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Posts posted by dizman

  1. 13 hours ago, kajnrig said:

    Anyone else checking out the AGDQ streams? I didn't realize they had them already but have been catching a bunch of the runs on Youtube. Great stuff as always.

    Yup AGDQ is always a fun time though I haven't watched too many of the YT highlights yet. The Bloodborne run was pretty great.

    I also watched the Resident Evil 3 race, it's already one of my favorites from any GDQ.

    56 minutes ago, Tking22 said:

    Anyone picking up Monster Hunter World on Xbox by chance? PS4 I'm sure there will be plenty, but I know Xbox isn't as popular all around, let alone with this franchise. I've had mine pre-ordered for my X1X for over a month now, I'm excited! I haven't played a Monster Hunter since Tri on my old Wii. I played the beta several times on my dusty launch PS4 and loved it, but Xbox is where most of my friends play and that's what I've invested all my time in so I am mostly on that, my PS4 is for the occasional Sony exclusive that interests me. I'm definitely maining charge blade like I always do, then maybe I'll try insect glaive or dual blades, not sure yet.

    PS4 here, going to be my first MH game. From playing the beta I'm probably gonna be using the Gunlance and Charge Blade.

  2. 3 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    Granted, Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt doesn't actually manage to achieve Hellsing Ultimate's level of gratuitous hardcore violence... but, like I said, it's the fact that it's blatantly trying so very hard to reach that level of dark and edgy that makes it impossible to take seriously to the extent that the effort itself almost crosses the line into comedy.  Mobile Suit Gundam's Universal Century was already plenty bleak and dark so the sudden effort to be gritty and hardcore comes across as both completely unnecessary and as a desperate plea for the audience to take it seriously.  It's the cinematic equivalent of that one put-upon kid every school seems to have these days, who starts dressing all in black and posts selfies with replica anime katanas captioned with crap like "*teleports behind you* nothing personal kid" because they think that's edgy and will make them look like a badass.  (So, guys like Ben Solo c. The Force Awakens.)

    Put simply, the series is a poseur.  It's putting on airs of gritty grimdarkness in the hopes of covering up its weak, directionless mess of a plot and to distract the audience from the characters all being completely, hopelessly unlikeable.  It's all flash and no substance.  Nobody seems to have told Ohtagaki-san that a character who's a complete monster is only workable on a narrative level if those kinds of characters are few and far between.  If every character's a complete monster, that stops being intimidating or impressive and thus a complete monster is just the new normal.


    I'm not sure where you are getting a directionless plot from, the first part was survival during the last days of the war and development of the Reuse P device. The current plot (or at least what I've read up to) is both sides racing to recover the data before the cultists start churning out an army of Psycho Zakus or whatever they can imagine stuffing a person into. At least that's the the super abridged version of goings on. It's a darker story than your average UC but I'm still not seeing the try-hard levels of edge that you are, I'd even count IBO as more wannabe edge than Thunderbolt. As for everyone being monsters becoming the new normal, that's probably what Ohtagaki was going for. Sure that's probably a bs excuse for bad characters but it works in a war setting as far as I'm concerned.

  3. 15 hours ago, eXis10z said:

    Anyone caught Gundam Thunderbolt yet?

    Yup it's pretty great though I think the first season is better since it's a complete story where the second feeds into a bigger story that isn't finished yet.


    3 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    Read the manga, and I've seen the first episode of the series.  I wasn't impressed.  

    It's a Universal Century Gundam sidestory for this guy, in which abso-bloody-lutely everybody is a complete and utter psychopath and it's trying SO HARD to be dark, gritty, and Hellsing Ultimate levels of hardcore that it feels incredibly forced, almost to the point of becoming a self-parody.  (This is not helped one jot by the art style, which makes it look like the cast were rejected background characters from Charge! Cromartie High School and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.  The music doubles down on the weirdness, making the whole affair feel like they're trying to ape Cowboy Bebop as well.)

    Aw come on it's nowhere near Hellsing Ultimate levels of edgy hardcore violence, though I will give you that everyone is a psycho. It's hilarious that the comic you posted called the fast descent into violence that the Transformers movies became.


    2 hours ago, anime52k8 said:

    yeah, Thunderbolt is kind of everything I hate about UC side stories. The battle sequences were pretty sexy though. BTW, I never fallowed up on Twilight axis after the first "episode". Did it start making sense after a while or did it stay a hot mess the entire time?

    Twilight Axis is a hot mess through and through, who woulda thought that a low budget three minute episode show about nothing would be such a failure. I've gotta read the novel one day, I hear it's ok and slightly bridges the gap between CCA and F91.

  4. 5 hours ago, kajnrig said:


    Aren't all of these recently-revealed designs general release items? Or are some of them P-Bandai?


    Nvm. Seems the Efreet Nacht has been confirmed to be P-Bandai exclusive, so... Well, then again, the regular Byarlant IS a bit more mainstream than the other Byarlant variants and the Efreet variants, so perhaps it will see a general release.

    From what I've been hearing most of these aren't even confirmed for production yet, it's just a new thing Bandai has been doing where they show off some new prototype designs at gunpla expo each month to gauge interest.

  5. Byarlant vs Custom design differences are the head, arms, feet and boosters. There's a lot of little differences while the overall shape stays the same. I hope it gets a regular release since it's one of Jerid's main MS but I wont hold my breath. With all the P-Bandai releases of different Byarlant designs they have all the parts already cast, they just need to release them together. Hopefully we get a Baund Doc soon but that's a very strange design so....

    Front vs Front

  6. Finally got to the movies and watched TLJ, I had a good time with it. It is far from a perfect movie with some pacing issues and strange lapses of judgement of the characters but at the end of the days it still is nowhere near how terrible the prequels are.

    A question that popped in my mind while watching.

    Since hyperspace ramming is a thing couldn't the rebels have done that in ROTJ with the Mon Calamari ships to the Death Star instead of getting blown up running away for no reason? Could shields stop it, I'd assume not with how TLJ showed the main ship and like 5 others getting destroyed. It was cool and all but it kinda ruins space combat since all you need is a few suicide ships (or even droid ships, oooooh) to solve any problem you have, the more mass the merrier. 


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