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Posts posted by Valkyrie23

  1. I don't buy Yamato's Macross valks because they are cheap, I buy them because they're amazing. I don't want them to make some lower-cost alternative. There's enough of that going on. I can go anywhere and buy some piece of crap toy, but it's a rare company that makes something worth displaying on my wall.

    QFT !!!

  2. No idea if Yamato will do a re-issue for the VF-1J 30th. But we still have plenty of the standard VF-1J and super parts 30th:



    Hey HKC - Are the VF-1J TV versions that are in stock from the initial release batch with tinted canopies (2008 release with bad shoulders) or the more recent 2010 release with clear canopies (new shoulders)?

  3. That is horrible. They should be experienced enough with these Bandai Macross valks to know the demand for this. Even the Alto VF-171 EX had a limit of 2 or 3. WTF HLJ.

    They should make this right and go cancel any orders >2 or reduce them and put the reallocated stock back up for sale. We should all coordinate and bombard HLJ by email regarding this issue.

  4. Any place that might have these? Yamato picked the worst time of the year to release this and there was just no way in hell I'd be able to afford or justify buying myself a toy around the holidays. I see one on eBay, but paying $500 is just stupid.

    HK Collectibles has it for ~$403. That's the only place I see it in stock at. Their shipping prices are fair which is still less than $500. I think Yamato will release more of the VF-4G. They have to make money on the new mold somehow.


  5. I'm hesitant to order from a retailer I'm not familiar with, but you guys seem to trust them, so ok. Ordered. Nice.

    NY is pretty reliable so far. They have one of the fastest turnarounds with the Macross F valks from what I experienced. As long as you pay on time they ship it right after release

  6. With registered airmail to California its $213 for me. How easy is it to cancel orders at CD Japan? I might just order my 2nd one at NY

    Edit: Nevermind - my total was just about $200 at CDjapan so I'll keep that one

  7. http://www.nippon-ya...sary-color.html

    There site is back up and I JUST placed my order. :)

    Awesome, but I don't think that's the link to the "pre-order" which is at a lower (retail) price. That is the original stock that they have ready to ship and its marked up to $256 USD.

    Pre-order link should be this one at ~$193 USD:


  8. Apparently you got the last one, it's dead again.

    I guess I did. The stock counter was at 1 at the time. I thought it was just BS, but I went all the way through the checkout. Had to pay up front with Paypal, which sucks, but I was in a rush to finish and post that I just went with it.

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