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Posts posted by scand

  1. is the stand the only thing yamato has in the way of new products this quarter? aside from the gbp. that's sad. :(

    Actually Yamato's done pretty good with this quarter. We got two 1/48's, GPB, + the stand. It's the future quarters I'm wondering about. It' been awhile since we've heard anything about new releases. The only things that are for sure in the works are the Konig and 1/100 VF-0S. I'm still waiting on a re-sculpted YF-19?! :(

  2. I don't think they will. I think the Majority of the people who wanted a certain 1/48 got one. There just a small demand for the folks (like myself) who are still trying to play catch up with the 1/48s. Plus, it's still pretty easy to find the valks that you mention. Even, though, they may be jacked up in price. I'm just thankful that I was able to get my 1S Hikaru. I hope the Max 1A will be easy to find in a couple of months when I'm ready to buy him.

  3. It will fit any 1/60 VF-1 EXCEPT the 2-seaters (D, VE, and VT).

    The GPB seems to fit on my VF-1D just fine. I do have to add that it looks pretty damn sweet too. Even though the heatshield doesn't fit correctly, the chest armor is still held on well enough for display purposes. The Elint and ostrich are a little different though. On those valks the nose cone is bulkier. There for, the nose armor will not fit unless being permanetly attached. But, I'd have to agree with what was said earlier, Those valk would be pretty fugly with the GPB armor.


  4. Do what I do do. I just say a traded some stuff on Macross World.

    :lol: haha, that's what I do all the time,

    look, i traded something for this. even though, the collection isn't getting smaller.

    i think she's starting to count how many things i have, either that, or she is actually moving stuff around when she's dusting.

    i just use a can of compressed air from time to time to blow any dust away.

    Don't be fooled she's counting them. Believe me, It was brought up in an argument. I didn't even know I had XX valks :blink: Atleast they got her attention some how.

  5. Can anybody say cat.gifwhip.gif

    Stand up to her like a man, or do what I do and lie about the price...."yes dear, this 1/48 only cost $20, honest"! :lol:


    Do what I do do. I just say a traded some stuff on Macross World.

  6. Has anybody dealt with Tisinc lately via Ebay. I used BIN on a model a couple of months ago. They got it to me pretty quickly. Now, I'm thinking about spending a much larger amount of 130 bucks on an auction for a VF1S. I just want to see if there still on the up and up. the've seemed to have had mixed reviews in the past.


    To follow up on this.

    I just recieved my Hikaru VF-1S today. My experience with tisinc was quite pleasant. I was amazed out how fast the item was shipped. I had a tracking number not even 24 hours after the end of the auction. Tisinc even left me feedback right after I paid. That's normally unheard of. My only complaint is there shipping method. UPS SUCKS!. I have yet to recieve any thing from UPS where the box was not crushed. Over all I give tisinc a 9 on service. They would have got a 10 if they marked fragile on the box.

  7. OMG! I don't venture into the models forum that often and this time I get a treat. Both of those are truly beautiful. When you guys want something bad enough you all sure go for it.

    I would love to be added to the list of interested parties for a YF19. That thing will look great next to a 1/48.

  8. I can't make it out very good, but the Elints radar looks like it is sticking out where the gunpod should be. So it still may be possible to connect a gunpod in fighter mode.

  9. I've pretty much lost my patience with Yamato <_<

    I've (as most of MW) been waiting for a VF-0 since I saw the pre-production M-0 photos...that's like almost 2 years now no? <_<

    Just be thankful you didn't have to wait 20 years for a "high-quality" VF0 like many folks did for the VF1 ;)

  10. Quick question about the stand ... I've heard that it needs assembly and will also require painting.  I presume someone here can confirm/debunk this.

    From my understanding No. You may have them confused with the Valkyrie stands from Hasegawa.


  11. That's awsome. Thanks for the link. The size of the VF-0 compared to the rest of the toys, looks pretty large. It looks to be about the size of a 1/60. I also like the rotational view of the monster.

    There were also some other cool toys in there. That deathpion or whatever looks pretty neat. Some good coverage.

  12. I have the robotech:Macross Saga on DVD, but I really want to see the original, subtitled Macross uncut. I can't spend $180 on an Animeigo boxset! Does this mean I'll never see Macross the way it was meant to be seen? ~Hopeless fan

    You COULD eBay your Robotech stuff. Seriously after you watch the Orig. you won't EVER pick it up again.

    I put in a robotech DVD once after I bought the Animeigo set. I think I watched about 5 Minutes of it and turned it off. I just can't stand the cheesy child-like dialogue and the horrid singing.

  13. Confirmed are the:


    Max Q-Rau

    1/100 VF-0

    Koenig(I'll believe it when I see it)

    I'd say Yamato has next month covered.

    I'd still settle for the MK II Monster. But what I really want we'll see sometime in 2056 a VF-2J Icarus.

  14. I bought only the armor. But I'm thinking about picking up the combo. Im still bitter about having a floppy 1J. It'd be nice to have one with all the fixes and a tv pilot.

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