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Posts posted by scand

  1. The only thing I ever bought that I hated were three of the MPC vf1s. I regretted buying them ever since Toynami lied, tortured, and raped us with the R. Hunter MPC. I never should have bought the other two. Those are the only toys I've ever kicked myself for spending money on. The only reason I bought them was for completions sake. Not because I loved the awsome sculpt, die cast content, or the lovely box it came in. :rolleyes:

  2. OMG, I can see the firestorm aproaching! *ducks for cover* :lol:

    That's cool. I've always liked BladeRunner and the other films listed there, cept solaris which I havn't seen and War of the Worlds, which I consider a piss poor adaptation. Though I find it hard to believe the Fritz Lang "Metropolis" didn't make the list considering that Blade Runner owes alot of its visual style to that film.

    Completely agree. How the Hell can TWO Star Wars films be on the list and not a classic like Metropolis. :( That list seems little gay to me. Matrix?! Come on!

    I think Dark City should have been on that list.

  3. Back in the day, the "Robotix" sets were pretty cool. You know, kinda like a cross between a plastic Erector set and Legos with octagonal connection points. They also had electric motors for making toys with motion and had G.I. Joe-sized action figures. Each set had all the stuff to make several different vehicles, weapons, etc. If you had them all, you could make some pretty crazy stuff.

    Outta all the toys I had as a kid that was the most played with toy EVAR.

    I love that thing. Next to that it would be GI Joe. I wish I was a kid in the late eightys early nineties. I would of jumped on the TMNT bandwagon.

  4. I picked one up today, number 0301. I love the detail on it. The sculpt is quite nice and it transforms easily enough. I do wish Toynami would have gone with a bigger scale. some of the joints are just to flimsy. I've already popped one of the flaps and a knee cap off. A larger scale would have probably solved those problems. My biggest gripes are the floppy arms and some splotchy paint. For eighty bucks, a little quality assurance needs to go into these things.

    I was pretty weary about buying. It's still not quite worth eighty bucks. But it's a hell of a lot closer to being worth it than any MPC veritech ever was. I'm suprised to find myself looking forward to future releases.

  5. I just bought a badger NH200. What type of compressor would be good for this brush? Is there any thing less than a hundred bucks? I've found that internal mix airbrushes use the aerosol bottles quicker. It normally takes me two bottles to finish a 1/48 model. That's just two damn expensive.

    Also, I've noticed that the more you spray from a bottle the cooler it gets. When it get's cooler the consistancy of the spray changes. It's really irratating when doing panel lines. I've found it helpful to keep two bottles handy. when one freezes up I just switch to the other one.

  6. You can try drilling it out with a small bit. A dremel tool would probably work nicely. I have actually popped that piece out before with a little force. If you don't want to force it just remove the screw and take the arm apart.

  7. They also had the Ostrich ELINT-seeker and tons of Bandai 1/55s for only

    1,600 Yen ($9.75 +/=), a veritiable steal. I passed on the one w/out the fast packs and got the real deal, the VF-1S Strike Valkyrie baby!

    wait a tick, you bought a VF-1S Hikaru STRIKE valkyrie for 1600 yen????

    Either you've got it confused with the "SUPER" valkyrie or something's up...

    You guys smell something?

    I was reading through this thinking surely this guy is mistaken. 17$ for a hikaru strike?! How bout posting some pics.

    The 1/55's are cool 'n' all, But the toy is behind the times. Plus, those bubble heads are just butt ugly.

  8. Hmm... I pre-ordered from HLJ, and as it has been mentioned that they won't charge till they have the item and ready to ship.

    To give the benefit of doubt to Ken, perhaps he needed some deposit to ensure that no one withdraws their pre-orders? Just a thought

    Then Why not a deposit rather than paying out that much money for three months. The shipping sound a little inflated to me. I had a Q-Rau and a 1/48 shipped together from HK, Those were about 35 bucks shipped together. Surely the Monster is not larger than that.

  9. <_<  as to my stupid question how to link to an old post, how does one do that? :blink:  can someone shed some light? :p

    When posting a reply look at the buttons at the top of the screen. Click the http:// button. Then Type in a description for the link, Next click OK. Now type in the complete URL of what you are linking to. i.e. http://www.macrossworld.com. Or just type in the complete URL into your reply. Easy Peasy! ;)

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