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Posts posted by dizman

  1. I fear we are moving closer to the time when Bandai says screw it and decides everything after Unicorn (or well the new movie now) is no longer canon. Unicorn started as a side story but it's popularity has almost upgraded it to a main part of UC. I hope I'm wrong but it makes sense for Bandai to "erase" late UC so it's moneymaker can be more important.

     They are making a bunch of F91 stuff now and soon they will be pushing out more Crossbone stuff so they can make as much as they can before they cut it loose. No sign of Victory stuff getting more models or metal builds anytime soon though, Bandai hates that series.

  2. 1 hour ago, anime52k8 said:

    I feel bad for Bright but at the same time Hathaway is a piece of crap and deserves it.

    Yeah Hathaway is up there with Katz as terrible characters who deserve what they get. Course it takes a few years for Hathaway to get his.

    1 hour ago, no3Ljm said:

    Hathaway is just a victim of circumstance, right?

    I dunno, maybe we should ask Chan Agi about that...... 

  3. 33 minutes ago, GabrielV said:

    I don't know about others, but I didn't pre-order.  I placed an order after someone here said Loopaza had them in stock.  Order was placed March 21.

    The VF-31A I received was in it's special shipping box.

    Same here, bought it when they got their excess stock in. I know they do pre-orders on a lot of P-Bandai stuff so the 31A was probably available for pre-order as well.

  4. 1 hour ago, TangledThorns said:

    I'm not too familiar with Berserk but I watched the movies on Netflix this week. Well made and fun. The dubbed version started by default and it was so good that I didn't even notice which is nice as it kept my eyes on the action instead of at the bottom of the screen reading subtitles.

    If you want to continue with the series I'd highly recommend reading the manga. Skip the 2016/17 CG series, while it does pick up right where the third movie leaves off it's just the laziest kind of trashy CG animation out there. There's also the 1997 anime but that goes over the same arc that the movies did, it's still a good show though.

  5. 6 hours ago, Arthurius said:

    By the way, Fexthobby has plans for other projects in the future for the 1/100 line, and of course, they currently have plans for the armour for 1/60 line. 

    As for 1/48th line, it is in evaluation, but to those interested, my personal thinking is let your interest be shown!!!  Maybe a Poll in this forum, to give Fexthobby an idea how much would you buy.  I myself am not knowdegul enough in this forum to do the poll.  It should be an honest answer (very important) of how many you really would buy.  We can then have Fexthobby have a look at it, maybe it helps them make a decision.  If numbers are low, maybe best Fexthobby doesnt do them, so they can concentrate on project that make them more money to keep growing and offering other products.  If it does make sense to do it, well then i personally would be VERY happy as i would want 1 armor for my few 1/48th VF-1.  Heck, maybe even 2.

    I'd say the chances of a 1/48 are pretty small seeing as the only way to get a 1/48th VF-1 these days is used. 1/100 and 1/60 make sense as you can buy one pretty easily and they are more widely supported by fans. Maybe if there was a 1/48 Hasegawa VF-1 Battroid kit I could see it possibly happen but I think they only sell fighter variants. If Fexthobby did make a 1/48 Thunder Hammer I'd be in for 1, it would give me an excuse to tear apart and customize an old 1S Roy I've been sitting on for a while. Maybe I'd paint it up like the original custom model..... hmmmm maybe.

    As for setting up a poll, I think you would have to start up a new topic but it would probably just get shut down and merged with this one. Try PMing a mod and see what they say.

  6. 4 hours ago, renegadeleader1 said:

    I don't have the exact number off hand, but I do know it's not a lot. It's basically the same as what the original deal was for without any adjustments for inflation. This is pretty much the real reason behind behind the HG Tatsunoko rift. Tatsunoko is basically given away the rights for peanuts and the new owners there aren't happy because they know they can get more just shopping it around.

    Hmm that's kinda what I figured, HG can't be worth all that much. So if another interested party with deeper pockets decided to throw a bid in to Tatsunoko then HG would be screwed. I guess the only thing really stopping a Funimation or Viz type of company is lack of interest in Macross and the headaches of localizing and getting song rights. Maybe we could all stop buying valk toys for a year to save up and start our own company to buy the US distribution rights :lol:

  7. 3 hours ago, kajnrig said:

    This might be an absurd criticism, but I absolutely loathe that they're still using the same sound effects that the original show did. I mean in general, mecha anime have been using the same stock sounds in perpetuity, but still... it gets a bit more annoying when it's Gundam, the supposed god-king, the pillar franchise of the entire genre.

    I dunno about absurd but there are iconic sounds to Gundam that people would complain about if they were changed (beam rifle, zaku monoeye, the warning beeps). They did mess around with new effects in the late 90s remaster of the MSG trilogy but I still like the original better. 




  8. I'm probably more partial to forgive Build Fighter/Divers for being a blatant toy commercial since I'm an old Transformers fan :lol:. As long as a show is fun to watch and has good mech designs I can usually excuse the real reasons it exists. It's thanks to shows like Build Fighters we can get passion projects like Gundam the Origin OVA and hopefully a full Origin show next year for the 40th. Of course those are heavily marketed to sell models as well.

  9. Bandai knows they can hit up the older fans with more money for the older designs. If I was running Bandai I'd probably do he same thing. "Oh we are running out of money again? Make an HG Mudrock P-Bandai and put an updated design in whatever new build fighters series we have going on."

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