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Everything posted by Area88

  1. Has anyone seen the Machine Robo series from 1986? So far 3 volumes have been released on dvd at $5.99 each at Dvd Pacific. Click Here to Read the Review I was wondering if there were any fans of this mech show?
  2. Correct, the Animeigo set is just a re-issue with updated packaging. As stated above, both sets use the same subtitle translations and i can vouch for the Animeigo set being perfect.
  3. Lol, the one on the left is the Animeigo set at $39.99!
  4. MACROSS - The Complete Remastered Series DVD Set Macross Box Set - Only $39.99 while Stocks Last Animeigo Macross Box Set (Left) + Superior Cover Art + Superior Price at Only $39.99 + Remastered Sound + Perfect Subtitles with Perfect Extras ADV Macross Box Set (Right) + English Dub + Same Perfect Subtitles & Extras - Inferior Cover Art - Inferior Unremastered Sound Quality - Expensive Price at around $200 VS
  5. Gall Force Collection - $23.47 Record of Lodoss OVA - $23.47 Heroic Legend of Arslan Boxset - $19.99
  6. You could buy the dvd from Dvd Pacific for $5.99 and take some screen captures.
  7. Sadly only 2 episodes were made and they were both released on the same dvd. Apparently the series didn't sell well enough when it was originally being released in Japan back in 1991. In order to continue with the story you have to read the manga.
  8. I agree that Gundam vs Z Gundam is the best in the series.
  9. LATEST ANIME BARGAIN Weathering Continent dvd - $9.99 Fans of Arion, Five Star Stories and Greek Mythology should check out this title. It's one of the best hidden gems that almost nobody knows about but should see at all costs. Made in 1992, it's one of the last anime movies to use 80's style character designs. Also a great price considering it retails at $30.
  10. Has anyone been to the updated Gunbuster website? It looks pretty impressive! Official US Gunbuster Website
  11. Hmmm, this is a little harder to identify. Do you have anymore details that you could share?
  12. Ding Ding that is the correct answer. It was remastered and released on dvd by ADV in 2003 under it's original name 'Birth : A War of Two Worlds'. It's a fantastic anime, a real visual treat that every 80's fan should see. Before that it was released on VHS back in the early 90's by streamline and they renamed it to Planet Busters . Here is the cover art:
  14. If we were to expand the list out of the 80's then i would also add Tekkaman Blade which is being released in December.
  15. Dangaio was dub only, badly edited and now out of print. Black Magic M66 is also out of print. Hopefully someone will pick it up both these titles and give them a proper release. Robot Carnival on the otherhand hasn't officially been released in the US yet which leads me to believe you may have bought a bootleg off Ebay. I would add Venus Wars to the list but i think it's more Science Fiction than anything else. Would Gall Force classify as Mecha?
  16. Lol, my post does say outside of Macross and Gundam since these are the most exposed of all mech shows.
  17. Gundam Seed and SD Gundam Force are both very medicore Gundam shows. The best Gundam series (rated by the critics) are: Mobile Suit Gundam Gundam Zeta Gundam 0083 Gundam 08th MS Team Best Gundam Movies: Gundam Char's Counterattack Gundam F91 I'd recommend starting with either Gundam 0083 or Gundam 08th, both have self contained stories which can be watched by those that are new to the Gundam franchise.
  18. List of the best mech shows released in the US on dvd outside Gundam and Macross: Armored Trooper Votoms - 1983 Aura Dunbine - 1983 Genesis Climber Mospeada - 1983 Area 88 OVA - 1985 Fight Iczer 1 - 1985 Megazone 23 Part 1 - 1985 Super Dimensional Calvary Southern Cross - 1985 Bubblegum Crisis OVA - 1987 Metal Skin Panic Madox 01 - 1987 Appleseed OVA - 1988 Gunbuster - 1988 Hades Project Zeorymer - 1988 Patlabor OVA - 1988 Five Star Stories - 1989
  19. Youtube is really bad quality plus i don't like encouraging piracy. I'd much rather buy the dvd, knowing that i'm supporting the anime companies while watching it on a nice big tv. Also special mention to Prefectural Earth Defence Force:
  20. 80's Anime Bargains Thread Five Star Stories - $6.99 at BestBuy Assemble Insert - $2.99 at Rightstuf Fans of parody animes such as Otaku No Video and Project A-ko should defintly watch this high energetic anime. - Cheapest Bargains at Dvd Pacific - Prefectural Earth Defence Force - $7.49 Cleopatra D.C - $6.31 Madonna - $6.31 Project A-ko - $6.00 Garaga - $6.00 Venus Wars - $6.00 They Were Eleven - $6.00 Harmagedon - $6.00 Demon City Shinjuku - $6.00 Dominion Tank Police - $6.00 Guardian of Darkness - $6.00 Roujin Z - $5.76 Machine Robo - $5.76 Time Stranger - $5.36 http://www.dvdpacific.com/ * Please feel free to add to this thread
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