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Everything posted by sketchley

  1. I don't think it's a nuke. I believe it's a drop-tank. Yes, quick check of the book: "giant propellant drop-tank with reverse thrust nozzles (at the front)".
  2. Yes. It's in that book, next to a rough of a Stampede VF-11 (that aparently never made it off of the design board.)
  3. I believe it falls into the category of 'made for (pay-per-view) TV movie'. I can't comment on it beyond the translations, and the links provided previously in this thread.
  4. Agreed, however, from the Macross Compendium: http://macross.anime.net/story/chronology/2009/index.html (Search on page for: defold reaction from 10 light years ) To clarify, I'm not trying to imply that Zentraedi sensors are limited to the speed of light. What I am saying is that there range is less-than 10 light-years distance. For all we know, they could use the theorized 'superdimension space communicators' as a means of detection (similar to the Star Trek sub-space communicator.) Anyhow, I don't mean to go further down the debate road on the nature of their sensors - just wish to point out their possible maximum range limitation.
  5. The only thing we know for certain of a limit to the Zentraedi sensors is that they cannot detect greater than just less than 10 light years. Reason: the Zentraedi arrived (roughly) 10 years after the arrival of the SDF-1. Unlike the Robotech version, where the Zentraedi detect the SDF-1 upon activation, the Macross version Zentraedi simply detect the defold; namely light and the gravity distortions - both of which travel at the speed of light. Elaborating on this a little, the two Zentraedi ships were dispatched to investigate the SDF-1 a few minutes after the Zentraedi defolded in the Sol system. It is argueable that the SDF-1 was fully aware of them from the moment of defold. It simply waited until they moved into a certain radius (range of the main gun? Range of the Zentraedi ship weapons?) before firing. Thus giving more weight to the arguement that OTEC has super sensors.
  6. Agreed with the other good points. As for this paragraph - I speculate that what we are shown is the limits of the individual unit's sensors. Perhaps in conjunction with the sensor Regult (or a capital ship,) they'd be able to shoot accurately at targets over far greater distances. However, it appears that there was ECM active on the battlefield (most likely from the Zentraedi side,) and that is probably the biggest inhibitor to 'over the horizon' fighting - on both sides. Regarding the food issue... we know the SDF-1 is full of both excess space, and lots of OTEC equipment that is barely understood. Some of that OTEC equipment being the Zentraedi recloning/resizing chambers. Using that technology, the staff of the SDF-1 could input material (biological waste products, other minerals/metal, matter, etc.) and out comes fully cloned wheat, carrots, and a cow or two. Thus, easy access to fresh foodstuffs, with only the energy costs of 'production' needed. As for the excess space in the SDF-1 - the ship was attacked during it's launching ceremony, right. The ship most likely would've done a short test cruise with a small crew complement, before coming back to port, getting more things mounted on it, and a full crew complement into it. The large size of the spaces were also probably a combination of the giant sized hangar bays of the Zentraedi/Inspection Army, and that when renovating the ship, the humans just ripped out what they deemed unnecessary, in preparation for installing what they felt was necessary - barracks for personnel, internal training areas, etc..
  7. Actually... rerecording the soundtrack - and if possible, getting the original actors back into the ADR booth to redo their voices - is pretty consistantely done with these things. Advances in sound technology, or so I have been told.
  8. Here's the website for the movie "Udon": http://www.udon.vc/movie/
  9. a song of the milky way ありがとう。 I live in Japan. I have a Japanese wife. The person put in both an e-mail and a mobile phone number of Japanese origin; and the message has the syntax of an on-line translator. I don't call that being a wiseguy. As for the message: "Yes, the person is Japanese. The person is somewhere near the location (of the filming?) of the movie "Udon". Using Japanese is good. Because the site is still being prepared, only the address is being put up." Regarding the website, roughly, it's: "The world fan Macross 25th anniversary site It is under production."
  10. The jock-kus would probably terrorize the otaku with physical violence until the otaku hide in their rooms, and the jock-kus make a mess of the house with their reinactments of favourite sports moments.
  11. http://www.google.ca/search?hl=ja&q=itano+circus
  12. 日本人ã§ã™ã‹ï¼Ÿ ãã®ãƒ¡ãƒƒã‚»ãƒ¼ã‚¸ã¯è‹±èªžã§èª­ã¿é›£ã—ã„。。。 ウェブサイトã®ä½æ‰€ã¯ä½•ã§ã™ã‹ï¼Ÿ
  13. Kensei, isn't that really called 'the Itano Circus'? Anyhow, Sumdumgai, don't forget the sports otaku that are prevalent in North America. I swear, anywhere you turn, you come across them, their bad fashion sense, and geekiness to talk only about sports. Of course, sports otaku are not really recognized as otaku... the last time I checked, that is.
  14. There are a number of arguements regarding why there aren't that many seen. The biggest would be that most of the human ships are out commanding fleets that are exploring and possibly colonizing the galaxy. Another reason could be that the UN Spacy command got complacent with a bunch of commandeered, and renovated Zentraedi ships in orbit. Lastly, and this is probably the most relevant: the producers of Macross II felt that the more Zentraedi ships there were, the closer to the other Macross projects Macross II would appear to be. Let's face it, without those hordes of Zentraedi ships - and the lookalikes in the Mardook fleet, the show would really only be Macross in name...
  15. This topic has got me thinking - Mr. Lucas is continually tweaking the movies as they get rereleased. Me thinks that in a few years, after the next generation of DVD has defeated its opponent, he'll do a new release - possible all 6 movies - but he'll get the guy who played Vader in the 2nd and 3rd movies, and place him in all of the shots where he appeared in the 6th movie - not just the final one, of the 3 ghost-like jedi masters... As a creative type, I can fully understand why Mr. Lucas is doing his tweaks and changes. Heck, most manga-artists do it when their manga is collected into pocket book form... though, I do agree that some of the change (some of them even mentioned here) weren't necessarily improvements, and some just didn't look very good at all on the big screen (4th movie, arriving in the port city on Luke's speeder - the 3D pan of the city was a big blur! Hideous.) I also wonder why, after spending oodles of moulla on fixing and adding SFX, why they didn't fix the red bar over the emperor's eyes in the 6th movie... that's bothered me from day one.
  16. Haven't you guys seen the movie (or read the book) "the human stain"? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Human_Stain Spoiler: it's about a black guy who, due to nature, becomes white - and hides that truth to both the people he meets in life, and eventually himself. It's probable, in light of this, that Aegis Fokker could be Claudia and Roy's secret love child - without having to go the plastic surgeon route like MJ.
  17. By and large, your summary is good, except for one point that I wish to take issue with: Maybe it's because I am a gaigokujin here in Japan (and as we all know, gaikokujin can get away with more things than the Japanese, or other Asians,) but whenever I mention that I am interested in anime, or like a particular series, I get more positive, or curious responses. Mind you, I don't dwell on the topic*, am well groomed, have a wife, and son, etc.... In other words, if you come across as a 'I'll watch it if it's (easily accessible) on TV' (and don't go out of my way to hunt it down) type, then you'll come across as a more or less normal person. To be honest, most people in Japan are abnormal in some way - the trick is, to not flaunt it in front of others. I think the problem with those known as otaku is that they don't have the social skills to not flaunt their likes in public. But isn't this the same in any other country? *It's like saying, 'I like chocolate covered donuts.' If you move on, and don't obsess about the donut, then all is well.
  18. Hmmm... this sounds like some of the arguements that Christopher Columbus faced when he was going around Europe trying to find sponsors for his little expedition...
  19. The designer - Shouji Kawamori - is a Gundam fan. In fact, Gundam is probably the reason why he became an animator/mechanical designer in the first place. Him and that HAL guy (Mikimoto.)
  20. To be frank, if you ask anyone in Japan about Miyazaki and anime, they will talk about the director. Most people won't even remember the murderer. As for the comparison to Columbine... there was a crazed man who entered a school here in Osaka prefecture, and killed a bunch of kids with a knife. That occured around the same time as the Columbine event, and that is fore and present in people's minds like Columbine. Heck, they added walls, gates, and security cameras at schools, along with other security procedures after it... Miyazaki, just a name with a bit of infamous history.
  21. Balls? I was thinking more about blood samples in the infirmary. When they decided to do the mass cloning, they used every available template.
  22. New soundtrack - given that some of the principle actors have passed on, how are they going to remaster the voices? The clip provided above didn't mention anything about that... Though, it will be "interesting" to see. Interesting, as in what subtle changes they will make to bring it closer into line with the spin-off series. Perhaps adding a logo here or there... Klingon text on their ships, etc.. Perhaps the "ST: Enterprise"'s title ship appearing in the background when at a starbase... What is really picking my interest is their talk about the longer cuts - apparently in the past few decades, commercial time has increased, and what we can see now, wasn't exactly what was seen back in the day... interested, but not going to go out of my way to see it.
  23. You should be aware that as an artist progresses in experience (both doing art, and the world beyond,) and age, their style tends to change. Have you seen the new DVD art for the original series? Done by Mikimoto, I might add. The main characters look nothing like what he did 15+ years ago. Sorry, but that line of reasoning doesn't hold much merrit. I agree that they don't look alike, but do you look 100% like your mom, or your dad? It is possible that he is the offspring of the clone of Roy - or that using the advanced OTEC cloning facilities, he is a partial clone of Roy. Though, it could just be Mikimoto messing with us, by giving him the same name. (I'm starting to lean towards this.)
  24. Such is the fast majority of space: large, hot suns; orbited by spherical objects covered in craters; with very minute amounts of gas present in the mindnumbing distances between objects. Yes, I agree, that in those terms - space is very boring. Though, I look at every object as unique, and having it's own story to tell. In those terms, everything is interesting (including interstellar dust.)
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