warpath owed money to some Gundams, and he hired a Zaku as a bodyguard? Nicely done @Slave IV, you got one.
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