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Posts posted by Californium

  1. Hm. Wings look so small. It really needs at least a few centimeters added to the length of each wing. So long as the joints the wings cant back on in batt mode are nice and stiff as they should be the added length wouldn't be a problem. And those ventral fins would look tiny on batt mode as they are now.

    Longer wings and bigger ventral fins would be much better. But I suspect this thing won't be changing much at this point.

  2. That's a bit disappointing. I really prefer the anime-accurate CF scheme to this one. I guess this means no bunny heads?

    Ah well. Eventually, ...maybe. They'll want to get as much juice out of the molds as possible...

    Has HFH said that the anime schemes are utterly verboten? Or is it just that this first CF release has to be as he intended?

  3. It really doesn't need larger canards and dorsal fins. Both are already as large as in the lineart when seen from both the sides and the top. (See comparison pic a few posts up for the top view...) The wings would be perfect if made just a little longer and, yes, the ventral fins do need to be larger to be accurate. As does the gunpod.


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