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Posts posted by Valkyrie23

  1. Got my first one from Nippon Yasan today (2nd one still hasn't shipped from HLJ). Man am I impressed. I thought the VF-19s were nice but the VF-4G just shows Yamato's continued evolution and refinement. I hope they do other repaints of this bird.

  2. Great pics! I remember when some people were bashing this valk early on in the thread for being too dark, for being too light, for being a milking repaint, *baby cries*, etc. Well they can all eat their words - this valk looks fantastic. I might have to go pick up a second one and have them escort the low vis VF-1S around. Better grab them quick before they go out of stock (low stock @HLJ). You know this one isn't getting a restock anytime soon if ever.

  3. Just got back from catching the IMAX show. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Anne Hathaway did an incredible job depicting Catwoman's mercurial nature.

    I enjoyed Bane's performance but 2 things bothered me:

    1) Do you think you can lay on the accent even more? I mean seriously who knew some prisoner can act like its Shakespeare in the Park. By his umpteenth monologue I felt it pulled me out of the movie. I like an intelligent Bane, but just lay off the friggin accent a bit.

    2) Not sure if its the audio muxing or the theater I was in, but turn down the volume on Bane's voice already. Its like he has a megaphone crammed up in his mask or something. The sheer level of his voice and the over use of accent really made Bane sound like a voice over and nothing more.

    Other than that, I like the concept of Bane, but he was just way overdone

    Regarding Blake:

    I know they're trying to appeal to a broad audience, but did his real full name have to be "Robin"? Had they used "Timothy Drake" I'm sure there would be enough people who knew the name or reference. Robin is basically spelling it out for idiots.

    OK - Now I have to go to the Hot Toys thread and get my Batman, Catwoman and Bat pod pre orders in....

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