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Posts posted by Californium

  1. The commentary for Chapter 4 says we'll see what Durge looks like under his armor later on. Guess he's humanoid but not quite human.

    I just checked the official and apparently its a species. Apparently they don't have centralized organs like a heart, but that the circulatory (and maybe nervous) systems are decentralized. And it says that a Gen'Dai can suffer multiple lacerations and possibly even be completely dismembered and still survive. They live a long time (up to thousands of years) but have a really low birth rate and are normally a nomadic and kind of bland wanderers. Durge is an enormous exception, it looks like. :)

    Sounds more plant than animal. Maybe he's really just upset cause he has a huge seed he can't seem to pass.

    No relation to the Supox, of course.

  2. Just read this thread, and I think some of you might like a certain PC game called Star Control II. Anyone ever heard of it?

    It's old, 1992 or so, but great fun. The heart of Star Con 2 is a plot game; sort of role-playing fused with some strategy and a lot of mystery solving. Great story with a dark realism that takes a back seat to a pervasive and lighthearted sense of humor. It’s evident that the writers loved sci-fi and had fun with a great many cliches. I can’t imagine a single one was left out.

    Also, If you’ve ever played Melee in StarCon, you know that while limited to 2 dimensions and crazy ship designs, it still managed to have a more realistic portrayal of space combat than most movies. ( In terms of facing a direction far from the direction of movement, or using a gravity well to accelerate…)


  3. Far into an alternate future of Gotham city...

    ...When global warming is a reality...

    ...And security doors identify people by taking DNA samples from their toes...

    ...And there isn't much food to go around....

    ...And Holloween is a widely practiced religion....

    ...And turnstiles are inexplicably covered by lots of prickly little thorns...

  4. sometimes dry. never arrogant. often hilarious. (read his fantasy or his dirty lymrics...)

    the Foundation novels are great. being the "original" star wars, and having far more depth of plot and politics and character than ever Lucas could muster, they *could* be great as movies. I doubt it will translate to the big screen well however, as the tendency would be to add more violent action at the expense of solid plot and depth.

    I'd approach it as a mystery/spy thriller with dark cinematography if I were porting it to film.

  5. - Harold and Maud

    - To Be or Not To Be

    - The Muppet Movie

    - 2010: Odyssey Two

    - Alien 3

    - American Beauty

    - The Game

    - Shar's Counterattack

    - Gattaca

    - Scrooged

    Just a few that come to mind.... A few that I much like.

  6. How about Jackie Chan as "Kwick Kick" and Bruce Campbell as 'Ship Wreck"?

    LOL! Those are such great choices. Perfect fit.

    I nominate Keanu Reeves to play both of the evil accountant circus twins. (forget what they were called.)

    sigh. No doubt the actual casting will be far less than optimal, and that this will indeed be Streetfighter redux.

  7. ...and bought a Stephen Hawking figure instead. B)


    :o:blink::lol: Dude! Please tell me there really is such a thing.

    It's part of the latest series of Simpsons figures. His wheelchair is complete with jet thrusters, helicopter blades and a boxing glove on a spring. I don't even collect the Simpsons line anymore but there's no way I could pass on a Dr. Stephen Hawking figure! :D


    D'oh! and Humbug.

    I wouldn't want one of those yellow freaks. I was imagining a figure that looked like the real thing. You know... to have a serious conversation about life, the universe and everything with a Professor X figure. :p oh well.

  8. Meh...

    Gp01 is a really nice design. I don't like the FB version much though. (with the exception of the FB core fighter.)

    I'd probably build the standard version but with the FB core fighter if I got the thing. (so it could have those large thruster pods on its back.) But I'm not really interested in a PG of the GP01.

    Assuming they make a Physalis next, a PG Nu, if it ever happens, might now be four years away or more. How discouraging. :(

    Time to put myself in cryo for a while.

    edit: the scaffolding will indeed be included.

  9. I'm not convinced there won't be some limited release trailer for the Japanese Convoy, if only because of that fold-out hole for a trailer peg.

    They should have a trailer that transforms into the repair platform that Prime died on. That way you can lay him on the platform and then press a button that starts a strobe light that wears out the color receptors in your eyes, making it look like he turns all grey. And then a little peg come up and makes his head tilt to the side.

    And then you cry.


  10. I saw a pre-order listing for two high mobility Zaku II's in FIX form, so I guess they're branching out the line for Zeon mechs already. Forget where I saw that.

    Although, actually, that could have been a mistake on that website, cause there's supposed to be some Ver2 MSIAs of those same mechs coming out soon.

    About the Nu, The Fix version is much better. I think that's always the case. But, while the Nu is a great design, I think the HWS armor is overdone and overrated. Just ruins the pleasant simplicity of the Nu design.

    Edit: Here's hoping for a PG Nu Gundam sometime in the next ten years. :p

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